Monday 13 April 2020

Monday Post

Hi Everybody!

We had beautiful Easter weather today, warm and sunny, but we have a few days of cold weather on the way. I saw several people on my walks today, all kept a respectful distance and greeted me with a friendly 'Good Morning' or Happy Easter. The isolation seems to be improving people's manners! Apart from that I had a relaxing and pleasant day and was able to Skype with some friends, too. 

Today I have another hybrid piece for my 'geometric shapes' challenge at AJJ.
I used a multi-coloured , hand painted background and a gelli print made with a spiral stencil. I cut the circles in my digital programme and multiplied them , making one large and the others small. I arranged them on the background and added the quote from Pythagoras:

A few photos from my walk today. The blossom is so beautiful just now, and everything smells so good, what a pleasure!

The neighbour's kids drew an Easter greeting on the pavement:

The cat belongs to the farm at the end of the road. If the roosters leave the yard and go onto the path outside, the cat chases them back inside:

Visits from family Finch:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Those colors in your art are amazing. They are bright and those spiral circles are so cool. We had a nice Easter to start also, and I also got a nice long walk in this morning. It feels so good, doesn't it? And I am loving those finches. I haven't seen ever those species;wow, they are beautiful. What fun to get those near your window. Hope you have a good start to your week even if the weather isn't as nice. Thanks or a great challenge and such super art so far at AJJ. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Finches are pretty, there are lots of different ones, too. You have a good and safe week, too!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Monika, hope you are enjoying your weekend, too.

  3. Beautiful art work Valerie, and I am really enjoying your walk photos. The finches are beautiful.

  4. Great spirals. And thank you so much for the Easter greeting. The sky looks so blue and the flowers! Love the kitty and how he chases the rooster back home. Oh, and the bird pictures are amazing! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ! The cat s really a funny one, a rooster cat instead of a sheep dog!

  5. Beautiful art and lovely spring photos!

  6. What a good cat! Love the bird shots ~ Glad you had another nice & friendly walk & more time to create ~ Keep on keepin on!

    1. Thanks, I keep on tryin' to keep on tryin'! Stay safe!

  7. What an incredible journal page. I adore the beautiful swirls and circles you created. This is lovely, Valerie. I'm SO glad you agreed to host this month, because you are amazing and really hitting all the high notes each day. Today;s AJJ entry is no different. It's a beauty with undeniable charm.

    I've been saying that people seem kinder and nicer since this lockdown and I've had naysayers tell me otherwise. I'm just glad you echoed my thoughts as you took your walk today. I love the spring colors and how everything is in bloom. It's like the world got a fresh rain and is now glistening as a result.

    1. Thanks E. I'm enjoying this theme. People are getting kinder, that's a big step in the right direction.

  8. Love the journal page. The splashes of color are the perfect background for the swirl discs. Spring is my favorite time of the year. Everything is fresh and new. The fragrances in the air are spirit lifting and full of promise. Great photography.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings.

  9. I love the area that you get to walk in. Very nice. It's also nice to hear how kind people are being to one another. I like that a lot. Cheers to you!

    1. Thanks Ivy, Yes, it's great that people are learning something from this crisis!

    2. Oh my gosh yes, so much to learn and to come away with, stronger.

  10. wow,wasfür eine tolle seite,gefällt mir sehr wie du alles ganz harmonisch zusammengestellt hast,auch die farben sind schön.
    die bilder von den blumen und den süssen orangen vogel sind traumhaft.
    wünsch dir alles liebe und bleib gesund.

    hugs jenny

  11. Have love seeing the gorgeous blossom and finch today here and a beautiful colourful post...big hugs.xx

  12. Good morning Val! Hope you had a good sleep, and wish you a lovely day. It's cooler here, too, this morning, but that's fine with me. Love your beautiful creation, it is so dynamic and full of energy. Wish I felt that way! Great photos, too. And that must be a clever farm cat! So, time to serve breakfast to the masses now, I can hear them stirring.... hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I hope the stress of having everybody home is not too much for you. Take good care of yourself!

  13. Its a fabulous geometric hybrid page for your AJJ theme Valerie
    The photos were super and wow a cat that thinks its a guard dog, that made me smile today. When we had cats they chased feathered friends.Have a good day, stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Some cats are really bossy, and this seems to be one of them! Stay safe!

  14. It was warm here too yesterday. It got up to seventeen degrees with bright sunshine and little wind. Many people were out walking, maintaining a safe distance of course, and I suspect that they were mightily glad to be outside following their recent enforced confinement. Great shots of the Bullfinch, Valerie. Stay well!

    1. Thanks David! Glad you had some warm weather, too. Good to hear that people are being sensible. Mr Bullfinch is always very hungry when he visits and has a good appetite! Stay safe!

  15. Very nice photos, Valerie!
    The cat with the white socks is my favorite!
    Enjoy the new week! 🤗

  16. Sehr kalt und windig hier.
    Schöne Fotos, die Katze macht einen guten Job! Und trägt einen Tux :-)
    GlG, Iris

    1. Gleiches Wetter hier, brrrrrrr! Die Katze war echt süß! Bleib gesund!

  17. Wonderful hybrid piece, love the colours. Glad you had a lovely Easter. Keep well and safe. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Hope you are enjoying your Easter weekend.

  18. I love the vibrant colors in your piece. Beautiful!

    So happy you had a nice Easter and that your walk was good too. Nice to hear that people are seeming to be a bit kinder now. I hope we do learn some things during this tough time. Your walk looks lovely and that finch is just adorable. :)

    Stay well!

    1. Thanks Jess!If people get to learn things then it is good indeed!

  19. Beautiful page Valerie, the spirals are so cool! That cat is so cute keeping an eye on the roosters, gorgeous photos of the birds too! Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I love spirals! That is definitely a cool cat! Stay safe!

  20. Fantasievolles Journal, Valerie! Deine Spaziergang war so schön im Frühlingskleid die Natur zu bestaunen und der Finke, ach ist der schön und so nah, tolle Aufnahmen sidn das.
    Ich wünsche dir ncoh einen schönen Ostermontagabend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Die Finken sind echt lieb, sie fressen alles auf dem Balkon und lassen sich Zeit! Dir einen schönen Abend, bleib gesund!

  21. i adore your spirals! and all your gorgeous photos as well of course! happy Monday! xo

    1. Thanks Michele! Have a great week, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  22. Wonderful geometric art once again!
    I loved writing and drawing on the sidewalk with chalk as does our four year old great granddaughter. She especially loves using our 300' driveway as a chalkboard!
    That is one smart 🐈

    Hugs ☕🌷❤

    1. Thanks Jan! The Kids offen fill the sidewalks with their Art, it's a great way to be creative. Your great granddaughter hast a huge canvas to use!

  23. Ohhh this is so different than what you usually do and I love it!!! Great photos too.

  24. I love your gorgeous spirals! And all your delightful spring photos :)

    1. Thanks! Spring has been especially beautiful this year. Perhaps nature is giving us something good to balance the corona virus. Stay safe!

  25. We still can't walk in Poland. I miss spring so much.

    1. That's hard for you. I Hope things are soon better. Stay safe!

  26. Beautiful art and photos Valerie. I love the finches.
    Keep safe,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! Finches are indeed lovely, and greedy! Stay safe!

  27. I love that the chickens have a guard cat! And a handsome one, too. This geometric challenge is a very good one for you. Love this piece -- and all the blossoms, too!

    1. Thanks. It was fun to watch the kitty at work!

  28. Fabulous page Valerie! Your walk looks wonderful - we never get to see Bullfinches now! We went for a short walk the other day and as we crossed the road a man walking in the opposite direction said hello and thanked us! It hadn't been deliberately to avoid him!!! Chrisxx

    1. It's good that people are learning to take precautions!

  29. A beautiful post! Thank you my friend! I hope you had a great Easter! Thank you for the e-card. I sent you a reply! Hope you got it! Big Hugs!


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