Thursday 2 April 2020

2nd on the 2nd and geometric shapes

Hi Everybody!

I think this whole business with 'Corrina' is changing me.... I have started doing housew**k every day! I wash up after every meal,  I've been tidying my cupboards and  I've dusted the furniture. I even cleaned the balcony. But the thing that worries me the most, is that I've started counting the sheets of toilet paper - help! I may be needing treatment when this whole scare is over!

For Art Journal journey I have a very simple, hybrid piece today. The face (Sketchy  faces from Mischief circus) was placed on a sheet of stenciled paper and I added the quote.I put it all together in Serif.  Super quick and easy, but still effective. And I am also linking to Rain's Thursday Art Date, stencil art:

And for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, I have found some old pieces which also have geometric patterns to keep the theme:

I love the cup-stencils:

Another stencil-and-doodle piece:

 And some photos showing geometry and symmetry in nature:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, I have started to clean my house too. Oh, I need desperately the lady who cleans my house every week! Let's hope that all this mess will end soon! As for the toilet paper, please do not worry, my friend. I will send you a full of box if you need it! Ha ha. I love your humour, my friend. Your new page is gorgeous! What a great inspiration for me! Thank you, sweetie. And I lllllllove your photos! Especially the moon, the water lillies and the ducks! Hugs!!! And please take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks Mia! Take care. Now that would be an idea sending paper rolls here!

  2. Lovely post and stunning photos. Makes the world shine a little. Mo Jo is gone down the drain here as well and why, I don't know, must be the isolation, and laws but it's a tad depressing...hope you are ok.xx
    Oh re the loo paper, there's always a lot of scrapping paper here one can use.xx

    1. Thanks. I have plenty of art paper here, a last recourse!

  3. Wonderful art with geometric patterns and stencils! The photos are stunning too.

  4. Thanks Laurie! Stay safe and well!

  5. Beautiful nature photos and wonderful geometric art Valerie!
    Being cooped up at home, I guess we are all seeing the dust more clearly! Lol!
    Best wishes,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks! I never thought ANYTHING would drive me to do housew**k!

  6. I love your latest entry for Art Journal Journey. It's a beauty. That stencil art is incredible. Thank you for another really gorgeous and inspirational entry using your geometric theme.

    I also LOVE,LOVE, LOVE your new blog banner. It speaks to me. It's the mathematician in me, I think.

    You found some wonderful entries for your second look this month. I remember most of them. In fact, all but one. You have a great body of geometric work to look back on and I'm super thrilled and impressed. Thanks for sharing this with us as your second look on the 2nd.

    Sorry I'm going to miss Rain's Art Date this week. I'm like Annie. I don't want to do anything. I haven't cleaned house for over a month. I clean my two baths and my kitchen sink and counter. That's about it. I clean my table when I sit at it. I'm just not interested in anything, which is a bad time considering this is my recycle month. I'm delighted you are taking the lead on this hosting responsibility. I'm delighted and happy for you, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I need to keep busy, sitting still was never one of my virtues and never will be! I have always been fascinated by geometrical patterns and see them everywhere.

  7. Grosse Klasse Valerie deine Arbeiten zum Thema Formen und Schablone, ich liebe deine Art, sie sind so bezauberhaft und fantasievoll gestaltet!
    DeineFotos genauso, herrlich anzusehen!
    Ja, das putzen werde ich heute auch mal mehr machen weil das Wetter mies ist heute wieder mehr stürmisch und trübe, also bleibe ich drinnen.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Putzen ist heute gut, es ist sehr kalt und ungemütlich draussen. Wir machen eben das Beste aus der Sache! Bleib gesund!

  8. Ich kann dir gern TP schicken, haben noch! Sende Luftbrücke.
    Schöne Arbeit/Quote und oh, ja. Ich träume von Arbeit, alten Arbeitskollegen, Autofahren. Ich will doch bloss schlafen! Und nen guten Job.
    London. Soooo lange her.
    Hach schöne Fotos. Grau heute hier, trotzdem einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Danke. Bei sparsame Führung halte ich eine Woche oder so durch! Es ist grau und sehr ungemütlich heute, brrrrrrrrrrrr!

  9. Great creations, love the first piece, just beautiful. Well done on getting all that housework done. i need to do a bit more but my craft room keeps calling me. lol Have a good day. hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha. If the craf troom is calling you, you need to obey! Have fun, stay safe!

  10. Oh my, this page is stunning I love how you designed this one for your AJJ theme and you found a lovely quote to add to it.
    Now for that dreaded 'H' word, I did grin. I haven't felt like starting anything these past weeks just keeping up with what is necessary , but I do have a few toilet rolls and if it wouldn't block the drains we could revert to squares of newspaper like my grandparents had in their outside toilet.
    Stay safe and well my friend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks! Me doing housew**k makes me laugh, too. My great aunt always used newspaper, she thought loo rolls were only for the idle rich! Stay well!

  11. Your last picture is, of course, the prize of the crop, Valerie. Housework every day seems like a very serious condition. I am sure that terminal boredom is the cause, but rest assured that a cure is well known - just not possible right now. It is called fresh air, freedom of movement and coffee in your favourite café. Just imagine how sweet it will be! Big hugs from Miriam and me.

    1. Thanks. I can understand why you like that last pic best! I think we will all be happy when we can get back outdoors and moving around. Yes, it will be sweet!

  12. This page is so beautiful ... I love how you designed it and you found a really nice quote to add to it. Wonderful!
    All your pictures are so beautiful ... I want to enjoy the flowers but I am having so much trouble right now … I can hardly accept that the corona virus had turned our lives upside down!
    I hope everything is better with you! Do you have any toilet paper? LOL
    Have a beautiful day with lots of sun! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. Our lives have indeed been turned upside down and inside out just now, and it is hard. But we will get through it! Stay safe!

  13. Happy April 2 Valerie. Nice new page. And it is good to see those art pieces. I don't remember the red one and it is really great. I am now seeing shapes and symmetry too. Its a fun way to look at the world. Hope your cleaning doesn't make you too crazy. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's funny isn't it, when you start thinking about certain shapes you see them everywhere! I'm sure I will get over the cleaning bug sooner or later! Stay safe!

  14. Terrific pages and a wonderful quote. I cleaned yesterday, and I also started to think too much about toilet paper. I calld the pharmacy/drug store and they said they get deliveries on Friday's, so that's where I'll be at 7 AM when they open! I have enough for awhile, but I hope if I buy more, I'll stop thinking about it! Beautiful pictures of blooms too ~ thank you for brightening my morning. ~ Blessings

    1. Hi Karen, thanks! I think we will be seeing people with toilet paper disturbances soon. I can't go shopping just now, but Nathalie has tried and it is sold out everywhere. Good luck finding some on Friday!

  15. Oh Valerie, you are not the only one cleaning your house. When this is all over we will all have super clean houses.
    I love it that you have themed your photos to geometric patterns. Nature is full of it. So beautiful.
    Luckily I have enough toilet paper and there is no shortage of it in our village, so I need not worry.
    Take care my friend and have a lovely day (cleaning?)

    1. Now at least we will all be well cleaned and polished by the end of this crisis! Lucky you to have toilet paper, here there is nothing! Today I was tired and hd an afternoon nap, which did me good!

  16. Your stencils are excellent and so are your photos. Take care.

  17. Well Valerie, I thought you had done all that was possible to inspire us with your post yesterday but today you have certainly given us lots to look at and think about in your beautiful photography. Have you taken all of those pictures? I just am in love with the dark blue sky and the moon.
    The face you chose to use in your first journal page is very hauntingly beautiful. I think I am going to have to look up the manufacturer of this - it really speaks to the viewer.
    I like all of your pages, the teacups show so many different patterns that I am sure they are one of the best references one could use but I have to say I am drawn to the London page. Not because it is my own country, it could have said anywhere for me - I just love the techniques you have used to illustrate it. One of my favourite pages, but I still like the face.
    Thanks for all the inspiration
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! I take all my photos myself, I have been running round with a camera since I was a kid. London is my home town, where grew up, so always something special for me. The face is part of a set from Mischief Circus.

  18. The first thing I notice when I visit here is the fantastic art and today reinforces my beautiful.
    Then I move on to the gorgeous photos that cheer my heart.
    Thank you so much Valerie for sharing your talent and the beauty you create.

    Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷

  19. Just when I think you couldn't get any better, you get better ... what an array of natural beauty and we look at those flowers in a different light when you call them geometric ... isn't nature just wonderful. I love your lady on the stencil paper and your Martin Luther King quote is perfect for the times ... though devastation would be a better word for what is happening all around us.I pray you stay well and safe ... run around with a disinfectant wipe and clean all the surfaces that you touch often especially if you have been to the store .... wash hands, wash hands, wash hands ... do you see what is happening here ... I too am counting squares of toilet paper. Our lives are being transformed. I can only hope that we all survive and become better for the experience (at very least, cleaner, Ha!). Stay well, Valerie ... till next week :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. These are indeed very hard times and I hope we all come through them well. I have to stay home in account of my age and various illnesses, and I am taking care and washing my hands! Better and cleaner are good goals! Stay safe!

  20. The toilet paper hoarders have a lot to answer for, those greedy folks :(

    All those flowers in their different colors and shapes, and the beautiful nature scenes help make up for not being able to get out and about :)

    1. Here the hoarders are selling Toilet paper for exorbitant prices in Internet. Stay safe!

  21. The photos are beautiful and do indeed show symmetry.
    As always, great pieces. I'm particularly drawn to the first.
    Hope your TP holds.
    Air hugs,

  22. Hi Valerie, I have to agree with Sandy. WOW! From the art to the photos. Just beautiful.

  23. Such beautiful, bright artwork today. Rivals the gorgeous flowers, too.

  24. Blooming lovely Valerie, how nature calms my mind. Your first page is stunning the stencil image works incredibly well with that stunning face, she dynamic. You really are embracing your love for geometry, so vivid in design. I feel my mind racing with those very same words when I should be sleeping, the worry of the world owes me many lost hours of sleep. Creative hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. We need all we can get to keep calm just now. I'm not sleeping well either. It can only get better!

  25. Gorgeous art work Valerie, I love that face and awesome quote! I hope to play along this month with your geometric shaped theme... I just need to put my thinking cap on :) I absolutely love your photography every picture is stunning!
    Take care & stay safe!
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, hope to see you at the challenge, that would be great. Stay safe!

  26. Hi Val, sorry I am so late, we had a bad time with mum wreaking havoc with everything and with us all yesterday....It's hard jut now. Your art and photos are, as always, beautiful, and a balm to my mind. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Don't worry about visiting, I can imagine how hard it is for you all just now. Keep calm, stay well!

  27. This really is an absolutely wonderful page Valerie - the quote, the face and that lovely distressed background! It's great seeing how geometry has played such a large part both in your art and in nature! I haven't been too bothered about dusting lately as we seem to have less around with no traffic - just keeping places up to 'standard' has been good enough at the moment! Not counting pieces of toilet paper yet but if we can't get any next week will be rationing it!!! Take care, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Dusting is not usually my hobby. either!

  28. Hi Valerie :) Your stencil art is wonderful, I really love your lady face and the cups! Your "natural" geometry is very fresh and beautiful to look at! Oh good've succumbed to house cleaning you poor thing...I hope I don't catch THAT disease lol...

  29. I have resisted the urge to do housew**k so far - lol. Your page is awesome - I love the girl and the stenciling, but that quote grabs me. He was such a brilliant man. Obviously touched by God. Thanks for the pretty picture share too - you are so good at pictures! Hugz

  30. Lovely art.
    Lovely photographs.

    Stay safe.

    All the best Jan

  31. Keep counting the sheets on your toilet paper roll! LOL! I do! LOL!
    I love that first art piece! Great quotes you use! All your art pieces are gorgeous!
    Love the moon and flower pictures! Big Hugs!


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