Friday 3 April 2020

The square on the hypotenuse

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all holding up well in your solitary confinement and doing things to help pass the time. I still do my running and dancing at home, and have been averaging about 14000 steps each day. On top of that I use my cross trainer every day, and managed 50 kilometers last week. And I read a lot, and spend a lot of time at my computer or in my arty kitchen.

Today I have a hybrid piece to share with  a classical example of geometry that we all learnt at school. The quote is, of course, from the one and only Pythagoras. I remember chanting it at school, we had to repeat it till we had it in our heads, and I have never forgotten it:

And here as an unforgettable song:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have some more photos from geometrical forms in architecture and nature:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I really enjoyed your photos today Valerie, nothing like some flowers and park/gardens to cheer us up. Wonderful art work again too. Keep safe.

  2. Hi Val! I have done a catch up here and am as usual overwhelm by all the gorgeous art and photos. I'm impressed and proud of you for keeping up with all that exercise. I'm hopeful some will rub off on me, lol. I do need to kvetch a bit though. The Geometric theme at AJJ is a really tough one for me, even having been an accountant and math person. I admit to saying Yuck, hehehe. Okay, kvetch over. Have a great week! XOXO

    1. Thanks Aimeslee! Stay safe, have a good weekend!

  3. I'm so impressed with your geometric mind I have to say I did not like anything mathematical at school not sure if it was the teaching or the teacher that scared me. Now if you had been my teacher it would have been a whole new kettle of fish. Well done for remembering the quote from Pythagoras I can just about spell his name hee hee!
    Beautiful shared pictures again I especially love the bug houses.
    Take care dear Valerie & thank you for your kindness and inspiration Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, maths was not my best subject at school, but I loved geometry. Stay safe!

  4. Fabulous page Valerie, I love that background! Stunning photos, I love all of the flowers especially the giant sunflower!
    Take care & hugs Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy. The botanical gardens have the most wonderful flowers and veggies. Stay safe!

  5. That's a great video and Pythagoras featured art. Lovely photos today.

  6. I have been sitting too much at the computer today as it rained all day I didn't get out for my walk. Sorry you can't walk right now. I am grateful to live rural, but I also did some dancing with one of the dogs today. He likes to wiggle around and dance with you. Meanwhile the other dog just looks at us like we are weird. Love your geometry page as well as the stripes and checkerboards. You can't get a better quote for this challenge. Have a super Friday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, I wish I had a dog to dance with, my Scruffy used to do things like that, too. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall so I could have watched you! Take care!

  7. Oh that is the perfect geo art. Just wonderful. I am so impressed with these photos to. Be safe and Elbow hugs.

    1. Thanks Nicole, The photos remind me of happier times. Stay safe!

  8. Fantastic and artistic page today..xx

  9. Good morning Val! Another wonderful page, love it, and the music, which I remember well! Fantastic photos, too. We had chaos here yesterday, Mum was playing up again, and I really had my hands full. Take care of yourself, off to get breakfast for everyone here. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, sorry things are difficult just now. Look after yourself, take care!

  10. Great post. Shapes are everywhere and math we need every day....

  11. Gosh, Valerie. I'd never heard that saying before and it took me a minute to figure out what it was saying. Once I repeated it twice, I got it. I like the way you documented it with your great geometric shapes. Its a great hybrid page and another genuine beauty for us at Art Journal Journey.

    When I first saw that dome I thought it was geodesic, but it's close. What a great place to grow tropical plants. I could visit there every day if I lived close. It's that calming and peaceful. Great photos, too. I especially liked the bee hotel.

    1. Thanks E, glad you got it in the end! The dome is the tropical house at the University Botanical gardens, a place I love to visit in 'normal' time, I'm there usually once a week.

  12. Playing catch up again as my accounting hat has been on the last few days sorting out stuff for Andy's business as it's been difficult as we're juggling finances at the moment!
    Gorgeous and very striking artwork Valerie and love the quote you used, I remember it well! Beautiful photos adnd the colourful flowers are just what we need at the moment.
    I'm in awe of your step counting and cross trainer work and it sounds like you're much fitter than me! Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
    Fliss xx

    1. Thanks FLISS! I think we all had to learn Pythagoras back in the day! I'm trying to keep as fit as possible! Take care!

  13. Oh, ich hatte mal einen Crosstrainer - da sind mir die Füße nach 20 Minuten eingeschlafen! Aua!
    Dann lieber "tanzen"! :-)
    Der Satz des Pythagoras... dunkel, ganz dunkel! Aber schön umgesetzt! Wir hatten nen echt blöden Mathelehrer.

    Toller Song! So macht Mathe dann wohl doch Spaß!! Muss ich Ingo zeigen!
    Tolle Fotos - dir einen schönen Tag, trübe hier, aber was solls, GlG, Iris

    1. Ich komme mit dem Cross Trainer gut zurecht, meine Füße sind noch dran! Hier ist's auch trüb! Bleib gesund!

  14. Very nice photos ... the dome with geometric shapes is beautiful and and stirs memories … The Botanical Garden in the city where my husband was born has exactly the same dome!
    Wishing you a great day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella! The Dome is in the Botanical Garden in the Heinrich Heine University.

  15. I think you will be wearing a hole in the floor with all that exercise. In due course I will notify the German Olympic authorities that you will be ready to report for training as soon as that is possible again. The Marathon will be your chosen race, I believe. No doubt a documentary will be made about Valerie's Victory. It will be inspirational and shown in schools throughout the world! in the meantime keep on hoofing around the apartment! And stay well! David

    1. Now that would be nice, I could enter the senior games! I will keep in training!

  16. I think your inspiration from geometry art is intriguing. Bravo!!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  17. Oh Valerie, I'm so impatient! I saw your page which immediately made me think of Danny Kaye so I rushed off to find the clip that if I had continued scrolling down would have found far more easily!!! I loved Danny Kaye, I remember seeing Hans Christian Anderson with my Mum and begging her to take me to see Merry Andrew which I think at the time I wasn't old enough to see so had to wait to see it on TV several years later! What a wonderful page this is too ! Fabulous photos once again! My family are laughing at our exercise efforts and telling us not to to wear out our carpet! Have a good weekend - it is the weekend isn't it??? Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, it's the weekend. Holes in carpets aren't important, just make sure they are geometrical. I got taken to see all of the Danny Kaye films as a kid, and I had to put the song on this page! Stay safe, keep singin' and dancing!

  18. You have taken me back quite a number of years today Valerie, I remember well the Maths teachers drumming those words into our heads, while walking round the room tapping a ruler in the palm of the hand. I dread to think what they could have done if we didn't learn back then.
    Your page for your AJJ theme looks fantastic.
    Its good that you have been exercising at home, mine seems to be going up and down the stairs and pacing the kitchen floor while the kettle boils.
    Lovely photos as well today.
    Take care, stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Yes, we went through a hard school, but it was worth it and we learnt a lot. Stairs are great exercise! Stay safe!

  19. Cool video! and I loved the examples in architecture and nature. These shapes are everywhere, but I don't usually notice the shape I'm seeing... Thanks :)

  20. Lovely nature photography ~ you seem to be focusing on 'shapes ' both in your lovely artwork and photography ~ All wonderful!

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A ShutterBug Explores)

  21. I love your Pythagorin quote and I surely remember that from math class! Lovely piece!! Actually I love solitary confinement lol...I'm an introvert and a hermit so I'm very okay with how quiet that the world has become.

    1. Thanks Rain. I don't mind being alone, but I NEED to go out! But, what has to be has to be, so I'm making the best of time in my ivory tower!

  22. Fun geometric art and story. LOVE your gorgeous photos- just stunning! Glad you're able to keep up your steps and such- good for you:) Happy PPF!

  23. Very cool remembrance of that geometry theory. Love the checks. I had forgotten the theory and most others as well. Fun video and your pictures are super(as always). Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! That is one of the few things that I've never forgotten! Stay safe!

  24. Hello!!! I loved this post! Such a collection of great photos. Your digital creation is really cool!

  25. You have a wonderful memory to remember plane geometry.

    1. Thanks, but I often forget what I just did....

  26. Those pictures of yours are amazing. So beautiful .... ♥

  27. Fun page though I'm hearing the Scarecrow from the Wizard of OZ say that when he got his brain. Nature's geometry is amazing.

  28. Your geometry art piece is a great piece of art. I was never good at geometry.
    Needless to say more amazingly beautiful are an amazing talent!

    Hugs 🌷

  29. Grossartig deine Geometrie in diesem Bild!
    Wunderschön deine Fotos. Was für eine tolle Kuppel mit den Pflanzen darin!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende auch wenn du nicht so raus kannst!
    Bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks Elke! Dir auch ein schoenes Wochenende!

  30. Oh my … those water lilies are so gorgeous.

    All the best Jan

  31. I sent your music clip to my niece whose a math teacher, I hope it's new to her too! if not it will still make her smile. So many beautiful photos ~ Good on you for keeping up with moving, shaking and creating!

  32. That's incredibly cool art! And I am SO impressed with your mileage! Well done.

    Thanks for sharing the Danny Kaye clip. I've never seen that film but I love Danny Kaye and the song is so catchy. I think every math teacher should use that in their class.

  33. Wonderful page, the geometric design is great! I loved your amazing photos too, it was lovely to look around and see all the geometry and flowers with you - perfect 😁. Wishing you a happy weekend! Keep well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! There's geometry everywhere! Stay safe!

  34. A fabulous page Valerie and I definitely remember chanting those words in Maths! The video clip was fun, I've never seen that one with Danny Kaye. I think you will be very fit indeed when this is over, I've been gardening, running up and down the stairs and a session on the stepper in my effort today.
    Lovely photos, it's amazing how we take the shapes around us for granted.
    Have a great weekend and stay safe.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! I think we all had to learn a lot at school! Have a great weekend and stay safe!

  35. What a fun beautiful post!! I love your art piece! Good for you, with all your exersizing!
    Gorgeous photos!! I love the one with the pile of wood! Big Hugs!


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