Monday 27 April 2020

Monday mix

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I took a day off on Sunday and stayed home, did various necessary chores in the morning, cooked a tasty soup for lunch and spent the afternoon crafting and watching 'Lewis' on TV at the same time. And it was an enjoyable day!

I have another journal page for my challenge at AJJ. For those of you who are fed up with geometric shapes there are just three more to come!

This is a hybrid piece using a hand-painted background and some geometric shapes punched digitally in Serif. The eye of Horus, the bird and the cat Bastet are my drawings:

And I have another tag for my anything goes challenge at Tag Tuesday. 
Before the embellishments:


And some photos from my walks:

Spring is such a lovely time!

Have a great new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love Love Love it all ~ will go back again to soak in all the beauty ~ You get it, the green, the flowers, even the broken fence are just lovely ~ terrific art posts with lot's of color and texture too ~ It's still Sunday here..blessings on the week ahead!

    1. Thanks Karen. I really enjoy my walks here, it is so refreshing. Have a great week!

  2. Sounds perfect. What kind of soup? I eat soup almost each day and also often in the summers too. I am a savoury breakfast person so it's often soup in the mornings, in a big hug that I love.

    1. I made kohlrabi cream soup again, served with roasted pumpkin seeds and sour cream!

  3. Beautiful creative art Valerie, loving the spring colours of your walks, there is something special about the new green leaf colour of the oak leaves.

    1. Thanks, the leaves are wonderful just now, a very unique colour.

  4. Hi Valerie sounds like you had the perfect Sunday. Wow love your journal page and your tag is beautiful,well done with your stunning work my friend. I enjoy all the different views that you have on your walk,stay safe and hope you have a lovely day Valerie xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl! Have a great week, stay safe!

  5. Sounds like you had a great Sunday! Both your art pieces are so cool! Love the colours in both and I love the different subjects! Everything looks so green and clean where you are! Gorgeous and sunny too! Thanks for the beautiful pictures! Big Hugs and stay safe!

    1. Thanks Stacey! Have a great week, stay safe!

  6. Sounds like you had a really good day. The tag and page are awesome. The dandelions really made me smile. No dandelions here yet as it's been raining almost all month. Take care.

    1. Thanks. Dandelions always make me happy. We need some rain!

  7. Great designed projects. The colours of your photos and art bring so much cheer to me, they are always stunning. Glad you had a lovely walk, I so enjoy mine, today we have rain so guess it's not going to happen down under..Hope you are doing well.xx

    1. Enjoy your rain Annie, have a great week, stay safe!

  8. "Lewis"? Nie gehört.
    Oh. Das ist schön und macht mich "traurig".
    Wir wären eine der Letzten gewesen, die in die Pyramiden in Cairo hätten gehen können. Mein Ex-Freund - Ex weil doof! ;-) - wollte lieber ein Kamel reiten und dann war das Geld alle.
    Arghhh! Ok, nicht traurig, sauer! ;-) Echt, Kamel! Also er.

    Dann wandere ich lieber! Nachher in den Botanischen Garten, so man darf.

    Endlich, endlich Farben! Oh! Blumenläden haben wieder auf? Toll! Und so viele "wünsch-dir-was"´s!
    Auf einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Nie von Lewis gehört? Nun, das ist ECHT traurig! Wir müssen nicht nach Ägypten reisen, hier ist es auch heiss, trockrn, staubig und voll Kamele!

  9. Magnificent! Your drawings are perfect!
    Sorry, I'm a little stupid 😅 ... what is the Tag Tuesday challenge?
    I assume you watched the TV series Lewis, right?
    Dandelions, like all things in nature are beautiful when you take the time to pay attention to them.
    Enjoy your day, Valerie! Hugs!

    1. Hi Ella - you joined in the challenge last week with a beautiful tag you made. The theme is always for 2 weeks. Yes, I love watching Lewis, and seeing Oxford. Have a great day!

  10. Good morning Val! It's lovely weather here, so hope you have the same. e will have another garden day, that keeps the kids happy, I've made up a nice picnic. LOVE your beautiful journal page, brings back nice memories of back when! And the tag is gorgeous. Such rich and lush colours. Have a nice day, enjoy your walks, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Enjoy your day in the garden, have fun. Stay safe!

  11. Love the journal page and your tag. Great colours and textures. Beautiful photos as well. Have a safe and happy week. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. You have a safe and crafty week, too!

  12. You really do have great places to walk, Valerie. I always enjoy coming along via your photographs. You may be happy to know that I saw my first Canada Geese with newborns yesterday. I have been reading that your economy is opening up just a little, so perhaps one day soon you will be able to sit in a café and sip cappuccino. Stay well!

    1. Thanks David. Lucky you to see the newborns. I am sad that we can't get to the lakes just now, but I hope they will open them up sooner or later. And a cappuccino in a cafe - nice dreams! Stay well and safe!

  13. So creative. Both tags are superb. Spring is my favorite time of the year. All of the new life everywhere brings hope for the new day. Your photos of your walks are always full of joy and wonder. Be safe.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks so much, Jim. Where there's life, there's hope! Take care of yourself, and stay safe!

  14. Love your pyramid and elegant Egyptian cat. The colours of the page are so reminiscent of the wall paintings of Ancient Egypt as well as the warm Egyptian sunshine too. Finally got around to my Geometric Shapes page - it's taken me the whole month to get around to it, and then once I started it took less than two hours! The textured flowers on the tag are magical.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! These are some of the colours which really remind me of my time in the Near East. Glad you got round to your geometric shapes page, it's a real beauty, thanks!

  15. I love everything about ancient Egypt and your exquisite art piece is stunning!!!
    More Dandelion photos... yippee!!!
    Two of my favorite things in one post plus lots of other beautiful photos!!!
    You are a talented artist in my ways Valerie!
    Hugs and Stay Safe☕

    1. That should have been "many" ways :)

    2. Thanks so much Jan! Dandelions really are beautiful, I can never understand why so many people hate them. No lawn looks bad with dandelions!

  16. Beautiful page Valerie, your drawings are amazing! Gorgeous tag with fabulous texture. Your walks are stunning, everything is so green and in full bloom, love seeing photos of your walks!
    Safe safe. Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, have a great week, stay safe!

  17. Hello, I loved this post, , beautiful.

  18. You must have a lot of wonderful art stored in your portfolio. Looks nice. Good to see such beautiful flowers, too.

    1. Thanks. The flowers are wonderful just now.

  19. Your afternoon with Lewis sounds right down my alley :) I like the texture in your art. That little gauzy flower is the perfect touch.

    The Spring flowers give me hope. Lovely photos!

    1. Thanks! I Love Lewis and Hathaway! Have a great week!

  20. Its so green and beautiful :) Lovely Spring weather you have

  21. Liebe Valerie
    dein Hybridstück und Tag ist wunderschön. die Farben für den Hintergrund sind fabelhaft immer wieder toll ausgedacht!
    Der Frühling ist herrlich ach ich leibe ihn auch so sehr!
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Frühling ist immer eine Wonne. Bleib gesund!

  22. Gorgeous art work today Valerie! Those dandelions are enjoying our garden at the minute and we are not amused!! Beautiful bright photos of your flowers today, really uplifting!

    1. Thanks Pinky. I Love gardens with dandelions! Have a good week!

  23. Wonderful art and lovely photos of your walk Valerie! I hope to go out walking again one day soon.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Hope you can soon get out again!

  24. Love the texture on your tag.
    Lovely photographs, we have been enjoying good weather too.

    All the best Jan

  25. I like this tag and love the photos!

  26. First, I simply adore your beautiful Egyptian inspired journal page. I love the Eye of Horus and the cat whose name I never knew before. It's a wonderful entry and NO, I could NEVER get enough of your beautiful Geometric Shapes, Valerie. You have made this a wonderful month, even if I couldn't participate every day as I would have liked. Thanks for this, dear, and thanks for your participation, too.

    Your tag is beautiful. I love the added texture you have created and the way you finished it, too.

    I always love your walks. Is that a round-about in the photo with the oval thing? Not sure if it's a bench to sit on, or a sculpture.

    Loved those yellow flowers (no, not the dandelions, although they were fun) and the house with the steps filled with plants and flower boxes. Great shots from your lens today, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Bastet is the goddess of the moon, women and dance. The photo shows the roundabout with a stainless steel sculpture b a local artist who lives along the road here. Dandelions are always beautiful - free flowers for the lawn!

  27. That is a great Egyptian piece Valerie. Last week I watched a show about King Tut and the details on Bastet remind me of exactly some of the details on that pharaoh's treasures. And the white stenciled paste lower design really jumps off your tag. Hope it was as nice Monday as your Sunday was. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, The old Egyptian pieces are always beautiful and fascinating.

  28. stunning journal page and tag! xo

  29. Here I am late again calling in. I love your Egyptian themed page Valerie and the wonderful geometric shapes you used. Its beautiful tad with the white texture enhanced image as well.
    Your walks and the photos look lovely, oh how I would like to be out and free to walk by the river. Something to look forward to.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, and please don't worry about being late. You have so much to do just now! Soon you will be able to get out again, and that really is something to look forward to! Stay safe!

  30. Spring is a lovely time. Your pictures are wonderful. I so enjoy them.

    The texture on your tag is soooo cool. I need to try something like this.

    Love the details and colors on your journal page. So deep and well thought out - makes me really think.


    1. Thanks Nancy. I love playing with textures. Stay safe!


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