Monday 4 May 2020

T sTands for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday and more....

Hi Everybody!

Our new challenge at Tag Tuesday begins this evening and our new theme is
Haberdashery. Our lovely Sandie should have been hosting, but is not able to do it as she is still nursing her very sick daughter. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Our lovely Michele has taken over the theme, and has some wonderful examples on our TT blog. THANKS Michele!

I dug out my haberdashery stamps, which haven't seen the light of day for years. The stamps are from Chocolate Baroque. The background was multi-stamped using vintage photo ink, the embellishments were stamped, embossed and then fussy cut and fixed on with sticky pads to make them more dimensional:

I also have a hybrid piece for Mia's 'flowers' challenge at AJJ. I used a painted background, a script overlay from Serif,  two of my own flower photos, and a stamped Frida. The small flowers in her 'crown' are from Mischief Circus and I put everything together in Serif:

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang.
Most mornings I drink my cappuccino on my balcony:

The visit to this ice parlour has nor been possible in recent weeks:

On Friday I made a cheese cake for Nathalie. It's her favourite, and she had been busy for hours cleaning and renovating her old apartment, and was tired and hungry. Most of the cake disappeared very quickly, and she took the rest back home with her. That's a compliment:

And some photos from this past week:

The stones and masonry blocks on the shore have been there since the castle was attacked with 12.000 canon balls in 1702:

When the red lights start flashing you have to wait, the barriers go down and then the tram whizzes past:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love Frida! And the cheesecake looks perfect, yum!

    1. Thanks Natalia, have a good and safe week!

  2. Hi Val! Hope your day got off to a good start and that you are feeling a bit better today. Love your wonderful tag and journal page with beautiful Frida in the middle of the flowers, great idea. Wonderful photos, too. In which park is that little chapel? It's very pretty. It's a quiet day here, thank goodness, so I'm enjoying it! Tke care and have a nice afternoon, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Still feeling groggy, it will get better! The chapel is in Lantzscher Park. Enjoy your day!

  3. You never cease to amaze me with the beauty and creative genius you are blessed with!
    This whole post is gorgeous!!!
    I would have loved a slice of that cheesecake!
    Loved the fuzzy dandelions,too!!!

    Great Big Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷🐦☕

    1. Thanks Jan. I think I will have to start baking virtual cheesecake and send out slices to all of my friends! It was really good this time!

  4. Very very nice tag and sounds like a fun new challenge. I have no classes today and the bugs are bad so off to the studio I head in a bit. And the Freda page is amazing. I really like the layering of all your images. and cheesecake-yum. I'll send you a piece of chocolate cake in exchange for the cheesecake. Smile. Or that ice, even though at the moment it is just a memory. But a good one! Have a great new week and a happy T day and thanks for joining us at AJJ. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, hope to see you joining in with haberdashery, it really is fun. Studio sounds a LOT better than bugs or classes! Okay, let's swap chocolate cake for cheesecake, yummy! It was a wonderful cake, high carb, high fat, high everything. I eat sensible usually, but cake should be cake and not taste like diet!

  5. Frida is gorgeous! When I see your card for the challenge, I felt like picking up my sewing machine from the attic ... I really need to sew more things!
    The lantern and street lamp are so romantic …
    It's the first time this year I've seen a flowering poppy … are they really blooming?
    The dandelions are really weeds ... but in the pictures they are so beautiful!
    Have a great day! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. I like to say wild flowers instead of weeds. There are lots of poppies blooming here along the street. Have a great day, take care!

  6. I love the touch of dimension you gave to the haberdashery elements with the padded tape - there's a lovely warmth to the sepia tones too. The Frida flower page is gorgeous as are your lovely photos of the flowers at the end. Thank you for sharing your waterside walk.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I had fun making this. I'd almost forgotten about those stamps. Have a great week, stay well and safe!

  7. Gorgeous art today-loved them both very much.
    and the beauty in the photos-like I am there with you
    Your cake and coffees look delicious Happy T hugs Kathy

  8. Fabulous haberdashery tag and love all the stamps and great hybrid project too.Love all your photos and this lock down has a lot to answer too me getting cats addicted to treats and your money laundering-good job the notes are not paper now too lol
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol! You're right - 'Corrina' has a lot to answer for!

  9. Jak zawsze pięknie jest na twoim blogu. Uwielbiam kawę i sernik. Miłego tygodnia:)

  10. thank you for those photos:) They always cheer me up:)

  11. Thanks Kathy, I'm pleased to hear it! Stay safe!

  12. Lovely art and photos. I love the view from your balcony. You are blessed.

    1. Thanks. It's a great view and I see the sun rise every day.

  13. What a fabulous haberdashery tag that is …
    Yummy cheesecake and gorgeous view from your balcony.
    Thanks as always for the photographs, I always enjoy the selection you share.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, the cake was very creamy and delicious!

  14. Your balcony view is breathtaking! What a lovely spot :) The benches are well-spaced for social distancing once people start getting out more. Nice!

    1. I love sitting on those benches! Have a great week.

  15. Love those poppies! Your cheesecake looks perfect. Your tag art is beautiful too. Enjoyed all your photos. Take good care!

    1. Thanks Debra. The cheesecake was really good. Have a good week.

  16. Look at those sherbet poppies!
    How kind of you to make a cheesecake for Nathalie. It looks delish.
    Love both pieces, especial the haberdashery.
    Well wishes to Sandie's daughter.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Those poppies are so beautiful.

  17. That cake looks so good! And I agree about your view. Those peachy flowers are awfully pretty!

  18. Great tag Valerie !! Love the beautiful stamps, and love your Frida Art journal page too, so happy. I wish you friend´s daughter will recover very soon.
    It´s fabulous to see your coffee at the balcony, Happy T-day !
    Your photographs are always amazing, love to see green and flowers everywhere, thanks so much. I wish you a very nice new week, take care and stay safe dear.
    Big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks Caty. Glad you Like the photos. Have a great week and stay safe!

  19. I love your tag Valerie, I have some very similar stamps buried somewhere to lol. Frida looks amazing here, what a stunning background you've given her. That cake looks delicious, Nathalie is a very lucky girl! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Sometimes I find stamps I never knew I had....Stay safe!

  20. WOW Valerie I love your tag, beautiful stamps and vintage details! Gorgeous page too, love that quote! Beautiful photos and that cheesecake looks delicious!
    Stay safe, hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, much appreciated! The cheesecake was wonderful! Have a great week!

  21. Your tag is gorgeous and I also love your hybrid piece, the flowers are so perfect for it. Wonderful photos as well the cake and flowers both look yummy!

  22. Great new theme and tag for tag tuesday ~ so many details and lot's of fussy cutting ~ beautiful result. The coffee on the balcony looks like a perfect way to start the day, and I love your photos ~ Yum to the cake!! ~ Blessings

    1. Thanks Karen! I needed days to cut those things out! Have a great day, stay safe!

  23. Wonderful tag, Valerie! Haberdashery is a challenging - er- challenge.

    The Frida page is truly a hybrid page and it's lovely: watercolor, stamping, photos and digital. Wow! The text overlay on your watercolor background is especially pretty.

    I love cheesecake too. No wonder Nathalie was pleased.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen, that cheesecake was really something. I will make one again soon. Stay safe!

  24. Love the stamping you have done on the tag, the sewing machine in particular is wonderful!! Surprise I would like that one 😁😁. You see some great places on your walks, the flowers are lovely. The cheesecake looks wonderful.

    1. Thanks, I'm sure you have more to do with pins and needles and thread each day than I do. And mostly I just sew on paper these days. Have a great day!

  25. I love the cheescake and the sewing machine.

  26. Your haberdashery tag is so pretty! And who doesn't love Frida.
    Your cheesecake looks yummy and I can see why your friend loved it. Cheesecake and cappuccino sound like all kinds of delicious!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Cheesecake and haberdashery is a strange combination, but a good one! Stay safe!

  27. Sometimes it takes a prompt to have us looking for products we don't normally use. Those stamps came in handy for that tag. It is out of this world and so well built up, too.

    Goodness. You are on a roll with Mia's theme of flowers. This is a beauty because who doesn't like Frida. Thanks for sharing another entry with us at Art Journal Journey.

    I would LOVE to join you in your balcony at sunrise to see the beauty and of course enjoy a cappuccino. It is a magical place for sure.

    How sweet of you to make Nathalie a cheesecake. I'm sure she is quite thrilled you thought of her just as she probably needed it.

    Great photos today, too. Of special note were the stones and blocks left from the castle being stormed. Also the tram photos. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous art, your lovely photos, and your cappuccino and cheesecake with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. It's always a strange feeling walking past those stones on the shore and thinking of all those cannon balls raining down and destroying everything and everyone.

  28. Love your Frida page, love your delightful flowers, the sewing pages and oh gosh what isn't there to just drool

  29. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing.

  30. WOW, sehr, sehr schöne Arbeiten!
    Und die Tasse vom Café ist ja toll!
    Und... Frühling! Dir einen schönen Tag, sonnig hier, GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris. Die Tassen dort sind wunderschön, man kann sie sogar (teuer) kaufen! Bleib gesund!

  31. a marvelous haberdashery tag! and i love the Frida! have a great week -- a restful one i hope! xo

    1. Thanks Michele! I hope the week will be more restful than the last one!

  32. Lovely artwork and great photos. The view from your balcony is fantastic. Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne. The view from my balcony is the only good thing about this place!

  33. I am sure that Nathalie appreciated the cheese cake after all her hard work. The two of you will be so happy when you are able to get together again and enjoy life without restrictions. I saw a very good friend the other day, at an appropriate distance of course, and we couldn't hug each other. It was such an alien experience. Stay well, Valerie.

    1. Thanks David. Covid is changing us. I flinch when someone comes too near, and this is so strange. Perhaps it will be the new reality, but I hope not!

  34. Its a beautiful tag Valerie great images, but your Frida page is my favourite today, it looks fabulous, I always think of her with flowers in her hair. Its a super inspiration page for Mia's AJJ theme.
    Super photos, your balcony views are so lovely, you must be able to enjoy sitting there on warm days.
    The cheesecake looked delicious, Nathalie would enjoy eating that I'm sure.
    Happy T day wishes,
    stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I know what you mean - I prefer Frida and flowers, too. Have a good day, stay safe!

  35. Hi Valerie, Your walks look more interesting than ours at the moment but I'm just pleased to be allowed out of the garden. You have lovely views from your balcony too.
    Your cheesecake looks delicious, no wonder it didn't last too long.
    I love your tag, it's really vintage looking with the colour you've used.
    Happy a Happy T Day
    Jan x

  36. I so love your header. Yes, I know you have had it up for a while, but i don't think I have ever told you how much I love it. Are they storks? Or herons?
    Your art is beautiful as usual and I particularly like the flowers with Frida. Haberdashery is an unusual theme but very pretty when done well (like yours).
    Oh that cheese cake looks to die for! Nathalie will have been very pleased. You are allowed to visit people then? That is something.
    The poppies are gorgeous. We had many this year because of the abundant rain.
    The castle stones fascinate me. I love history, but is it possible that they have been there all this time and people have not stolen them for souvenir or for the garden or something? Amazing.
    And the view from your balcony is lovely.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. The birds are cranes, taken as they came back from their migration. I've never seen so many before! The castle stones can be seen in houses and gardens all over the little town, the ruins were used as a sort of 'quarry' for many years. The hugs blocks down on the shore probably survived because they were too heavy, or inaccessible, or both!

  37. Your tag made me smile as it reminds me of my mother. She was a seamstress, and I can picture her in front of her sewing machine though hers was an industrial machine. Frida looks lovely in her floral crown. Mmmm, cheesecake, and I'd take the rest home, too. I never tire of your pictures. My favorites today are the field of wishes and the cute pansies in their stone pot. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. My auntie was a seamstress, too, and her living room always had the sewing machine by the window and various dress forms standing around, and she always had a tape measure round her neck!

  38. Beautiful tags Valerie. The coffee looks yumm-me

    Happy Tuesday


  39. Love your haberdashery tag Valerie!And oh my, the Frida art is gorgeous.
    What yummy looking food and the coffee- I'm having mine now but it certainly doesn't look as good as yours;) Beautiful photos too. Happy T day!

  40. I love your tag valerie, and the hybrid page is a beauty! Lovely photos too!
    Alison xx

  41. Your tag is gorgeous, I love the beautiful haberdashery stamps that you used with the heat embossing and the vintage style is stunning 😁. Your Frida page is fabulous too and I loved the virtual visit to the ice-cream parlour, that dessert looks amazing! As does your cheesecake, so yummy! Happy T Day wishes! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  42. I am in love with your beautiful tag, Valerie. And I just can't stop admiring the great page you created. Thank you so much for entering this gorgeous page in my challenge at AJJ! Kisses, sweetie, and... I want a piece of cake!!!

    1. Thanks Mia! Nett time I will save you some cake!

  43. What a a great view from your balcony! The trees have grown nicely !
    I love the tag and the journal page! Your walk photos really are showing how Spring is coming along very nicely indeed! Happy T day! Chrisx

  44. Hi Valerie oh i love your tag and your media pice is beautiful loving the bright colours.You sure have a stunning view ,thankyou for sharing your beautiful pics with us,stay safe my friend xx

  45. your tag is just beautiful Valerie! I had a load of haberdashery stamps which I only just gave away last week when I had my clear out!! Ripping lol. My husband would LOVE that cheesecake! Great photos today. Keep safe xx

    1. Thanks Pinky. Things like that happen. I'll send your hubby a slice of cheesecake when I make another one!

  46. Beautiful flowers from your walk - beautiful pictures from it really, and that delicious cheesecake! No wonder she took what was left home with her. I must say I love the teacup ad saucer - what a delightful picture that made. I think I would be wanting to buy that from them.
    It was your journal page though that really captured my eye. I love the colours you have used and the images are perfect and you have arranged them so that they blend in so well with one another. The sewing machine though - that is magnificent. Surely that is not a stamp. I think this is the nicest, and I mean it, sewing page I have ever seen. I once made a canvas, sewing related, and thought it was marvellous but it was nothing compared to this.
    Thanks for your beautiful page, I will keep returning to look.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The sewing machine is a digital image which I added afterwards, it is lovely. Have a great day!

  47. Ein klasse tag!

    sehr schöne Foto's!

    1. Danke Rein. Dir eine gute Woche, bleib gesund!

  48. Both art pieces are beautiful!
    Yummy cheesecake! If I lived closer, I would have came over for a piece! LOL!
    Interesting about the rocks and blocks being there for so long!
    Thanks for a great post! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacey. I'll make another one when you come for a visit!


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