Sunday 12 April 2020

Happy Easter- Happy Passover

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing all of you who are celebrating a happy Easter, or happy Passover. Have fun, even if there are no guests this time. Next year will surely be better, so  we can look forward to that instead of being sad. 
Actually, I am quite enjoying myself just now. We've had good weather, there is no noise from the nearby airport, the air smells better and there are lots of places where it's possible to walk almost alone and enjoy nature without disturbances. I've been reading a lot, and doing a lot of crafting. I cleared out several drawers and boxes and found stash that I didn't even know I had....

Today I have a hybrid piece to share for my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ. The background is a photo taken last year, which I faded to reduce the colour. The circles were also cut from the same photo and a chopped up painting. I assembled it in Serif and added the dancers digitally. I love the combination of nature, circles and dancers - the world in balance:

The day started off with another beautiful sunrise:

I enjoyed my walk through the fields:

Everything is green along the stream:

I walked through the Diakonie, I love the combination of Victorian buildings and beautiful flowers and trees. This is where Florence Nightingale did her training as a nurse:

A rusty dove of peace:

Geometrically cut trees in a garden:

And an Easter egg tree - I don't think they grow on the tree, so I suppose the Easter Bunny hangs them there:

Have a great day, take care, and don't let 'Corinna' spoil your fun.
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great header for your blog. Always good to see your art. Wonderful photos from your walk, love the Eater egg tree.

  2. Happy Easter Valerie, yes lets hope our next will be full of friends and family it's sure going to be a much quieter Easter Sunday in my house today. Making the most of the good weather doing as many chores in the garden as possible, I too have been enjoying the absence of the aeroplanes and the freshness of the air. I can sense the love of your early morning walks, the best time of the day for me. I love the idea of an Easter Egg Tree hee hee.. Thank you for taking us on your journey too and sharing another super page, your dancers are like wee fairies embracing their love for springtime too.. Have a fabulous day Valerie and take very good care xx Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I'm sure it was good to be in the garden. Have a great day!

  3. Love your Dandelions header!!!
    I always enjoy your talented creations... gorgeous!!!
    Happy Easter 🐰✝🌷

    Hugs 🌻🌺🌸💠

  4. Happy Easter! that tree is stunning! we have similar here in Brooklyn that blooms so beautiful every year :)

    1. Spring is a time when nature shows us so much beauty- Happy Easter!

  5. I think we can all learn a great deal from this virus. The importance of telling people you love and care about them, the joy of really noticing everything around us, the quiet that comes and is so welcome, and the kindness of people. Whichever holiday you celebrate, or neither or both, a joyful spring season.

    1. That's true, I just hope people won't forget the things learned during these strange times. A crisis often brings out the best in people.

  6. Beautiful images and thoughts Valerie xx

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are planning a restful day today, whatever, just enjoy it! The kids are still asleep, so is Mum, so I have a few quiet moments before chaos breaks out! I love your beautiful art, as always, especially the wonderful dancers, such great colours. Glad you have been able to get out to take photos, too, it all looks beautiful. Our neighbours have an Easter-egg tree, too, so pretty. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, please take care of yourself and try to get some rest, you need it! Have fun day! Stay safe.

  8. Florence Nightingale ... I have to smile! That's how I tell my daughter to tease her ... She is a maternity nurse by profession but now has a different job. Your photos are very beautiful!
    Wishing you sunshine and a basket full of chocolate on this beautiful day. 🐰 Happy Easter! Hugs! 🤗

    1. That's a nice way to tease her! The sunshine is here, but no basket of chocolate - yet! Have a great day!

  9. Ohhhh, schön! Sehr, sehr schön! Du schaffst es noch, dass ich Tanzkurse nehme ;-)
    Endlich Frühling und Frieden wäre toll, wird´s wohl aber nie geben...

    Natürlich war das der Osterhase, der Weihnachtsmann hat doch Urlaub jetzt!
    Stimmt. Mit den geschlossenen Geschäften hat wohl kaum einer "neue" Osterdeko. Ich seh hier nix.

    Corinna kann mal schön zu Hause bleiben - mein Bruder hat übrigens sehr darüber gelacht. Ich schätze, das ver... Virus heißt nun auch in Bornhausen so :-)
    Dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    P.S. Sehr schönes Banner.

    1. Okay, dann war's doch der Osterhase. Ja, Corinna kommt rum....und hoffentlich geht sie bald!

  10. A lovely post to read this morning Valerie and your Art Pages look awesome. I was really drawn to the one with the silhouette dancers and the words you added. Yes our world is shaky these days, we need balance to return to our lives.
    The photos were beautiful and I enjoyed seeing the glimpses and scenes as you took your morning walk. You will guess I am having a smile at the Easter Egg tree.
    Stay safe and well my friend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I always smile at Easter egg trees, too, and I saw several on my walk here. Have a great day, stay safe!

  11. What a fabulous journal page, Valerie. I love how you used your own photo for a background to this beautiful piece. I never realized Sitting Bull had such wisdom. This is gorgeous. It's also a perfect entry for your theme at AJJ, too.

    I was surprised to see the plane trails across the sky. I didn't realize any planes were flying. Only military planes are allowed to fly in the states. Really love your photos, though. Love how they show spring is such a beautiful time of hope, even as we celebrate it in a totally new and different way.

    Happy Easter and Happy Passover, dear friend. BE well and be safe on your walks.

    1. Thanks E! The airport is only open for emergency flights - sick people get flown into the airport and transferred by ambulance or helicopter from there to the Florence Nightingale hospital round the corner. It's heavenly that it's so quiet just now. Usually there are 60 flights each hour, and now it's about 20 a day.

  12. A wonderful post, Valerie - so happy you are finding places to get out and enjoy Nature - it really is one of her most glorious times of year, and it would be so sad to miss it completely. Speaking of gloriousness - your page with the dancers and the bubbles of colour and flowers is absolutely glorious. I love the sense of harmony and balance - you're so right about that. It's a sweet Easter page too to start things off, and then all your beautiful photos. Thank you for an uplifting post today. I'll be back for some proper catching up soon. Stay safe, stay well, and happy Easter.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! This is indeed a wonderful season and I am very happy and thankful that I can get out and enjoy it. Happy Easter, stay safe!

  13. Happy Easter, Valerie! WOW! I absolutely LOVE that beautiful Easter work of art. And the hybrid piece you made is simply amazing. I so enjoyed your photos and get a sense about how much you love your beautiful town, changing world, and life itself. Thank you for sharing your happiness with all of us. It's contagious! Happy Easter! HUGS!

    1. Thanks so much Sharon! I like to celebrate life everyday, that's important for me. Stay safe!

  14. Hoppy Bunny Day to you dear Valerie, and as always you've brought such wonder and beauty with your posts. Purple plants and flowers are always so lovely, and I agree - next year will be much better. Meanwhile, I've been doing the same as you and finding stuff I didn't know I still even had.(lol) Be safe and thanks so much for the peaceful pics. Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro. Isn't it amazing what we stash away and forget about? I've been walking around in 'holey' socks and discovered a packet of 12 new pairs. And loads of embellishments for crafting!

  15. So many blooms and beautiful colors to see here ~ Love the Easter tree and that one huge pink tree is amazing ~ The dove of peace is a welcome vision today too. Your Easter page is gorgeous and with a wonderful quote ~ Blessings on your day!

    1. Thanks Karen. That cherry tree is the loveliest one ever, and always beautiful, especially as it has such a lovely form. We all need peace in our lives, too. Have a peaceful and blessed Easter!

  16. As you say, Valerie, the air is cleaner, and everywhere is quieter. I enjoy it very much when I go for a walk and this time of year is fantastic for a bird lover, of course, as the migrants start to pour in. Stay well and take care of those fingers.

    1. Thanks David! It's good fo find positive things in this crisis.

  17. Beautiful art and so nice to see everything in bloom.

    1. Thanks Christine. This is a wonderful season.

  18. I love the Sitting Bull quote on your spring/Easter page. It is really beautiful. And nice modern take on circles. It is so much fun. And you have dandelions blooming. And actually so much in bloom. Nice to see the flowers. And you are right, this time is a good way to reset our life buttons and appreciate the simpler things. I'm actually liking being home as long as I can get outside each day-good thing this didn't hit in January. Take care and happy Passover. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, it would have been much worse in winter. Glad you are enjoying being Home. Stay safe and e!

  19. Two beautiful pages Valerie, I love that quote on your Easter page! Gorgeous photos and blooms, I love that flowering tree! Your town is filled with a lot of beauty and history. Happy Easter! Take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. That's one of my fave quotes, too. Happy Easter, stay safe.

  20. Happy Easter! Your artwork is really pretty-I love the colors too. I always love the walks you let us see with gorgeous photos. I am in awe of the beauty you live in. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    1. Thanks Debra, happy Easter to you and yours!

  21. Loved everything. Hoppy Easter. A purrfect header for the season:)
    Elbow bumps with much caring attached.

  22. Happy Easter! I'm enjoying your sunrise and that gorgeous spring-flowering tree. Your walk is filled with delights :) We're learning what we can do without in these days. Maybe we'll better appreciate all the non-essentials once we have access to them again :)

  23. Always beautiful photos and words on your page... Have a good and safe Easter with your family.

  24. The flowers on that tree are STUNNING!
    Here's to no noise from the air port. Love that.

  25. Hi Ivy, thanks a lot! It#s a wonderful tree, my all time fave. Have a happy Easter, stay safe!

  26. A gorgeous page Valerie, the colours with the silhouette dancers looks stunning.
    Lovely photos from your walk and I love the Easter egg tree, a lovely idea.
    Happy Easter and stay safe, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! Yes, Easter egg trees are a fun idea. Hope you enjoyed your day. Stay safe!

  27. Happy Easter. Love both pieces of art. Such beautiful photos. Glad you are doing well in this lockdown. I am very grateful for where we live as we can go out for walks around the fields. Stay safe and well. x

    1. Thanks Anesha! Glad you can get out, too. It's good to be counting our blessings instead of the problems!

  28. großartiege seiten hast du gemacht,und deine bildaufnahmen von dem blühenden kirschbaum sind traumhaft,auch der rostige rosa peace vogel ist super.

    einener post heute von dir,dankeschön für die osterkarte,ichhab mich sehr gefreut.

    schöne ostern und bleib gesund.

    hugs jenny

    1. Danke Jeanette! Freut mich dass die Karte dir gefallen hat. Schöne Feiertage und bleib gesund!

  29. Beautiful photos and artwork Valerie! I hope you have had a lovely Easter day.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, I had a wonderful day! Take care!

  30. What lovely dancers! I love your photos too, they are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing them and have a lovely Easter!

  31. Thanks a lot! Happy Easter and stay safe and well!

  32. Happy Easter and Happy Passover lovely lady....your photos are sheer beauty as is your delightful colourful page...big hugs and thanks for the sweet cyber card.xxxx

  33. Hallo liebe Valerie!
    Deine Hortensien-Komposition gefällt mir sehr gut, schöne Farben und Design.
    Auch die Fotos von der blühenden Vielfalt um dich herum sind wieder wunderschön. Deine Fotostrecken sind immer ein Genuß.
    Bleib weiterhin gesund, fröhlich und kreativ. Hoffe wir können uns bald sehen, vielleicht mit Mundschutz. ;)
    Alles Liebe

    1. Danke Sabine! Ich wuerde mich freuen wenn wir uns treffen koennten- auch maskiert! Bleib gesund!

  34. Fabulous art and photos Valerie! Glad you can get out and about - theres lots of lovely colour there! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, it all looks beautiful that's for sure!

  35. Thanks for making me smile! I love your art piece and I love all the photos! Everything is truly gorgeous! I forgot to say on your last post, that the cat is a good watch dog for that farm! LOL! Big Hugs!


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