Thursday 23 April 2020

What a mess - Rain's Thursday Art Date

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme today is 'what a mess', and mess is something I am used to, as I am not exactly the tidiest of people to put it mildly!

I made this journal theme for my 'Geometric shapes' challenge at AJJ, and wasn't planning on showing it because it is so messy and chaotic. But, as it fits this theme, I have decided to use it. This started out as an A3 page, which was painted and textured. Then I decided to add some drips. I stenciled the circles, the Mona Lisas and the birds. The drips on the page make it look like Mona has a moustache! Then I stenciled some squares, some of which got some white spots. And just to go completely overboard, I added white spots, spotted washi tape and some text written around the circles. And then I did some sewing round the edges - overkill complete! I am also linking to TIOT, fun with stencils:

And now for some messy photos. In the night from Saturday to Sunday some drunken stupids set fire to one of the old paper containers. The containers were duly collected and will be replaced, but all this mess was left behind:

And the glass containers next to them were overflowing. Corrina seems to make people thirsty!

But when I went past again this afternoon it had all been tidied up and cleaned:

One of the houses on our street is being modernised, and  all the mess, stones and earth are now in the front garden awaiting  collection:

 And I can't believe it, but this mess was on my work table when I got up this morning - those naughty elves! Anyway, it has now been tidied again!

And some pics from Pexels:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Valerie great post my friend and a messy one,lol,glad the rubbish got cleaned up,stay safe my friend and hope you have a lovely day xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. I hate it when everything's messy!

  2. Beautiful blue geometric page ~ I'm glad they picked up the recycling! they did say everyone's alcohol consumption has increased and it appears that way in the photo. I love the child's messy painted hands and I'll share why tomorrow, since it's still weds. here ~ Life is a beautiful mess :)

    1. Thanks, I'm glad they took that garbage away, too. Looking forward to seeing your post!

  3. Those elves. How bad were they overnight. Love the circles.

    1. Oh yes, they are bad they mess things up something terrible!

  4. Hi Valerie. I don't think your page is very messy. In fact I love the circles and those quotes you wrote around them. But the bottles in that photo, wow. That must have been some crazy party. And I hope your Wednesday went well. It sounds like you had a day of happy memories and a day of sad ones also. Hope those messy work table elves sleep in tonight. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It was a strange day yesterday, that's for sure. Those naughty elves were quiet last night!

  5. Guten morgen Valerie, das ist doch ein tolle bearbeitende Seite, kreativ und doch anders wie sonst die Farben aber stimmig wieder. Die Sprüche dazu passen und das Resultat gefällt mir.
    So sieht oft mein Bastel und Malertisch auch aus. Wei hgeisst es wer Kunst macht macht auch Dreck und Chaos sonst wäre es keine richtige Kunst.
    Die Welt beherrscht oftmals den Dreck der Menschen, bei mir gibt es auch solche Ecken, das ist schlimm und müsste nicht sein.
    Ein tolles allerei zu den Themen und du hast es grossartig gemeistert.
    Hab einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich bin froh dass icht die Einzige bin mit einem chaotischen Arbeitsplatz! Bleib gesund!

  6. Great art page, so good to see the rubbish was cleared away.

    1. Thanks a lot. It's awful when people just dump their rubbish, isn't it?

  7. Your page is fantastic. Great theme, my desk will fit in with your photos. lol Have a great day.

    1. Thanks. I think we are all a bit chaotic! Stay safe!

  8. Na, da kannste besonders Ingo, aber auch mir, die Hand reichen. Ich wollte Montag ordentlich aufräumen. Ja, hab angefangen...
    Schöne Handschrift. Habe den Nichten was zum Ausmalen ausgedruckt und muss nun einen Brief mit Hand schreiben dazu. Au weia.
    Übst du das und: Heißt das es geht deinen Fingern gut?

    Idioten überall. Und ja, in den Nachrichten kam doch, dass der Alkoholkonsum sehr gestiegen ist!
    OKOK, ich räum gleich auf, Himmel, das kann man ja gar nicht mit ansehen! ;-)
    Wieder sonnig hier, dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Ich fange oft an aufzuräumen, aber dabei bleibt es....Die Finger sind etwas besser aber ich kann nur einige Buchstaben screiben und muss dann Pause machen, also dauert Alles lang. Aber ich hab Zeit! Hier auch sonnig und schön, bin gerade vom Gassi zurück.

  9. Loads of great art and even more of messy elves and gritters oh and idiots. Seems the corona virus has brought the idiots forward more so than ever, we have them here too.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. it's strange isn't it - a crisis brings out the best in some people and the very worst in others.

  10. You did the rain theme very well!
    When it rains everything gets wet and messy …
    Some scenes I have here too ... a container that has been burned down (new year) or by the supermaket the glass container that is full ... but my work table is never a mess ... I get stressed if not clean on my table is! I am "delivered" with defects! LOL
    Have a good day! Hugs!
    P.S Thank you for always being the first to comment on my blog!

    1. Yes, rain makes things wet and messy. And wind dos, too, when it blows things around!.I never understand why people have to burn containers or dump their rubbish outside. My neighbour doesn't like mess, either, and never has anything untidy at his place, not like me!

  11. I admit to being a bit messy - always having ink on my fingers, art supplies around the house, etc. Sooo.... I love your post. Great journal page - I love Mona Lisa and all the fun additions you added. Those elves did mess up things a bit - they live at my house - lol. Fun pictures too. I think Corona does make people more thirsty - now we have evidence. Fun post.

    1. Thnaks Nancy! I'm glad to hear you are troubled by those mischievous elves, too. I think most crafters have messy tendencies! And yes, Corrina gets people thirsty!

  12. I am basically not a messy person, but I do not say that with any level of smugness or pride, it is simply a fact. If I take something out I put it back right away, my desk is never especially messy, my books are well organized, and so on. I guess I don't have malevolent elves coming around in the night! Stay safe, Valerie.

    1. Well, David, the elves and gnomes here in Germany are famous for causing mess, so I'll blame it on them. Good if you're a tidy person, I think I was born without a tidy gene! Have a great day!

  13. This was a very "neat" post of art and reality in our chaotic and messy world.
    You captured both of these in your photos and a touch of it in your art...which by the way I liked!

    Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷

    1. Thanks Jan. The world is really in a state of chaos just now. But sooner or later we will get back to normal again! Stay safe!

  14. Me again … 😅
    I updated my page again today ... hope you will like it! You inspire me so much ... Thanks!

    1. Wow, Ella! Your page is GORGEOUS! And I'm sitting here singing about purple rain!

  15. Great art! :) I can appreciate and enjoy a mess- but I do not like litter or when people leave too many things outside of containers. If a container is full- try to find one that isn't, or bring your bottle (or garbage with you). It drives me crazy! Unfortunately there is a lot of litter on the edges of most roads here. I am so confused when I see it because I have never thought of throwing my garbage out my card window. I am always hoping people will change their ways. :)

    Have a lovely week and stay healthy!

    1. You're so right. My private mess is my problem, but why people leave litter everywhere, I do not know. There are containers for glass, old paper and old clothes on almost every corner, so they would just need to drive a little farther. Stay safe and well Jess!

  16. First of all I love the art page, 'what mess? it looks fantastic to me and super for your Art Journal Journey theme and for Try it on Tuesdays.
    It is awful that folk think its acceptable to create mess in public places, I wounder how they would feel if the mess was dumped outside their own houses.
    As for your table, mine is permanently looking like that, I'm sure more is added overnight as well.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks for the kind words Yvonne! I'm sure lots of crafters have messy tables, perhaps not quite as bad as mine, but still....! But I cannot tolerate people who dump their rubbish outside.

  17. I tend to be neat and organized so I groaned when I saw the mess you pictured so well.

  18. Lovely messy art and photos today, wonderful take on the theme Valerie!

  19. Love your messy art! Purrfect.
    People can be absolutely nuts can't they?
    I could use some of those rocks for my garden.
    You take special care.

  20. Oh I just love the mess those naughty elves made LOL!
    They sometimes do that when I am having an arty session with the grandchildren!

    Happy Thursday Wishes

    All the best Jan

    1. Oh dear, the elves must be everywhere! Have fun with your grandchildren!

  21. mess is also an art :D messy art :D

  22. Love your 'messy' art Valerie, Mona looks cute with her tash!
    Great photos too!
    Alison xx

  23. Good that the mess was cleaned up Valerie
    You shared some fantistic messy themes with us today


  24. Your messes get cleaned up faster than mine do ;)

  25. What a great piece, Mona looks fabulous here, she's obviously not been to the waxing salon in quite a while. I love the messy theme, definitely a fun one! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Hihi! Why should Mona go to the waxing salon when I can't? Waxing is difficult with 6 foot distance!

  26. Everyone's interpretation of messy is probably different. I have friends and once had a neighbor who spent every minute of every day cleaning. Every drawer, closet, appliance, under the rug, over the rug ... you name it. Now they would probably tell you that I am messy, but I wouldn't agree... at least not about everything. I keep my home clean (and now I am trying to keep it sterile), but not immaculate, and I am comfortable with that ... but I will admit to a messy desk and art table ... once I plunge into a project, I am too busy to clean up after myself and once I am finished, I have to go clean my house, so that is my personal messy spot :) Your messy picture I would call complicated not messy, but art for sure with much food for thought. You should be pleased that you kept going until you were satisfied. The rest of your post is definitely mess ... no argument here :) So I hope you are staying safe and well Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. I am not a tidy freak, and always place creativity over tidiness. A house should be clean but homely, with room and opportunity to play, create and enjoy life. I think your place will be like that!

  27. Same mess on the whole world. After a party at our lake, we have the same pictures to offer :-(

    Best regards


    1. Hi Bernhard, people seem really to behave the same all over the world. Chaos and mess shouldn't really surprise us!

  28. Why do so many people see to never care for cleaning up after themselves in public places? I never understand. You may not have been satisfied with your piece but I think it has a lot to say!

    1. It's the same when they have a picnic at the Rhine. It's never too much trouble to carry masses of food and drink there, but to clear up after themselves seems to be impossible, although there are garbage containers everywhere.

  29. Your latest journal entry is wonderful. I don't think of it as messy, because I see order in it. And it definitely has some wonderful geometric shapes, as well as great images of Mona Lisa. Even the washi tape is geometric. It's a beautiful entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Wow, Valerie. You found some really messy areas in your neighborhood. Even with the lock down, it seems we have "hoodlums" out and about when no one is looking.

    As for your desk, it is yours. Who am I to tell you what it should look like. I have a small one, and must keep it clean and picked up, or I would be overwhelmed. Lately, however, I've let housekeeping go by the wayside, something I've NEVER done before in my life. Could this be MY new normal?

    1. Thanks E! I'm sure you will get back to your good habits sooner or later. I think I never had any! Mostly I don't even notice when things are messy - and when I do, I clear up and start all over again!

  30. I love all the mess! LOL! Your messy art piece is interesting! I was following the lines! LOL! And, I love your messy desk! LOL! I am so sorry about those ding dongs setting fire and leaving all those bottles! Big Hugs and Stay Safe!

    1. Thanks Stacey. Yes, some people are stupid!

  31. Hi Valerie :)) Your desk is an awesome mess! I loved seeing all of the goodies you have there! People can be such idiots...they have no respect for others, nature or themselves it seems...I'm glad it got all cleaned up. I love your messy Mona Lisas too! Lovely! :)


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