Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Midweek Post - junk / scrap journal

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. It's hot and humid here, and although we got a few spots of rain at the weekend, it's still much too dry. Anyway, we have to take it as it comes....

Today I have some more pages from my scrap journals. I have now filled 2 big, fat books, and the rest of the scraps have been disposed of. My kitchen now looks like a kitchen again, and the table is once again visible and not hidden under heaps of scraps....

For this double page I used an old journal page, another piece of the rose foil and 2 cutouts of Julian Opie's walking girl.  I added some rub-on stitching and a snarky quote. I am linking to AJJ, a stitch in time:

This one was made from assorted scraps of this and that:

As was this one:

Lots of faces of people and animals here:

There are some strange creatures here:

And the finished journals:

Some walking pics:

we have a lot of giant hogweed plants down by the stream, and they are really nasty and dangerous, so I hope they will soon be removed:

The field behind the house has not been planted this year, so it's full of wild flowers:

Apples growing over the wall:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow, Valerie! Your pages are gorgeous! I love how you combine the images and the layouts. The quirky creatures are very interesting too! And lovely photos from your walks, as always. I especially love the wild flowers on the back yard. Hugs, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Mia, nice to see you again. Have a great week!

  2. You have made wonderful pages with your scraps Valerie. Now you have your kitchen back you can start again 😁 great walk photos, the river is always busy isn't it.
    Lovely how the wild flowers return.

    1. Thanks. I am starting again. But I do not plan to collect so many scraps again! It will be hard!

  3. Woohoo for the kitchen looking like a kitchen again. Mine is in semi-reno and not looking to kitchen-neee-eee. Looking forward to a clean table. I just love them cleaned-off. I love the shoes or the chunks. Not sure what they call them these days, but super cute. Love the flowers!

    1. Thanks Ivy. My table is so often full of clutter, and then there
      's no place to work! Have a great day!

  4. Wow you have been busy. I like your wheat banner. The photos are amazing.

  5. Those are some serious journals. Thumbs up. Beautiful hibiscus. Stay cool. Safe and healthy. Hugs

    1. Thanks Sandra. Hibiscus is always a joy to see. Have a great day!

  6. Your journal pages are amazing-must feel good to fill up those journals
    enjoyed all the pics too hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. It did feel good to finish those journals, now I can move on! Have a lovely day!

  7. Hi Valerie great scrapbooking pages ,such beautiful work,well done and wow love the views you get to see whilst walking ,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. My walks keep me going! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. I actually am really enjoying these scrap journals. You do have some super images. But you must be happy to complete 2 journals and move forward. I think many of us-ok me- needs to do that. And that yellow hibiscus flower is gorgeous. Happy middle of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, we need to move on from time to time. Have a wonderful week!

  9. Oh so precious! I love the bright yellow flower - that looks like a hibiscus? We often call them the Hawaii flower! I lvoe the 2 journal pages and have no doubt you'll fill them up in no time - had to laugh at your table, which looks like mine 95% of the time!

    1. I love those flowers, too, such wonderful colours!

  10. Fantastic work on the journals! Enjoyed the photos.

  11. You really disposed your art-stuff!
    "Just kidding" will hopefully never be a lie here... Love the wild flowers, have a nice day (Saturday we might get some rain!) GlG, Iris

  12. Your scraps are so much better than mine. I absolutely LOVE how yours seem so coordinated and beautiful. I'm super impressed. And I'm thrilled you shared one with us using Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. I may be overthinking my scraps, because yours look so flawlessly put together. It must feel good to have made two of these books. That was a great accomplishment.

    Great photos, too. I enjoyed seeing photos of the field that has wildflowers in it now. They were my favorite today, dear. Have a great day even though you have so many appointments.

    1. Thanks E. Just play with the scraps. If you don't like something, stick something else on top of it - hidden depths! I did that a lot. I love our wild-flower meadow, too, and it's full of bees. Have a fun day!

    2. It's not 10 am yet, my first 2 appointments are done, after I've had some coffee I need to be off into town for the next one. Why does everything happen at once?

  13. Great pages and glad you completed your journals. Love your photos, they are beautiful. Have a great day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. It#s a good feeling to be finished!

  14. Good morning dear Valerie!
    You made such gorgeous pages with the scraps and such beautiful work!
    You are so talented and creative my friend! Your work is so admirable!
    Wonderful pictures from your walk! Like the Hibiscus and the green scenery !
    Enjoy your day! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! The Hibiscus is a wonderful flower, and I love the yellow ones. Have a great day, stay safe and well!

  15. I'm so impressed with your scrap journals - what an amazing way to use up so many scraps and create so much fascinating artwork at the same time! Great to see a peek at the pages - I love the one with the strange creatures particularly - and the green one with all the women. Fabulous photos from your walk, but I hope somebody clears that hogweed soon.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I had fun with the scraps. I rang the town and told them about the hogweed, so they should soon get it destroyed, it's so dangerous.

  16. Very inspired by your journals and the work you create is amazing. Great photos xx

  17. Once again, so many birds in your artwork, Valerie. I am impressed! And wonderful wildflowers in the meadows, all guaranteed to make a naturalist feel very good. I am filled with admiration for your discipline in following through with your resolve to dispose of all those surplus scraps. I can only imagine how steel-jawed and determined you must look! And the kitchen returned to looking like a kitchen. Amazing! Actually I can feel quite smug myself. Yesterday, to Miriam's great surprise, I set about cleaning and tidying my office, including removing all the books from the shelves and wiping down all the shelves before replacing the books. Where does all that dust come from? I even gave a very gentle cleaning to my little birds from Balconia-by-the-Rhine. Miriam completed a baby quilt she has been working on for a while, a gift to a young friend of ours who just had her first child - a girl. Today it's time to go and say hello to some birds!

    1. Thanks. Sometimes I am consequent! Not too often, but it does happen! Well done on dusting your bookshelves, that's a task I'm saving for tomorrow - at least that's what I tell myself day by day! I'm sure the new baby will enjoy her quilt, perhaps you can show us a pic sometime on your blog! Have fun with the birds!

  18. And I also intended to say, kudos to you for reporting the Giant Hogweed. That is nasty stuff!

    1. Yes, it's more than nasty, a student of mine came into contact with it on a hike and it was awful, she had to be hospitalized, it was really scary. Now when I see it I take a pic and whats'app it to the town with the exact location straightaway!

  19. Fabulous pages. My favorite was the page with Einstein and the dog. They look like they are imitating each other's expression. 😺 I'm jealous the hydrangeas have some many blossoms. I've only seen 2 on mine. The field of wildflowers looks a bit like my meadow area except my meadow is mostly weeds! Hot and humid here and maybe some thunderstorms later today. Take care and stay cool.

    1. Thanks, they both really look alike, too funny Einstein would have liked it!

  20. It looks like you've filled your books!

    We're having a cold front moving through today, giving us highs in the 80s. But it is muggy. The plants are enjoying the rain. You see so many beautiful flowers on your walks!

    1. Yes, I'm happy to say the job is done. It's hot here and very humid, but no rain! Have a great day!

  21. Fabulous pages that don't look at all as they were only made to use up your scraps! Love the faces one! How many times while you were making these pages did you wonder why you had kept them(maybe that's just me and my scraps!) Very hot and humid here - thunderstorms forecast for Friday! Your photos are wonderful! I do love seeing wildflowers! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I have a strange hobby of cutting pictures out of magazines etc because I might be able to use them someday....Wildflowers are indeed lovely.

  22. Love the caricature of Einstein. He must have been such a hoot to know.
    Wishing you rain and joy.

  23. Those books are so fun! Love the snarky quote about being hungover tomorrow. LOL
    Thanks for linking up with A Stitch in Time!

    1. Danke Halle. Sometimes we just need to be snarky!

  24. Wonderful scrap art Valerie, your books look great, and those flowers are gorgeous! xx

  25. Wie viele schöne Seiten in deinen kreativen Bücher das sind *wow* da sist eine schöne Erinnerung. Die letzten in diesme Posting sind wieder genial gewerkelt und zusammengefügt!
    Deine schöne Wanderfotos sind herrlich. Ich bin Moment viel unterwegs mit dem tollen Wetter, trocken warm mit 24 Grad und der Wind macht es an genehm bis heute.
    Ich wünsche dir einen shcönen Abend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Es freut mich dass du viel draußen sein kannst. Hier ist es heute sehr heiß heute. Dir einen schönen Abend 😁😁😁

  26. Very impressed with your 2 books of art. I wondered where you stored your art. Now I know. Also, I was surprised by your photos of hibiscus. They are everywhere in Hawaii, but now they are in Germany, too.

    1. Thanks. Hibiscus is not a native plant here, but grows well in summer!

  27. Awesome journals Valerie, I love the one with all of the faces and the covers are gorgeous! Beautiful photos today, the yellow Hibiscus is so pretty!
    Take care, hugs Tammy

  28. I love how your journals are so stuffed and just exploding with creativity and color! It's really impressive!

    And of course, as always, the photos are terrific. True summer is here!

  29. Hi Val, I'm late again, I know - sorry. Once again chaos reigns! Love your fantastic journals, well done on getting them finished in record time! Look after yourself! Hugs, Sarah

  30. Fabulous scrap pages Valerie and your journals will be looking awesome now you have used up the pieces on the pages. Did you actually say you threw some away? Well done , I wouldn't have had the courage.
    Stay safe. Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I cleared out 3 plastic sacks of scraps, and believe me, I still have plenty of stuff for crafting! Stay safe!

  31. I love your books Valerie, they look so happy and spontanious! By 'disposed of' do you mean your scraps are in the bin, or are they just hiding under your bed.... Have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Sue, I really disposed of them. Put the sacks into the garbage bins, sigh. Under my bed is already full up with other stuff....Have a great weekend!

  32. Your journals are fabulous … and your photographs a joy to see, those flower close-ups are wonderful.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. I love to see the flowers close up, so many wonderful details!

  33. Love your walking girl and the pages you have built up behind her. The ones with all the scraps are so interesting I could spend ages just looking and seeing what I might have missed the first time I looked. I wonder if some of the have special meanings to you - like things you have been sent by friends. Fabulous pages and finished journals.
    As always I enjoyed my walk (virtually) with you and seeing the lace cap and the hibiscus just made it so colourful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. My scraps are mostly things I cut from magazines or get from friends, and they're things I like, that#s why I save them. It just sometimes gets too much. But I have used a lot now, and that was the whole idea! Have a great weekend!


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