Monday 1 June 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and loTs more

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy, healthy and safe June.
Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday and our lovely and talented Michele is hosting. Her lovely theme is dance-dancers-dancing, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you create. I have a hybrid tag using a hand-painted background and elements from Serif:

Hope to see lots of you joining in!

And it's also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday linky parTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang:

An old painting with some bottles:

And some assorted photos from my walks and balcony:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I don't know where to start but gosh love your art and the beautiful photos xx

  2. Good morning Valerie: Dinosaurs didn't die out. In fact there is one in the White House right now, of the most primitive form too. It survived along with crocodiles and other cold-blooded predatory creatures. Thanks for the updated portrait of the Canada Geese. It is good to see them doing well. Who can believe it is already June? It is an old cliché but nevertheless true that the older one gets the faster the time goes by. Have a relaxing day with good coffee, and a nap on the balcony. Big hugs, David

    1. Hi David, I stand corrected. That is really one evil dinosaur. The geese are doing well, they were swimming in the Rhine this morning. Yes, we oldies have to see time running by quicker than we can! Been busy up til now, but feel obliged to do as you say and take a nap....

  3. OOh your tag is Gorgeous Valerie !! Wonderful dancer. I also loove your bottles Art, so nice to see you inside :) Happy T-day !! These blue flowers are amazing! I´ve enjoyed your walks and balcony ´s photos, thanks so much for sharing.
    I wish you a very nice new week, stay safe and
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks Caty, always good to see you visiting! Have a great day and a safe, new month!

  4. Hi Val, how are you today? Well and fit, I hope! Lovely art with the ballerina, and wonderful photos. And good to see your face in the art. Time is flying, they are gathering the first harvest already. I know you love watching it! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Not really feeling good, but trying to carry on - it can only get better! Take care, have a great, new month!

  5. Great tag and love your painting with the bottles. Have a great day. x

  6. Lovely art with the ballerina and the lady that drinks coffee!
    I really like the statue with the three children
    Have always a good coffee and a great month of June!

    1. Thanks Ella! The three children are sitting on a fountain in Hofgarten, being watched by a crow, and in the basin of the fountain there are frogs spouting water. It's called the fairy tale fountain.

  7. Such delicious eye candy. Beautiful tea set. And that bee butt looks so cute poking out from the thistle. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks.I love watching bees buzzing about on the flowers. The always seem to love purple ones! Happy T Day to you, too!

  8. Hi Valerie oh I love your hybrid tags they are so pretty,well done my friend on your beautiful work. Loving your pics Valerie you are surrounded by so many beautiful places,Thankyou for sharing them with us xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, much appreciated. Have a wonderful day!

  9. Lovely dance tag. The teaplates are so pretty. Beautiful photos

    1. Thanks Christine. They are pretty but too expensive to buy!

  10. I just love the fine china in the store window. So pretty.

    1. Thanks, it's beautiful and caught my eye as I was passing!

  11. Valerie I love how you presented the ballerina. I so enjoy your photos. I know it is your place and you see it every day but to me it always looks like so much is there, that it is peaceful and so inviting. Yes, it didn't take long for our kids to be in their 50s.LOL have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, it is pretty here and I am happy here. I am wondering what happened to the little girl who only wanted to eat Nutella and is now 54! The time just flew!

  12. Beautiful ballerina. I can hear her wishful thoughts. I also love my coffee...what a gorgeous tea service with the roses on it. What is the name of that striking blue flower? I accidentally deleted your comment from my latest blog entry but luckily had it in email and so I posted it under my name mentioning you,,,you can repost if you want but maybe its OK as is?

    1. Thanks June! I have no idea, it forms a huge bud and then pops open with a loud pop. The birds planted it on my balcony. Things like that happen to me often, don't worry!

  13. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! Your blue flower could be a Campanula Bellflower, we have them in our front garden, probably planted by the birds too :-)
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks for the Info. They are such pretty flowers. Kind birds! Have a great month!

  14. Beautiful tag Valerie, I love that ballerina! Great photos today- fabulous tea set and gorgeous black swan! Awesome blog header, love that fun coffee mug on the right! Take care and have a wonderful week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Those coffee mugs are really fun, I got them on clearance last year for 1€ each, so a good bargain! Have a great week!

  15. So many wonders today. LOL about the dinosaurs. Love the tag, piece and painting. Those blue flowers in the photographs just pop don't they.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Keep drinking coffee, who wants to be a dinosaur? Have a good week!

  16. I love your tag Valerie, so pretty, and the dinosaur quote is perfect lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! You have a good week and a good and healthy new month!

  17. What an incredible ballerina tag. It was a great tag for the theme, Valerie. I like all the details, too.

    Your walks are always fun. First, was that wheat in the field? It looked like some kind of grass, maybe. And that blue flower is gorgeous. My birds leave me purple poop, probably from the mulberry tree, but no flower seeds (grin).

    Was that a baby black swan I saw in the photo? I hope the black swan family is doing better than they fared last year.

    Finally, I am in love with the plethora of coffee related images you shared this week, from the journal tag to actual mugs of coffee. Enjoyed seeing the tea pot and the lovely tea set, too. Thanks for sharing your ballerina tag, your walks along the Rhine, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday. It's great I'll never be a dinosaur.

    1. Thanks E!. The bales are grass, the meadows are mowed 2-3 times a year and it's baled for the animals. The black swans are all doing well, three pairs of black swans have had young up to now, and lots from the white swans, too. I go and look 2-3 times a week, it's a fun place to be! Have a great month!

  18. Hi Val, I just love your photos-they all could be in magazines for sure.
    Loved the coffee memes, and gorgeous art-Have a great new week-hugs Kathy and Happy T

    1. Thanks Kathy. You have a great week and a wonderful June, happy T Day!

  19. such sweet dancer tag, thanks for making it! the coloring in the background especially! i love the coffee/dinosaur quote, ha! take care, xo

    1. Thanks Michele, glad you like it. es, now you know why we need coffee! Have a great week!

  20. what beautiful art and photos Val!! I love the ballerina tag art- and the new theme.The vintage looking tea set display is gorgeous. ha- love the dinosaur quote:):) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda! Have a great week, happy T Day!

  21. Beautiful art work and photos Valerie, I love the photo of the bird looking over the shoulders of the statue children .

    1. Thanks. That was a lucky photo, it all came together so well. Have a great day!

  22. "Blinde Kuh"!!! Kennst du das Spiel? Danke für deinen Hinweis, ich hab doch echt den falschen Post bei Elizabeth erwischt!
    Bin ne blinde Kuh! ;-)
    War verwirrend mit demsleben Artikel.
    "Oh boy..." Wir haben einen Tanz gelernt, 2009. Eine Freundin hat geheiratet und später mein Bruder, da mussten wir ja tanzen.
    4 linke Füße...
    Schöne Arbeit! Plural, mal wieder :-)
    Jetzt schon wieder Heu?
    Nachher mal gucken, ob der Botanische Garten eröffnet hat, dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Ja, Blinde Kuh kenne ich. Elizabth hat's etwas verwirrend gemacht mit 2 Posts mit dem gleichen Titel! Ich hab sogar mehr als 4 linke Füße. Der Botanische Garten hier ist schon auf. Dir einen schönen tag!

  23. Lovely artwork and great assortment of photos. I like that coffee joke. Happy T-Day!

  24. Fantastic art projects Valerie, I love the dancer tag you created.
    The coffee related pieces were great and I did love the photo with the tea crockery waiting to be used.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx
    Happy T day wishes.

  25. Thanks so much Yvonne, have a wonderful day!

  26. What a lovely tea service, so pretty! That blue flower is gorgeous! Reading through comments hoping to find out what kind of plant it is, and I see it was a gift from generous birds. They'll never tell ;) It's always good to see a bee, and the public statuary always adds so much to a community. You always have a good variety of sights to see on your walks :) Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks. I'll try to Look Up the name of that flowers! Happy T day!

  27. Beautiful tags. Happy Tuesday


  28. The ballerina tag is beautiful and I'm loving your coffee mug header too - fabulous 😀. What a great array of photos from your walks too, the weather has been wonderful lately, hasn't it! Happy T Day wishes! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, we have had great weather but we badly need rain. Have a great week, happy T Day!

  29. Lovely tag, Valerie. As always, beautiful photos for us to drool over. Stay well and have a wonderful week.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  30. The ballerina tag is lovely. My daughter would love it as she is really into ballerina's right now.
    All the pictures from your walk and balcony are so pretty.I think my favorite is of the tassels on the corn.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, little girls like Ballerinas, that's true!

  31. I hope it was a nice T day valerie. With the time change and me being late to comment, it will be Wednesday by the time you red this. I like the dancer tag. That will be a fun challenge. And I like the bottles and the little surprise smiling faces at the bottom of 2 of them. That is a nice surprise. Happy June. Hugs-Erika

  32. I'm sorry this is late. T-Day has been and gone. But... better late than never.
    I love the header with the cow and her calves. Beauties.
    What a lovely ballerina tag! I love that theme. It will be a fun challenge.
    You made me smile with the coffee themed images. (And now I am longing for my cup of coffee)
    As always I enjoy the photos of your walk. So sweet those goslings. And black swans too! This time also an image from your balcony. What a beautiful blue flower.
    Happy belated T-Day,
    Stay safe,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Time goes by so quickly, does't it! Enjoy your coffee and have a great day!

  33. Love the tag Valerie, love the theme too! I love seeing your art, I still love that lady outside the cafe so much! Some great photos and lots of lovely blue!! Apologies for the late visit, our internet, which hasn't been so good lately suddenly went right down yesterday and was only restored mid morning today(a local issue)Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Dance is a lovely theme indeed. Internet is good, but can smetimes be a problem....

  34. The ballet piece is so lovely. And so, too, are all these wonderful views of the world around you. And that cookie with your cap looked just so tasty!

  35. Thanks Jeanie. Those cookies are really nice!

  36. Lots of fabulous art and photographs. Just love the coffee and dinosaurs saying. The gentian flowers are a gorgeous colour, mine are not in flower yet.


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