Saturday, 9 May 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

We had another warm and sunny day here, but some cold and nasty weather has been predicted for the next couple of days. Okay, I have enough new books to read, and bad weather is always good crafting weather, so it shouldn't be too bad, and it could be really enjoyable!

For Michele's haberdashery challenge at Tag Tuesday I have a hybrid tag, using some altered photos and some digital elements, all put together in Serif:

And I have a digital entry for Mia's flowers challenge at AJJ.
I used my vase and shadow photo for the background, and added elements from Mischief Circus (Face, lady) and from Serif (flowers). I think we have all felt like this in recent weeks, captured behind glass and longing to be out and free again:

And I have the rest of the photos of my visit to the castle and village of Kalkum last week:

It's interesting to see all the elements of the coat of arms:

When one door closes another opens:

Looking round the corner:

A window in a window:

The village street:

The mill stream:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You made always beautiful things …
    I also have many mallards here and I think they are beautiful birds! In that other photo are Canada geese?
    You took beautiful pictures last week, but unfortunately ... bad weather is expected next week!
    Enjoy a beautiful day tomorrow too! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. Yes, the others are Canada geese. Next week we must dress for winter again!

  2. I love that vase in your art. Pretty lady, too. I never see those ducks in Hawaii. Lol.

    1. Thanks Gigi. You probably have other interesting animals and birds.

  3. Hi Val, at least I'm not late this time! Love the beautiful tag and journal page, they are both very pretty. Wonderful photos as always. Have a great day tomorrow. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, 2 comments in one hours is a new record. Enjoy your Weekend!

  4. Blessings....
    Hope all is well with you and life is treating you kind. Just blog browsing and thought I'd stop in to say a quick hello.

    Have a blessed and joy filled weekend.

    1. Thanks a lot, nice to meet you, I will visit you soon!

  5. Beautiful art and photos, a window in a window is striking.

    1. Thanks Christine. The reflection struck me as I went round the corner and I had to take a photo of it!

  6. Love your art as always because...well you are just so darn talented!!!
    Your photos are amazing!!! Thank you for helping me see the beauty that you enjoy in real time.

    Stay Safe 🌷☕

    1. Thanks so much Jan, you are so kind! Have a good and safe weekend!

  7. *wow* was für Kunstwerke gerade das Journal ist fabelhaft so kreativ und wunderschön, ja das Gefühl hast du sehr gut rübergebracht!
    Was für ein schöner Spaziergang im Schloss und in diesem Dorf, da shat mir wieder Spass gemacht!
    Schönen Wochenende wünsche ich dir und gut auf passen auf dich!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke, es freut mich dass du auch Spass an meinem Spaziergang hattest!Dir einen schoenen Sonntag! Bleib gesund!

  8. Creativity, delicacy and art in your two works.
    Wonderful photos of your visit to the castle and village of Kalkum.
    The photo of the window inside the window is spectacular.
    Have a nice Sunday and take care

    1. Thanks Maria. Kalkum is a beautiful place, I love walking there. Have a great weekend, take care!

  9. Thanks for the laugh Laurie, I love the thought of my art being elephant! Have a great day!

  10. Beautiful art work Valerie, love the first one with the figures and sewing machine. You saw cute little ducklings, love the gate photo, it just invites you in doesn't it!

    1. Thanks. Open doors and gates are always so welcoming!

  11. I love ducks, Valerie! And I always admire your photos! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Your tag is really beautiful. I love the sewing theme.
    And your digital entry for my challenge at AJJ is absolutely perfect! This is fantastic, my friend. How creative! Thank you so much for the inspiration and for joining again at AJJ! Kisses!!!

  12. I love the subtlety of the colors against the monotones.
    Happy Mother's Day, my friend.

  13. Yes, I have been feeling like that lady behind glass recently...restricted, needing some freedom!! I love the tag too!

    1. Thanks June. It's strange what isolation does to us!

  14. Cool tag!!!
    Ingo got a sewing machine!! Post to come!
    Still waiting for the door to open...
    Sunny again, a beautiful day to you!

    1. Why wait? Open it! Enjoy the good weather!

  15. Wonderful creaitons. Lovely photos. Enjoy your crafting and reading.

  16. Adorable photos of nature and all it's beauty. Lovely post and enjoy your Sunday.x

  17. A lovely post, delightful to see. I love your lady of the flowers so much.
    The ducks are gorgeous little beings as well. Hugs xx

  18. I love the lady behind glass theory, I think we all may have, or be feeling trapped and can only look out to see the world. It is a beautiful image Valerie.
    Its a fabulous page for Mia's AJJ theme.
    All the photos looked lovely the duck family seemed so content. The animals must be getting used to not having to many people around just now .
    Stay safe and keep well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I think a lot of us had felt like this in these past weeks where everything was closed up and not accessible. I always love visiting the ducks and birds, it's very calming. Have a great day!

  19. Great tags and the colors of the lady of the flowers softly beautiful. Charming village and the goslings are so cute. Enjoy your day and take care.

    1. Thanks CJ! Saw the goslings again today, they are growing fast!

  20. I am sure you realize that the Canada Geese with their young are the undisputed stars of the post, Valerie, and this will doubtless be the unanimous conclusion of all the readers of your blog. It is with great regret that I have to advise that even your craft, creative and wonderful though it may be, must of necessity take second place. As for spring - alleged spring I might say - it is going in reverse here too, as it is at Balconia-by-the-Rhine. Yesterday we had snow, and this morning it is minus three degrees. That is cruel in May. Ah well, at least we both have Canada Geese. Get a good book, a hot coffee, and enjoy some time indoors. Not an unfamiliar pastime of late!

    1. Thanks David. Sigh! I'll just have to accept that I'm not the star of any show these days! Visited the goslings this morning, they are growing sooooo fast! The cold weather should be here by tomorrow, too. So, off for a coffee....

  21. Hello! Such lovely artwork! I love to see where you live too-it's so exotic-like a Fairy tale. Love those baby geese!

    1. Thanks Debra! The baby geese are sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Have a fun day!

  22. Beautiful pictures and I love your work as always!

  23. I hope you don't get any snow like we got Valerie-although it is melted now. That is a cool tag and the lady and the vases is really fascinating. I first thought you had projected the lady image behind your vases. Very cool. I hope you get lots of reading and crafty in during this cold weather. And Happy Sunday or what's left of it also. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! The lady in the vase is a digital trick I thought out. It's cooler today and should get really Bad tomorrow- we shall see!

  24. As always, wonderful pictures Valerie!

    thank you,

  25. I love the flowers in her hair :)

    The mallards are dressed in their brightest for spring :) So pretty!

    1. Thanks, the mallards are better dressed than I am in my old leggings and pullover!

  26. I did it again! Thanks for linking up to art journal journey also.

    1. No problem, but thanks for coming back. I'm glad Others forget things, too💖😁💖

  27. What a so wonderful tag Valerie !! It´s really lovely. I loove also your Art journal page, Amazing and so happpy. Love your photographs, they are sobeautiful, very interesting this coat of arms. Tender ducks, ohh.
    I wish you a very nice evening, with rain or not, yes, we can craft and paint.
    Stay safe
    big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks Caty, you are always so kind! The ducks and geese are lovely, that's true. Have a good week whatever the weather.

  28. Great piece - love the base photo to it. So cool. I so wish I could do that! Love all your wonderful pictures - wish I could go walking with you as well - you see the most amazing things!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy. I enjoy altering photos, it gives so many possibilities. I wish I could take you on my walks, too!

  29. Lovely tag, love those dress forms, great page for AJJ as well. Lovely photos as usual.
    Hugs Wendy

  30. Love the window in a window :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Sometimes you just see something like that, such fun!

  31. Lovely art- and I thought the photos with the windows, doors, and around the bend were awesome. Clever and fun! I always enjoy seeing baby geese and ducks. So cute. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Stay well!

  32. Wonderful art and photos! xx

  33. Oh that hybrid tag is fabulous, you are SO good at these. The bad weather got us too, but we are out for a walk tomorrow whatever it brings. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. It's got colder here, but still sunny and pleasant.

  34. i love dress forms, great tag for the challenge! love your sketch too. xo

  35. Schöne Werke wie immer.

    tolle Foto's.


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