Friday 24 April 2020

Friday This and That

Hi Everybody!

This week is racing by, I don't know where the time goes,  it just does!
Hope you and your families and friends are all keeping well and safe.
Today I needed a prescription from the doctor.  I rang up and said what I needed, and was told that the doctor would ring me back. He called me a few minutes later and we had a consultation over the phone. Then he said I could collect my prescription in half an hour. It was duly handed to me  through the window when I got there. 'Corrina' is teaching us new ways! It was much safer than having to sit in a waiting room, and it was much quicker than a normal visit!

For my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ I have a hybrid page. I used my new tag for Tag Tuesday,  digitally magicked onto a painted background with some digital additions from Serif and Mischief circus:

This is the 2nd of the series of 4 tags, each 12 x 5", made for my 'anything goes' challenge at Tag Tuesday. You can see the first one here
if you missed it. The tag was painted, textured and then sewed onto purple card, the dots were added with structure paste and a stencil:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and TIOT, fun with stencils.

We have had warm and sunny and often windy weather this week, with wonderful sunrises each day:

I enjoyed my early morning walks along the Rhine and through the fields:

This feather fell down in front of me as I was walking along:

The horse chestnuts are in full bloom:

The blackthorn is beautiful, too:

And I always love dandelions:

The cormorant was on the look out for breakfast:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow the actual doctor phoned you back in just a few minutes and then you were able to get your meds within 1/2? That would never happen in the US. Especially talking to the doctor. We have to talk to an assistant and meds take up to 3 days to even refill. I really like this particular piece. The wings especially.

    1. It was quick and painless this time. I can always get my meds without a long wait, but this was good. It's a great way to protect the patients.

  2. So glad you got your prescriptions, very important. Beautiful tags and the photos are so pretty. That feather has a lovely pattern.

    1. Thanks Christine. I love finding feathers. Usually I bring them home with me, but this time I had to leave it!

  3. Good morning Valerie oh wow love you tags the colours are so vibrant,well done on your beautiful work my friend. And I love the pics of the sunrise and the feather ,my sister collects feathers ,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. I usually collect the feathers, too, but had to leave it this time. Just waiting for today's sunrise as a write this.

  4. Nice use of the tag and nice page. That gorgeous women does look she is cleaning up your paint. And it is amazing how much further your spring is from mine. Other than some greening grass, not much else yet. Happy Friday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I thought the woman looked fun cleaning up, especially after my messy crafting! Hope spring soon gets underway at your place.

  5. Beautiful tags. Wonderful photos from your walk, great to see the blossom . Good you got your prescription easily.

    1. Thanks. The blossom is so wonderful just now.

  6. I love that your doctor got right back to you and that everything went smoothly. That's wonderful.

    I love the, Anything Goes, challenge. That sounds fun. Well done on your art work too.

    Wonderful photos. I love the yellow!

    1. Thanks. Anything goes is always fun, I like spontaneous! Have a great day, Ivy, take care!

    2. Thank you. Hope your day is well.

  7. I'm glad you got your meds so quickly. That would never happen in the states. You are so lucky to have been spared of having to wait in the waiting room.

    Your tag is incredible. I love the way you incorporated the texture paste and the feathers. It made a great addition to your theme at Art Journal Journey when you turned it into a journal page and added the woman. It's lovely all around.

    Lovely photos today, Great sunrises and beautiful flowers and greenery. My world is just starting to turn green. Yours seems to have been that way for awhile now. PLEASE stay safe in your walks, too, dear fried.

    1. Thanks E! It doesn't usually happen that quickly here. Usually you are there for about an hour, sometimes more. This was very efficient and relaxed.

  8. Aw the photos are just fabulous - so much green and fresh! I love the feather you found and so appropriate for the beautiful artwork you've created - so colorful and love all the colors and texture! Stay safe, my friend!

    1. Thanks Kelly! Spring is such a wonderful season here. Look after yourself, stay safe!

  9. New innovations and ways to do do is good!
    Your nature pics shows how summery it's already, and beautiful.

    1. Yes, we always need to learn new tricks, keeps us on our toes! It's been feeling like early summer these past days! Stay safe!

  10. And this time, the tag is very nice! You used the colors that I really love. I'm starting to enjoy working with texture paste.I thought it would be quite difficult, but it's not that bad ...
    I've been wondering who Corrina is ... but after two sips of coffee I found out who it is ... well, I'm awake now!
    I love that the chestnuts are in bloom, and the dandelions too ... Do you also like to shoot the birds feathers? I love it!
    Have a nice day en a great weekend ahead! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. I love that colour combination. Corrina is the guest visitor none of want to have around!

  11. Geht also nicht nur mir so! "Hups, schon wieder ne Woche rum?!!!"
    Ingo durfte gestern zur Zahnärztin. Augenarzt-Termin wurde wegen Corinna abgesagt. Wo ist die Logik?
    Aber ja, du hast recht, ich sitze immer ungern zwischen hustenden, schniefenden Leuten. Corinna bringt auch Gutes!

    Sehr schönes Tag!
    Windig wars hier auch, uiuiui.
    Oh, ein Forrest Gump-Moment mit der Feder.
    Hast du dir mit der Pusteblume was gewünscht? Nicht sagen, was!
    GlG und jetzt kommt die Sonne doch noch raus hier, einen schönen Tag dir!

    1. Ja, die Zeit verfliegt! Ich hab Zahnarzt, Augenarzt und Ohrenarzt ale abgesagt. Gehe nur im Notfall. Hier sind so viele Pusteblumen ich müsste den ganzen Tag was wünschen!

  12. Love the tag and the hybrid piece. Glad you got your meds so quickly. Stay safe and well. x

    1. Thanks Anesha! Look after yourself, have a good day.

  13. Das sind wunderbare Arbeiten mit der Schablone und hübsche Details!
    Herrlich ist das Wetter und bei euch noch wärmer wie bei mir. Tolle und schöne Fotos. O ja es gut so mit dem Arzt und das abholen... ging mir auch so diese Woche.
    Ich wünsche dir ein gemütliches schönes Wochenende und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Das wetter ist in der Tat sehr schön hier. Gut dass die Ärzte so föexibel sind und auf dieser Weise helfen können!

  14. It is a gorgeous page, I love how you described it as digitally magicked, I will remember that phrase. It was a great way to use the beautiful tag and a super addition to your AJJ theme.
    That was good news about getting your prescription, we can order repeat items and get them the next day from the Chemist and we think that is a good service as well, we are also lucky to get ours delivered home , hue to OH's health issues.
    Stay safe and keep well, the photos from your walks looked lovely.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. This digital crafting really is a sot of magic, and I love playing with it, it gives us so many possibilities. Glad you get your meds delivered to you, that's a good service. Take care!

  15. The world for us is definitely changing Valerie. I too received my prescription through a window after having queued down the street for half an hour! Kinda defeats the purpose though as there were a lot of people in that queue! The other side of 'Corrina' though is the beauty of nature as shown in your amazing photographs.

    1. Oh dear. Long queues seem to be a feature of 'Corrina' - not what the doctor ordered. Stay safe!

  16. Certainly is a beautiful post, pictures, art work, love all the lush colours as well...have a lovely weekend..x

  17. Simply gorgeous card, Valerie! Amazing colours and layout! I simply LOVE it! As I love also your beautiful photos from your walks. Please stay safe. Hugs, my dear friend.

  18. I think that dandelions are the most under-appreciated, unloved flowers of all time, and that feeling seems to be universal from country to country. When was it that we learned to despise them so much? Stay well, Valerie.

    1. I don't know why people don't like them. For me there's nothing nicer than a lawn or field full of dandelions, clover and daisies - and I have them all on my balcony!

  19. Hi Val, hope your day is going well. It's the usual Friday chaos here, and later we are planning on grilling in the garden, the kids always love that. Your tag and the journal page you made from it is spectacular, love the gorgeous colours. And wonderful photos from your walk. S is really better now, thanks for the book you sent here, she lovey it and has been busy colouring the pictures. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Glad the little book got there. Enjoy your grilling later. Stay safe!

  20. Your art is fantastic. I love the texture in it and the colors are so vibrant. Beautiful! Loved seeing the feather. I have lots of various feathers-would love that one! Your greenery is a sight for these eyes-as we are pretty cold here still, and far away from having leaves on trees. Loved seeing that comorant on that red thing.

    1. Thanks Debra. The feather is from a magpie. Have a great weekend!

  21. You have such a lovely weather over there. NYC have been cold and today is raining ... Ugh not the Spring I asked for

    1. I believe you! Hope you soon get some goof weather at least!

  22. I think this kind of doctor's appt is a great improvement!!! Wonder how ob/gyn could do it this way ... lol
    Your art is so 3 D I like! The pic of white blossoms is astounding! Makes me want to sit right down and try to paint them

    1. Hmmmm, that might be problematic at the open window! The white blossoms are wonderful. Stay safe!

  23. Congrats on such a painless virtual doctor experience. I love how you did that tree on the left with those sweet blue flowers. Your walks always brighten my day :) Gorgeous spring views :)

    1. Thanks, I could get used to such appointments!

  24. Beautiful art! Very creative! And those are great shots!

  25. Your artwork is really beautiful Valerie, I love the colours and patterns, & I love the leaf, feather and wings on the tag.
    Great photos as always.
    I had to get my prescription online last week, the surgery set it up for me. And a lovely, local lady volunteer picked up my drugs and delivered them to me.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! Glad you got help getting your prescription. There are so many lovely people helping just now. Nathalie still gets my shopping for me - even toilet paper this week - for which I am very thankful. Look after yourself!

  26. Your tags are just amazing! I adore the leaf one. Such gorgeous colors! And lovely photos to brighten our day!

    1. Thanks Jean, nice to see you around again! Stay safe!

  27. a beautiful, textural art projects Valerie, I love them both! I also love seeing your many wonderful photos. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, have a great weekend! Stay safe!

  28. Beautiful tag and gorgeous colors Valerie, love the textures! Stunning photos- the sunrise is gorgeous and the path with all of the trees is awesome, so beautiful! Enjoy your weekend and stay healthy.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Sunrise is always my fave time each day - coffee and sunrise is a good starter! I love leafy paths, too. Have a great weekend, take care!

  29. Beautiful artwork and tag! The texture paste looks so amazing against the background that you created 😀. I'm glad you got your prescription ok and the blossoms look so pretty! Have a wonderful weekend! Keep well! Hugs, Jo x

  30. I love today's art. You're using my palette again! And I love the texture. So beautiful in your world. Your spring has burst - how glorious. Happy Weekend.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I love these colours very much. Look after yourself!

  31. I like the first photo of your art. Very pretty. I am glad you were able to get your prescription so quickly and efficiently. Blessings.

  32. Thanks a lot. It was a great relief to get my prescription without having to sit in a crowded waiting room. Have a great weekend, take care.

  33. Happy you got your prescription. Fabulous art here, luv the photos too
    Happy PPF Valerie


  34. Hallo Valerie!
    Dein Tag ist so schön und in dem Bild integriert gefällt es mir auch sehr gut.Deine Farbauswahl ist auch genau mein Geschmack, genauso die Dekoration des Tags.
    Deine Fotostrecke ist wieder ein Träumchen.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Danke Sabine. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut, bleib gesund. Irgendwann sehen wir uns wieder!

  35. A really gorgeous tag. Lots of interesting elements to it. I was wondering how you got such dimensional dots, thanks for explaining. I love the girl at the bottom. What kind of piece is that? I so enjoy going on your country walks with you! I guess that was a blue jay feather? Have a good week and feel good.

    1. Thanks Gloria. It's a magpie feather. We have jays here, but not blue jays, the European birds are mostly different. Stay safe!

  36. I have given dandelions a second chance! After researching how healthy the greens are, I actually made Martha Stewart's recipe for Dandelion salad this week! It has started me down a rabbit hole of wild edibles in Missouri - and I have SO MANY on my property! I am now sampling weeds as I work in my gardens, and adding the craziest things to my salad! Today I made raspberry leaf tea, and tomorrow I'll try gooseberry leaf tea - all because you mentioned your dandelion love!! Thank you!!

    1. So glad you have changed your opinion about dandelions and other wild plants. So many of them are really beautiful and healthy. Dandelion leaves in salad always taste good, too. Have a great weekend, stay safe.

  37. It been ages since I been involved with Paint party friday. Your piece you did looked like it took some time to do, very nice.
    The pandemic teach us all new way to live. Stay safe.

    1. Yes, we need to learn new ways. Stay safe and well!

  38. such a stunning piece of art today! xo

  39. That is excellent about your prescription. My mom has been having her's delivered to the door for free. I agree, a lot safer for all and a lot faster! Both your art pieces are so beautiful! Love the colours you used! Beautiful feather that came to you! I think a great "sign"!!! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacey. Feathers are always a message for me! Stay safe!

  40. The tag is already amazing with all that scrumptious texture, but it looks even more fabulous in its new setting. Sunrise sigh!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I always have fun playing with texture!


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