Monday 29 June 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday's New Challenge and more

Hi Everybody!

I just woke up from a night where I actually slept, and I have a sneaky  feeling that I'm not quite awake yet. We had a cool and pleasant night here, and It looks like the hot weather has gone for the time being, glory be! We still haven't had any rain, it stayed extremely hot and muggy over the weekend, but today is gray and cool - lovely!

This evening we will be starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time I am hosting, and have chosen the theme of 'Put a sentiment on it'. That doesn't mean it has to be a long one - one word can also be a sentiment.

I have several tags made up already, as I made some of them from a painted masterboard made some time back. I chopped it into three pieces and mounted the tags onto  recycled card from old calendars.

This is the first one. The hello and the leaf were cut from some card painted with alcohol inks, the other bits were in my stash: Your tags can be any size and all formats are welcome, digital and hybrid ones, too, so give it a try! The challenge goes live this evening at 9 p,m: on out blog

I hope to see some of you joining in this time. One dear lady always promises to join in, but she never does.....Perhaps this time?

Tuesday, or better said Monday evening, is also time to join in with Elizabeth's challenge T  sTands for Tuesday, so here I would like to welcome all of  the nice girls from TSFT who visit here:

I went out for a coffee twice this week. Once at the self-service shop, where you get a double cup of coffee for half of the price of a normal one elsewhere:

You help yourselves to coffee after disinfecting your hands, pay for it at the counter, where you have to write down your name  and telephone number, and then choose a table. The tables all have a number on them, and the people at the cash desk write down the number of the one where you sit down. This way they can track possible infections. I also have a Corona app for my smartphone, which should warn me if I'm in bad company....

The second coffee was here at my fave shop, it's nice to sit and do some people watching occasionally.

Here in town they are getting ready for the Town festival, I will not be going anywhere near it, as I know how quickly people forget keeping distance and wearing masks when they are in a crowd. The bunting has been hung:

Refreshments for hot days;

The 'party place' has been set up in the old moat  - there's more space and it's easier to control how many people are allowed in:

My walk back home:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val, glad to hear you had a good sleep, I'm sure that will make a big difference. The weather has cooled off a tad here but the kids don't card, they will enjoy a day in the part whatever the weather, Love your new tag, s is sitting here again chanting her usual 'wannit' mantra. I know the feasts in your place a re just small, but I do hope they take care and that you don't have too many gatecrashers crowding in. Have a nice day, enjoy your walk, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I hope they take care, too, if not, I make a big detour round it. Have a great day in the park, hope you get some fun things to see.

  2. Love your tag, the gem details are lovely addition. The cooler weather is just wonderful. Have a great week and stay safe. x

  3. FABULOUS tag , the colours are just super gorgeous...Great them.xx

  4. Hi Valerie your tag is beautiful I love the feather ,it set the good off beautifully well done with your beautiful work. Oh what fun having a town festival coming,hope your day is a good one my friend ,you will have plenty of energy after those coffees xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, I love playing with feathers! And I hope ou're right about the energy after my coffees! Have a great day, Valerie

  5. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your tag with the angel and all the details you decorated it! Beautiful colors too!!!
    So nice you enjoyed twice having your coffee brake!
    The same here ,people don’t keep distance and they don’t wear masks!
    I’m so afraid and always wearing a face mask and gloves when i go out for shopping.
    I really enjoyed all your gorgeous photos from your walk!
    And i was surprised when i read your comment about Olympic Airline!
    Have a lovely day and a happy new week! Hugs!

    1. Hi Dear Dimi, glad you liked the tag. Olympic airlines was hard work, but it was fun, and kept me going till I could start somewhere in m own profession. Some people the world over seem to be without respect of other people and are sure that Corona has gone away, but it hasn't I am staying careful! Have a wonderful week!

  6. It is very appropriate, Valerie, that your tag says "Hello." I shall take that as a warm welcome to our little Lily! That seems like quite a procedure to get your coffee, but is a sign of the times, I suppose, as Covid-19 dominates all aspects of life, and we clearly see from the experience in the United States what can happen when people go crazy as soon as freedom of movement is permitted. I hope that a bathroom was close by after imbibing that rain barrel of java! People watching is very pleasant, and I have enjoyed it myself, but people snuggling is even better, and I hope that soon we will be able to do that with abandon - but I doubt it. In the meantime Miriam is right here and I can grab on to her any time I wish! Enjoy the week ahead. Big hugs from Ontario. David

    1. Hi David. Little Lily is really a joy to behold, and a beautiful symbol of hope for the world. And yes, there were bathrooms ready to cope....Here the police have had to break up crowds again, standing tightly packed and enjoying their beer in the Altstadt, with no though or regard for the pandemic. Many are convinced it's over, so foolish. I pity the police who have to put their own lives at risk to disperse the crowds, and they just get insulted for it. It's so long since I've had a real hug, I've almost forgotten what it's like! Never mind, keep grabbing Miriam and having fun!

  7. Beautiful tag and that second coffee cup is so artistic looking. Glad you are not going to the festival.

    1. Thanks Christine. Nothing will get me near that Festival! Have a great week.

  8. Lovely tag. The cherub sitting on the crescent moon is so sweet. How nice to get out for coffee. Restaurants where I live opened for indoor dining last week. (Opened for outdoor dining 2 weeks before). I haven't gone to eat in at the restaurants, yet. All of our outdoor holiday celebrations, parades, and festivals have been canceled. Out of an abundance of caution. Massachusetts where I live was the second hit hardest state for the virus behind New York. I'm glad our governor is moving opening slowly. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks. Ours are opened for inside and out, but I want to stay outside . I think it's safer . Many new infections Here still.

  9. Happy Tagging. You create great art and the pictures are fun to see.

    1. Thanks Ivy, great to See you around again!

  10. Your tag is pretty. I always love to see you homeplace. It sounds like your coffee shops that keep such good control over who visits are doing a great thing. I wish people here would be so careful.

    1. Thanks. The cafes and Restaurants and Bars have to do it or they get closed down

  11. Terrific tag ~ I love the embellishments. I'm glad you got to enjoy coffee out ~ I haven't heard about an app for your phone?? will have to look that up. It's nice that you have a cooler day to enjoy ~The festival looks like fun, your smart to stay away this year ~ Enjoy your week!

  12. It's a new Corona warn App and only functions Here Just now. It's a good Idea and Warna you If you are near infected people. Have a great week!

  13. Your tag is beautiful. The background is really different, the holder area is unique, and the sewing is wonderful. Then there's the girl on the crescent moon and the feathers. Who wouldn't LOVE this beauty? I know I would.

    SO glad you were able to go out for coffee twice this week. You are much braver than I. In fact, I'm going out for the first time since March 15 today when I renew my driver's license. I had to make an appointment and I've had it for over a month. It was the earliest I could get, because my license actually expired on my birthday two months ago. It's a good thing I wasn't driving during that time, although my friend Sally, whose birthday was in March, just got hers renewed four days ago. I don't care if I drive, I just need my license so I can VOTE.

    But back to you and your coffees. It was amazing to read how careful the coffee shops are and how you have an app on your cell phone that tells you about the virus. A sign of the times, I suspect.

    Thanks so much for sharing your incredible coffee ventures this week, as well as your awesome tag and your photos of your walk with us for T this not quite Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E, I had fun crafting when it was too hot to go out. Voting is definitely VERY important this year. The cafes and pubs etc have to comply with the new regulations or lose their permission to open. A lot moan that it's causing a lot of extra work, but as long as it's necessary it has to be done. Have a nice afternoon, see you later at the login!

  14. That's beautiful art, very creative. I love the aroma and taste of coffee, but can't drink it anymore, because it makes me jittery.

    1. Thanks a lot. I think I don't function at all without coffee!

  15. I haven't been out for coffee yet, but I'm enjoying my virtual outing with you :) All the festivals here that had been postponed 'til the Autumn have now been cancelled. Happy T Day!

    1. Same here with many festivals and concerts. Shame, it must be hard for all those involved

  16. I love your tag Valerie, the cherub and those added pieces of jewellery are wonderful!
    Pleased to hear you will avoid the festival, it sounds like a recipe for disaster!
    Happy Monday,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! I will make a big detour to avoid being there in the celebrations I don't understand why it is necessary at all. Stay sfae!

  17. I love your tag Valerie, especially the feather (I really like feathers lol) The cooler weather is wonderful isn't it. I don't blame you for avoiding the crowds, we still have social distancing here in the villages, but in the towns it all seems to have gone. Take care and have a great week - enjoy the coffee, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. People forget so quickly. And we still need to be so careful

  18. Gorgeous tag and colors Valerie, I love all of the textures especially the beads! Fabulous photos, love that second coffee mug. Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Sometimes I love using beads and glitter. The mugs in that shop are beautiful indeed. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  19. Glad to hear you have been staying safe and keeping distanced. :) I would stay away from the fair too. It looks fun- but many people here are forgetting to social distance, so a fair would make me anxious. I hope people keep their masks on and enjoy their time distanced. :)

    Beautiful tag- love that you used some recycled cards. And the coffees look tasty. :)

    Have a great week! Stay healthy!

  20. Thanks Jess. I always keep as much distance as possible it is so important, but some seem to forget everything, unfortunately. Have a great week, stay safe!

  21. Its good that you got to go out for your coffee and it does sound that they are doing a lot to keep folk safe. I dread to think what will happen here when they open the restaurants and bars after seeing on TV the crowds that went to the beach, they were just so thoughtless for others.
    I won't be away from home for quite a while yet.
    The photos looked super and I did love the art piece you shared, its a beautiful tag.
    Stay safe and happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. It does me good to go out for my coffee, otherwise I would be alone 24/7 most of the time. I make sure I go to places that are not full up, and up till now I have always sat outside and alone. Some people are behaving so stupidly, it's just incredible! Happy T Day!

  22. Beautiful tags Valerie,
    that's nice to have a self serve coffee, but I love that pottery mug (or glass?) from your second stop.
    with our ages, and different health concerns we aren't go anywhere with crowds either.
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  23. You're right, at our age we need to be extra careful. I take detours to a oir crowds and that's good. Stay safe! It's bedtime here so I'll wish you a goo night. Hugs, Valerie

  24. Your tag is so beautiful!
    You are amazingly talented!
    Beautiful photos...I am happy to hear that you are not joining in the festivities!
    Way to scary to gather!!!

    Hugs and Stay Safe ☕🌷

  25. delightful tag art Valerie! Good to get out again for a coffee and such yet we do still need to be so careful. That first coffee shop is on the ball. And so are you with your app! I'm not so sure of using it myself- because of privacy and tracking stuff. Wonderful photos about town. I'd be staying away from any gatherings just like you-too soon, and too many who won't practice the social distancing and disinfecting precautions.
    Hope you enjoy many more good sleeps. Happy T day!

    1. Thanka Linda. All infos on the app are completely anonymised, and it doesnt track where or who people are, that was the condition before the app was released.

  26. Lovely post tags Valerie, good to hear you won't be joining the festival. I think we still need to be careful. Great walk photos.

    1. Thanks. We still need to be careful for a long time!

  27. Love the new tag challenge and your tag is great. And I can really get your worry about all those people around for the festival. We live in a tourist area and people are coming back. And wanting to go out and play. Without masks. I hope you get some rain but it stays more comfortable temperature-wise. Hugs-Erika

    1. It seems to be the same everywhere, people think they are safe and stop being sensible.

  28. Love your tag and that coffee gave me all kinds of warm fuzzies! I love that the wrapper has English! I still get my German magazine subscription in German here in the house and my whole family thinks its silly. We all speak Spanish here in Miami, Florida! BUt I love it - it's home. Your tag! Wow! Love the vibrant blue! And nice idea to add a sentiment - the hello is beautiful. Are those green apples on your walk home? I used to pick them when we walked in town - lucky the farmers always said ja, es ist okay! hUGS!

    1. Yes, the language brings a bit of home. The trees are full of apples already, it looks like a good crop!

  29. I am SO glad you got a good sleep last night and that you have found a couple of coffee shops that you can trust and where you can feel safe. Yes, staying away from any festivities is a good idea these days.

  30. Thanks Jeanie. If I don't feel safe about something, I just don't go in!

  31. "back werk". HELP. Like our "back factory". A row of chiropractors come to mind!
    "Eiskalt", ja, das wird´s hier gerade, der Sommer macht wohl wieder Pause. 15C für Samstag!!
    Interessant, dass ihr ein Strassenfest haben werdet. Wir wohl auch, die Website des Magnifestes zählt die Tage runter. Aber will man hingehen? Angehustet werden? Kann man Abstand wahren? Es sind so verrückte Zeiten. Auf der anderen Seite zähle ich noch (!) nicht zur "Risikogruppe". Oder weiß man das überhaupt? Hoffentlich "lachen" wir bald darüber (wohl eher nicht).

  32. I'm glad you have had a good night's sleep. That is difficult when it is hot and humid.
    You are very wise to avoid the fiesta. People do forget to keep a distance and it is not worth the risk.
    Your tag looks 'heavenly'. A very good theme too. I like sentiments and quotes.
    Interesting to read about the procedure to get your self-service coffee.They certainly seem well organized and thourough. I've heard about the app. It will only be effective if enough people use it.
    Lovely photos of your walk, as always. I feel I know the area by now.
    Wishing you a very happy T-Day,
    Hugs (these are allowed. I so crave real hugs),

    1. Thanks Lisca. Sleep is so important. I avoid as much as I can, walk early, and only go in laces where there are not many people.

  33. Hi, it's me again.
    Just to react to your comment about the postcards. Yes, I do send postcards. That is how Postcrossing works. I send a postcard to a randomly generated address (from the membership pool, which is more than half a million). When that person receives the card and registers it (it has a number code), another person somewhere in the world will get my address to send a card to, so then I receive one too, but not from the person I sent it to. Then I have to register etc. It is good form to actually message the sender to say a brief thank you. But many people write more than a thank you, like in this case. For my part, I often also message people when I feature their card in my blog.
    I can send as many postcards as I want. I usually have ten or twelve travelling at the time. Whenever I have a quiet day, I get addresses and start to choose cards, and then write them. Most people write some information about themselves and give some indication of the sort of cards they like. So it's fun to try and find the right card for the right person.
    I hope you now have more of an idea of my hobby.

    1. Thanks for the infos, it sounds like a fun hobby, and you certainly get lots of wonderful post! Have a great week!

  34. Beautiful tag and lovely photographs. But talk about Big Brother: you have to write down your name and phone number? No thanks. I wear my mask when I go out, but I'm choosing not to go out much, even though things are opening a little bit here in Connecticut US. Happy T-Day!

    1. If I was frightened of Big Brother watching my every step I wouldn't be on the computer. The lists are to inform people if any of the customers get the Corona Virus, and are destroyed after 10 days. The rules here in Germany have helped to prevent massive outbreaks like other countries have experienced.

  35. Ein schöner Tag mit dem Engelchen und der Feder mit der Kette, die Farbe ist toll abgestimmt.
    Bei uns war seit letztes Jahr der Backwerk da und er wurde viel besucht und jetzt ist er Pleite gegangen und auf gehört. Schade die Sachen ahben gut geschmeckt auch der Kaffee dort.
    Toll dass sie da sso gemacht haben mit den Schaustellerbuden und warum nicht ist gut überschaubar finde ich.Bei uns machen sie auch überall eine Bude auf mit Eis oder Karussel usw im Stadtzentrum.
    Ich bin auch froh dass diese Hitze weg ist Moment und auch wieder gut besser schlafen kann so wie du.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. ich bin sehr froh dass es jetzt kühler ist. Backwerk ist gut und preiswert, also gehe ich oft dort. Ich were nicht zum Schützen Fest gehen, aber wer will kann. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  36. One of the best things in the world is a good night's sleep!
    The first coffee bar seems to be doing everything they can to be safe and stay open. Our state is now mandating masks and a huge percentage just ignore it.
    Stay safe. Be healthy. Hugs

    1. Too many people here try to ignore things, too. All cafes, bars and restaurants have to keep lists just now, and it#s a good thing so that people can be contacted if someone else gets ill. Stay safe and well!

  37. Great tag! Beautiful details. Your last coffee looks amazing! How cool there are aps - I love that idea. So wish we would do that here! How do they know if someone is a danger - that is amazing. Beautiful picture

    1. Thanks Nancy. The coffee was amazing. Coffee is always amazing for me! Have a great week!

  38. I meant to finish off beautiful pictures! Lovely walks - Thanks for sharing.

  39. Your tag is lovely but the background color really jumped out at me. What a beautiful shade of blue!
    Your two coffee stops sound relaxing. Although, I would not enjoy giving out my information every place I went. I know they are trying to encourage that here in the USA.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Nobody likes giving out their info, but if it helps to trace contacts and infections, I'll go with it for the time being.

  40. hello dear Valerie I'm so glad you're getting out and about while still keeping safe! your tag is beautiful, especially the richly colored background. guess I'd better get to work on my tag! stay well. xo

    1. Thanks Michele! Have a great day, stay safe!

  41. So nice to go out for coffee. Here in the US things are so bad with covid states are closing thing down again. I stay home and go out only when I must. Your art is so darn pretty. I really like the feather addition. Have a great Tuesday.

  42. Lovely post Valerie. Happy Tag Tuesday


  43. Un tag bellísimo el fondo azul me encanta!! y la taza del segundo café 😉


  44. Gorgeous tag! I love the materboard and the design, the moon and cherub image looks beautiful 😀. Sounds like the café that you visit are organised to deal with the virus, our restaurants, pubs and cafés are opening soon too. Sending you Happy T Day wishes and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. It's good that they are trying to keep things under control, it's so necessary. Have a good, new month!

  45. Fabulous tag and great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  46. Great inspiration in that tag Valerie, I'll get more of a move on this time I hope instead of in a nick of time!!! I am definitely envious of your coffees out and the first cafe certainly seem to be well organised. We aren't mixing much with others at the moment although we did a click and collect yesterday at Waitrose and while we waited for our trolley to be brought out to us I was quite shocked to see folk going in without masks and not using the foot operated hand sanitiser gel! That's another 'No' for us then!! I wonder what will happen here when bars open this weekend. I don't think it's going to be good, some folk either don't understand or don't care that this virus is still very much with us!!! As a friend wrote this morning of how folk are behaving so normally in's scary!!! Belated T Day Wishes, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. So many people here are getting careless too. I always have hand sanitizer in my pocket, and try to go out early when not many people are around. Masks must be worn in public transport and all shops. And I only go for a coffee where there aren't many people and the staff are masked. If people don't be careful it will all start again....Stay safe!


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