Friday 15 May 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

I enjoyed today. It started out frosty, and stayed quite cool, but we had sunshine all day, and I enjoyed a walk to Nord Park and came back on the tram, so another adventure. It was lovely to see all the flowers and trees again. I took lots of pictures, but they're still on the camera, so I will show them in my next post.

I made another hybrid journal page using one of my old water-colour studies which went very wrong as I made it too wet. Placing them on a neutral background and adding some digital goodies makes them usable. I am linking to Mia's challenge at AJJ:

A cloudy morning sky:

Some of my balcony flowers:

These bushes and trees are all along the paths leading down to the Rhine:

The castle ruins are still closed, pity:

This little bird was chirping happily as I went by, I think it's a finch of some sort, but I'm sure David will be able to tell me:

I love these quiet corners which invite you to sit and take a rest:

The flower beds between Königsallee in Düsseldorf and Hofgarten are looking good:

I don't know what the huge building in the background is going to be, but I'm pleased to see it's being greened up:

Walks along the Rhine are always a joy:

The flowers were in the hospital gardens:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love how you saved an art piece and made it beautiful-gorgeous flowers-

  2. Deine Arbeit ist fabelhaft und wunderschön!
    Dein Header mit der Schwanfamlie ist so süss und die bezaubernde Blumenfotos!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss elke

    1. Danke Elke. Die Scwäne sind immer wunderschön anzuseen. Bleib gesund.

  3. Lovely art piece and stunning flowers Valerie, glad you are out and about these days.

    1. Thanks Christine. I'm glad to get out, too. 24/7 alone t home does not do me good!

  4. Hi Valerie, I love your "too wet" abstract flowers. I also love the cloud photo. Nice to be out and about. Have a great weekend.

  5. Your watercolour study looks perfect to me Valerie, those over watered blooms just exaggerate how beautiful they are as they burst into bloom. So lovely to read you are now out and about how different life now appears to be in those few days I have been offline.
    So nice to see those fabulous pics of your travels, I bet you really have an extra spring in your step now. I'll never catch up on what i've missed but Thank YOU as always for your kind comments. Take care as always and have a super safe weekend Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Enjoy your weekend, stay safe!

  6. I love your flowers and the journal page, purple flowers are my favourite. Once again I enjoyed your balcony and walk photos, that white wisteria is beautiful.

    1. Thanks. Purple seems to be 'in' just now, the parks were full of purple flowers yesterday.

  7. Valerie, my friend, your "saved" art is more beautiful than my art on a good day!
    The colors you used are gorgeous.
    The photos are always beautiful and oh those flowers!!!
    You are an amazing and talented lady...and oh yes, very kind, too 🌷🐦🌞Hugs ☕

    1. Thanks Jan, your art is always wonderful, I wish I could paint like that! ave a great day!

  8. I love the too much water flowers. They have just enough form and when you add the background it makes a spectacular page. Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey with flowers for Mia's challenge. And hope tomorrow is as good a day as this one was. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's a fun theme with flowers, and flowers are everywhere just now.

  9. Now just what isn't beautiful about this post, it's all so stunning and adventurous and love it.xx

  10. Your use of the neutral background turned this into a dramatic piece of incredible art. So glad you joined us again at Art Journal Journey using Mia's theme. I love this piece.

    Wow, you are really into flowers. From your garden to the ones on your walk. I am also impressed by the green skyscraper. I hope you find out what it is once it opens to the public or to residents.

    Have a super day and thanks again for the photos, dear.

    1. Thanks E. That green building will be something very exclusive and expensive - that's all I know just now, I'll try to find out what it is. Stay safe!

  11. It's cloudy here too :( but your photos put me in a good mood!

    1. Thanks - glad to hear it. Have a good weekend!

  12. I love your hybrid piece, the colours are beautiful. Great another adventure and lovely photos. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Anesha. Have a happy day, stay safe!

  13. Your work is very beautiful!
    The little bird is so cute and the flowers are enchanting!
    I also discovered a nice white wisteria.
    I wish you a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks Ella. Glad you saw a white wisteria, I saw some today, too. Enjoy oyur weekend!

  14. Love your purple on your lovely creation, Such cool details you added. Wonderfully done. Love the pictures too - so wonderful to go site seeing with you! Beautiful flowers!

    1. Thanks Nancy, so glad you like it. I enjoy taking you all on my walks with me! Have a great weekend!


  15. Your flowers on the balcony are beautiful. As usual, great work and photos from the walk. Good saturday :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Have a great weekend, take care!

  16. I do not see anything wrong on your watercoloring, Valerie. I LOVE it and I love your idea to make an hybrid creation with it. In fact you made a GREAT creation, my dear friend, using your watercoloring on the focal point. Thank you so much for joining again my challenge at AJJ! Kisses!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Mia. Flowers is one of my fave themes, so it would be hard NOT to join in. Stay safe and well, Sweetie!

  17. I love purple so much, so I am amazed by this work, so pretty!

    1. Purple is a lovely colour, so regal, and just now I see purple everywhere. Stay safe!

  18. Good morning Esteemed Bird Lady of Balconia-by-the-Rhine, Explorer Extraordinaire. The bird you feature is a European Stonechat. Common and pedestrian. Nothing to rival the exotic dimorphic beauties you have introduced us to recently, but a pleasant diversion on a walk, nonetheless. And I have to say that the areas where you stroll and perambulate are very beautiful. I have no doubt that you are very happy to be out and about again. Take good care. I will look forward to your next episode of esoterica tomorrow.

    1. Thanks David, I was sure you, as the Avian Pope of All Canadian Dominions would know the answer! I will look the bird up afterwards. It is a pretty place to walk here, and I am more than happy to be out again - I just came back from some more 'perambulations'. Have a great day!

  19. Your art piece reminds me of beautiful hyacinths. I like the tie in to the flowers on your walk and the little bird. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ, glad you liked it. You have a good and safe weekend, too!

  20. All the photos look lovely, the flowers show so many beautiful colours awesome, i like how they are really uplifting to see.
    Your Art page is gorgeous and lovely with the digital blending you have created to blend the piece together.
    Stay safe and have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Hope you are keeping well and safe. Enjoy your day.

  21. A lovely journal page Valerie and the watercolour looks good to me, so glad you didn't waste it.
    Lovely photos and it's nice to see the flowers blooming - those roses look stunning, mine are just tight buds.
    Have a great weekend and stay safe.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. The Roses were beautiful and had a lovely smell. Stay safe!

  22. awesome article guys.
    have a nice day :)

  23. 2nd try to comment (just sayin' in case the 1st one shows up ;) )

    I love that little chickadee and the lovely flowers in your art. And it's such a joy to see all the spring flowers along your walk.

    1. Thanks, flowers are always wonderful. Have a great Weekend.

  24. Always a pleasure to see the flowers.

    1. Thanks Gigi, you are so right! Have a good weekend!

  25. Oh what a lovely repurposed art piece and divine photography ~ Lovely flowers too!

    Be Well, Be Safe,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you like it. Have a great weekend.

  26. Oh how lovely your art is!!!
    ANd your walks are so beautiful-and your balcony!

    1. Thanks Debra. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Stay safe!

  27. Well, I certainly enjoyed my walk with you :)
    Thank you for the fabulous photographs.

    I do like the lilac colours in your art today, such a calming colour.

    Enjoy your weekend - Eddie and I have not been in long - we enjoyed a local walk.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. It's so good to get outside and enjoy a walk. Enjoy your weekend!

  28. Your ARt journal page is really Amazing Valerie !! stunning background, and beautiful details you have added. Those flowers are so pretty, I like very much this little bird, and I have enjoyed your walks. This is a great greened building, and these roses are spectacular.
    I wish you a very nice weekend, stay safe and big hugs,

    1. Thanks so much Caty. Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe!

  29. Hi again, Valerie! 👋🏻 Your photos are so relaxing.

    The birds, the flowers, your work... 💚💜💙🤎💛

    Love it, girl. 😉 Great job! 👍🏻

    1. Thanks so much! Have a great Weekend, stay safe!

  30. Oh I do love how you've used your watercolour Valerie, it looks brilliant here! Your photographs are wonderful, such beautiful blue skies. Take care, and have a brilliant weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Blue skies are great, huh? Always my favourite! Have a great weekend!

  31. Hi Val, I'm late again, mea culpa! We all went out yesterday and had a great day which kept everyone happy. Then by the time I had got everyone fed, cleaned up and in bed I was exhausted! Love your water-colour journal page, great idea, and fantastc photos, as always. Take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you all had a great day out, that was a treat for you! Have a rest today!

  32. Fabulous clouds and flowers. It looks like you are about three weeks ahead of us. And I'm so glad you can get out and photograph it.

  33. Lovely photos and beautiful art Valerie! Sorry for the short comments, I hurt my wrist again. xx

  34. Stunning page, Valerie! And to think it startd with a page gone wrong. Thank you for sharing your walk photos with us. They're beautiful. You can even take a tram now? We're still locked down tight. Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. We can use trams and buses but must wear masks.


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