Wednesday 15 April 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

It's still rather chilly here in Germany, but we did have a couple of hours sun this afternoon, so that was something. I cooked a delicious veggie soup with Chinese noodles, and had a small pancake with blueberries for supper. It was a good day for me!

I have a 12" x 12" page for my geometric shapes theme at AJJ today. I did some recycling here as I had used this sheet of paper before. There was a photo on the right side that I didn't like, so decided to remove it and make something else. In removing the photo I tore a huge hole in the paper. I wanted to use my Frida stamp to cover  it, but it was too small, so I scanned an imprint of the stamp, enlarged it and placed it  onto a striped background before printing it out big enough to cover the hole. I stitched it onto the page, and added various pieces of washi tape and a strip of recycled  lace. I placed some vintage buttons on the lace. I stamped and embossed Frida and the dare to dream stamp with black soot and fine black EP. Then I added 'Genuine' as my sentiment:

And I have another tag for Wendy's 'gold and silver' theme at Tag Tuesday. The quote is from Shakespeare's  Merchant of Venice:

Sunday gave us another wonderful sunrise:

The photos are from Sunday's walk:

I love walking in the early morning when everything is so still and peaceful:

A geometric tree:

And the flowers are filled with geometric shapes:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. sooo beautiful! what a way to recycle ~ you really worked hard & made a beautiful page ~I love all the green and the beautiful blooms ~ fantastic visuals!

    1. Thanks so much! Have a great day, satay safe!

  2. Your lilacs are out! Oh, it must smell divine! We see them in June, or maybe late May. Yes, the early morning has something very special about it.

  3. Beautiful geometric Frida page and a lovely tag in gold. Enjoyed your morning photos, love the greenery at this time of year!

    1. Thanks Christine, it is indeed beautiful just now!

  4. Truly beautiful Frida, lovely art and spectacular photos.

  5. Good morning Val! Hope you had a good sleep. I'm sitting having a coffee before everybody else wakes up. Love your Frida, a wonderful page, so much to see and enjoy. The tag is very clever with that quote. The photos are beautiful, I always feel I am on your walk with you. I love the delicate green of the new leaves. Have a lovely and safe day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! You must be tired if you're drinking coffee instead of your tea! Have a good day, and hope your family doesn't drive you too mad today!

  6. Oh Hello friend- wonderful photos of your sweet town! Love the geometric tree - I always wondered how the steady hand and eye can get it tha shape! I supposed like a hair stylist with a pair of scissors! GREAT card - love the geometic stripes and the lovely ephemera!

    1. Thanks Kelly! If I had to cut a tree it would not look so good, that's for sure! Stay safe!

  7. A Frida stamp?!! Where did you get that from? I have a friend who is THE Frida fan and that would make a great pressie.
    My parents in law´s dog is called Frida and my Granma, who raised us, was called Frieda.
    I need this!
    Great outcome... Und hups. Es ist aber auch schwer mit der Sprache! Mini-Corinna ist zurück, ich huste mich dumm und dämlich.

    Ach, Gold. Riesenstreit mit meinem Vater. Weil ich es NICHT wollte! Zum 21.
    Zum 30. Geburtstag bekam ich dann einen Weißgoldring :-) Jeder hatte seinen Willen.
    Ach du wei, der Baum!! Wer trimmt den denn und wie? Drohne???

    GLG und bitte lass mich wissen, wo du Frida her hast, ja? Einen schönen Tag und koch weiter lecker!

    1. Ich hab dir die Adresse geschrieben. Tut mir leid wegen dem Husten, bestimmt nicht schön. Bin momentan gesund bis auf die Krankheiten, also bin ich zufrieden! Der Baum ist in einem edlen Garten, die werden es vom Spezialisten machen lassen! Bin auch kein Gold fan. Heute wird nicht gekocht, ich esse die Reste vom Gestern.

  8. Beautiful page and tag. Love all the lovely details on the page. Have a great day. Anesha x

  9. Sind das images oder stamps Frida? Dein schönes ist nicht mehr dabei - magst du dir was aussuchen - so das "Stempel"!! sind und wir tauschen?

    1. Stempel. Wenn du images brauchst kann ich dir welche schicken! Ich schaue nachher durch die Stempeln und zeige dir was ich hab!

  10. A beautiful page Valerie, loving the little added elements, so perfect with the Frida image and that's a great quote to use on your golden tag.
    Lovely photos from your walk, lovely to see the lilac blossom.
    Ave a great day and stay safe.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! Have a great day and stay safe and well!

  11. I love this page and how you enlarged your Frida image, it looks a fantastic collage style background as well. A great inspiration page for your Art Journal Journey theme.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. I enjoyed the photos and could almost imagine what it would have been like on the walk for real.

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I often imagine I have people walking with me, so it could be that you really were there! Stay safe!

  12. Stunning and most colourful, the style is also amazing.xx

  13. This Frida is really beautiful …
    I have not seen the lilac bloom ... in my garden the flowers are still not open.
    Maybe these days they open because the warmth weather is coming back.
    You know how the white flowers are called?
    Enjoy your day, Valerie! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella! The white flowers are on a tree down by the lake, but I don't know their name, I'm not a good botanist. I just know they are beautiful!

  14. Early morning walks are the best of all, Valerie, when it is peaceful and quiet with not too many people around. Mind you, in these times there are not many people around at any time of the day! Stay well, stay active, drink coffee!

    1. Thanks David! True, not so many people are about these days. But the early morning has its very own magic!

  15. I sure wish I could find a way to transport myself to where you live for just a day ot two. I would get in lots more walking and steps!(lol) Sending some hugs your way! RO

    1. That would indeed be wonderful!

    2. Oh my gosh is that a lilac tree? Or a crepe?
      Your piece has all kinds of wonder in it. The lace, Frida, tags, bird, heart, striped background, etc. Also like the glitter piece.
      Stay safe. Stay healthy.

    3. It's a lovely lilac tree! Thanks Sandra. Stay safe!

  16. Frida to niezwykła kobieta . Piękne fotografie z niedzielnego spaceru . Dużo dobrych chwil życzę:)

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Such a gorgeous spring with beautiful flowers. And all the green! I'm happy for you that you get to be out and about without many people around. Sweet!

  19. Loved your morning photos. You are talented! Wonderful posts.

  20. Was für wunderschöne Arbeiten das sind gerade mit Frieda sie ist eine bewunderte Frau noch heute, toll und deine andere Tags!
    Schön der Sonnenaufgang und all die anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten. Kalt ist bei mir auch und der Wind pfeift um die Häuser aber die Sonne scheint wneigstens das!
    Pass auf dich auf und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, wenn die Sonne scheint ist alles irgendwie erträglicher! Bleib gesund!

  21. Your Frida art is fantastic! I have many books on Frida.
    Love, love, love your photos...each and every one of them!!!

    Hugs and Stay Safe ☕🌾🐦

    1. Frida was indeed a wonderful artist and a very imposing personality, a great example to us all!

  22. We are having the most amazing weather at the minute Valerie! Feels cool out of the sun but gorgeous under it!! Loving your gorgeous makes today and the tour with your photos. Hugs Pinky

    1. Thanks Pinky! Nice weather hers, too but cool in the shade. Stay safe and well!

  23. So a quick fix then lol. I love your piece, Frida always adds such presence to everything. We've had fabulous wether here today for our bike ride, really warm in the sunshine but a bit chilly in the shadows. Take care and stay safe, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, sounds like we're having the same weather. Stay safe!

  24. I like how you masked that hole in your art. Genius! Lol. Love the environment you live in.

    1. Thanks. It's pretty here by the river. Stay safe!

  25. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the collage style with all of the textures! Gorgeous photos, the lilac tree is beautiful, our lilac and pear trees should be blooming soon!
    Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Blossom time is always something to really look forward to. Stay safe!

  26. Wonderful page. Genuine, indeed. It must be so wonderful to walk with no one around like every where you walk belongs to your own garden. Sunrise and flowers are just gorgeous.

  27. Thanks. It sometimes really feels as if it's all mine!

  28. Valerie, very cool journaling page - love that Frieda stamp, the lace, the buttons, and the dotted heart. Super recycling. Cool tag. Wonderful pictures. The pancakes with blueberries sound wonderful as does the soup. We had Chicken Alfredo with extra broccoli and Merlot for dessert tonight. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Chicken Alfredo and broccoli, yummy! I'm making omelette and salad today!

  29. Oh I do like Frida. That was smart to enlarge her and I like how big she is. Plus you added some super texture pieces to your page too. Did I mention I am enjoying this challenge? And you have lilacs blooming? I am jealous. Hope you're having a great day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks! I always love Frida! Glad you are enjoying the challenge! Stay safs!

  30. Beautiful photos and art Valerie, I love the Frida image!
    It's warmer and sunny here today, the washing's out :-)
    Best wishes,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I had my washing out yesterday, it was sunny and windy. Take care!

  31. You take some of the most beautiful photographs when you are out walking. I love looking at where you go and imagine walking along the paths myself. I can almost feel the nip in the air.
    You have reminded me that I have some Frida stamps somewhere - I really must get them out because I used to love using them and can think of lots of cards and things I could make. YOu page is lovely and nobody would know that Frida is part of a patch where you had a hole - what a good idea.
    I love your tag - what beautiful lettering.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps those sunsets are fantastic

    1. Thanks Neet. Frida is always a good subject for journaling. I'm a great sun lover.

  32. Frida is beautiful and so is all your photos! Big Hugs!

  33. How in the world did I miss this post, Valerie. How many others have I missed? I am SO sorry. Had you not mentioned that you recycled something on Wednesday, I would never have come looking for what I had missed.

    What a great save. I've come to believe something I was told when I first started making art. No matter how much you mess up, you can find a way to fix it by layering. And that is exactly what you have done with your wonderful use of the Frida stamp and your sewing, too. I absolutely love it. It shows what can be accomplished when you need to cover a hole or a boo boo. Thanks for pointing me to this post, dear and thanks for yet another lovely entry for Art Journal Journey.

    Lots of lovely examples of geometric shapes in nature through your lens, too.

    1. Thnks. Glad you found and liked it. I think there are a couple more you missed! 'she who seeks shall find'!

  34. your Frida piece is breathtaking! so many gorgeous and delightful details! i enjoyed your gold tag also! continue to stay well. xo


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