Saturday 20 June 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

This has been a strange and rather stressful week, with appointments to keep, trams that were always too late, stupid people who come too near, having to go to court to make a statement as a witness, and having no internet for 2 days. On top of that I had giddy spells all week, which did not improve my over all mood - it can only get better! That is always my big consolation in weeks when everything goes haywire.
But in between I had time to do lots of crafting, which somewhat soothed my shattered nerves!

These are some of the pages from my second junk/scrap journal.
The first is a very colourful collage, with lots of splats and splodges and some grass green washi-tape added. The diamonds were added with a stencil
I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, splats and sprays:

The second one is also a collaged magazine image with added splats in red and black and some splodge and scribble diecuts:

The third one was just collaged bits and bobs and a snarky quote:

And I have some photos from my walk today:

I love these little corners:

Lots of beautiful flowers everywhere:

Apples peeping over the wall:

I see this hand bell-pull day for day, and I love it:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. My goodness you have had a week!! Thankfully you have your art to decompress. Isn't it special how plants come up in the most unusual places and then give us their beautiful flowers to look at! Have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks! I love seeing how pants squeeze themselves through everywhere.

  2. Hi Valerie oh dear what a week you have had,i hope you are feeling much better now. I love your scrap pages full of beautiful work,thankyou for sharing them with us,i also love your beautiful photos,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, I am looking forward to quiet day today!

  3. What a stressful week! Beautiful soothing art and flowers!

    1. Art and flowers always work soothing, don't they?

  4. I think it's so wonderful that we can get into our art and the stress level drops. It sounds like you've had more than your share, so I'm glad you've had your beautiful art to help it along!

    1. Thank Jeanie, hope things will be quieter this week! Have a good weekend!

  5. Good Morning Val, hope you had a good sleep and that the coming days will be more relaxed for you. Love your art pieces, so wild with the splats and splatters, great. And the third piece is funny, love that quote on the lady, too funny! I'm enjoying a quiet weekend, that's a nice change. Mum is doing well at Leah's, so that's great. our flower pics are beautiful again, which reminds me that I need to do some work in the garden this weekend. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, enjoy your weekend, especially with some quiet hours just for you! I had a quiet sleep, so that made a nice change, I was really exhausted. Enjoy your day, have fun in the garden! Hugs!

  6. Hello dear Valerie!
    I know how it is to have a stressful week! I’ve have a migraine for all week!
    Your artwork is stunning as always! Like all your journal pages!! Great work indeed!!
    Gorgeous pictures from your walk! Like the hand bell-pull ,so preety,and the beautiful flowers!
    Wishing you a happy and relaxing weekend! Take care,stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much Dimi! I'm sorry to hear about your migraine, that is very unpleasant. The hand bell-pull is a fantastic piece indeed. Have a great weekend, feel well soon!

  7. There are some weeks when if things could go wrong, they will. It sounds like you had more than your share this past week. Let's hope things improve in the week to come.

    Your scraps pages are wonderful. I especially like the one where you split the image lengthwise. It made for a much more enjoyable image than had you left it whole. I also LOVED the beautiful woman in the last one. She looked so innocent and virginal, it was hard to believe those words could have come from her mouth (grin).

    Great photos, especially the flowers and the hand bell. In one of the photos with several window boxes, it looks like there were flowers over the mail box, too. I wonder how hard it is to water those window boxes since they have the bars on the windows.

    1. Thanks E! The coming week has to be better! I had to split the image as it was over 2 sides in a magazine, so I decided to split it more by changing the placement, too. And yes, some of us innocent and demure girls know bad words.... Some people think I'm a nice old lady till I open my mouth! I don't know how they water the plants, but they are always beautifully kept, perhaps they can water them from inside the building? Whatever, have a nice day!

  8. Stop and smell the flowers, lovely gorgeous post.xx

    1. Yes, always a good thing to to do. I smell them and take photos of them! Have a great day!

  9. OH so groovy this artwork! Love the bursts of color and I love organic art like splatters and watercolors that run all over! What a fabulous walk around town - so much in bloom! and the blog header - those clouds are really something. Hugs! xx

    1. Thanks Kelly, I love making things like this! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  10. Love your positive attitude! And the work with the split car/woman, great idea. Beautiful pics, somehow a tad spooky with no people around, like it was art.
    Have a great day, Iris

    1. Danke. An frühen Morgen ist hier wenig los, da gehe ich gerne spazieren! Am Nachmittags wenn die Touristen einfallen ist nicht so schön!

  11. Hope that the coming week will be a much better one for you. Love the pages and your photos are stunning. Keep well. x

  12. Good morning, I think our crafts and arts are perfect for times when we are stressed-I waited too long to do that.
    I love your pieces, and I really enjoyed all the pretty photos-those corners are just awesome-a peek of happiness.
    Happy weekend-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. We are lucky that we have something to bring us back into balance when we need it. Have a wonderful day, take care!

  13. Some of your artwork today looks like it could be part of a Rorschach test, Valerie! Sorry to hear that you had a bad spell, but I hope that things are improving, and that you have once again become your usual, happy, positive self. As you say, it could always be worse! Doubtless that is little consolation at times, but it is nevertheless true. Have you resisted the temptation to pull on the bell? I think if I walked past it every day the mischievous little urchin side on me would make me do it! Enjoy the weekend. A nice walk seems just what is needed.

    1. Thanks David, perhaps I need to consult a psychiatrist instead of just drinking more coffee to wash it down!! Things can always be worse, but at the moment I would be happy if they were a tad better. Life is sometimes very complicated, and when shit happens, it happens! I haven't rung the bell, it's the door to a very exclusive star restaurant, I couldn't even afford to walk inside there! Have a great weekend!

  14. Wonderful, colorful collages. I enjoyed the snarky quote. Your week may have gone haywire as 5 planets have gone into retrograde and Saturday/Sunday marks the Summer solstice. People in your area have such wonderful gardens and window boxes. I need to take lessons. The hollyhocks made me think of Mitty. He was an outdoor kitty and when it got hot he would hang out under the broad leaves of the hollyhocks. That handbell is awesome and those white hydrangeas are so beautifully delicate. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ. At times like these I need to be snarky! I never get my balcony boxes looking as good as other people do, there must be a trick somewhere! I just don't know it!

  15. I like the third collage the best. It looks so delicate. Love the flower photos, too.

    1. Thanks so much! The flowers are beautiful everywhere. Have a great weekend!

  16. The collage with the snarky quote is my favorite. Love it!

    So many gorgeous flowers on your walk. So bright and cheerful. That bell pull- wow. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it. Awesome.

    Hope this weekend is relaxing and fun and things go in a positive direction. :)

    1. Thanks Jess, flowers make me Happy! Have a great Weekend!

  17. Wow! You have had a week!
    Why people don't respect the social distancing or the wearing of masks is beyond me. It is so little to do and could save lives even their own.

    I always love your artwork. Your art journals are wonderfully created and beautiful!

    Your photos are beyond gorgeous!!!

    Hope this week goes much better for you!

    Hugs ❤☕❤

    1. Thanks Jan, things can only get better! Enjoy your Weekend!

  18. I love your collages Valerie, and your photos are lovely too!
    Hope you have a better time this coming week.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. It can only get better! Have a good weekend!

  19. Sorry you had such a difficult week, but I'm glad you had your art to help you de-stress. Cool collage pages and gorgeous photos. I love that old brick. hugs, Teresa

  20. Wow, you did have quite a week. Hope this new one is better. I love your splashes and splatters. They are cool pages and nice faces too. And I agree with you about people who get too close or don't wear masks. The virus hasn't gone away yet, but I think some people think so I guess. Hope your weekend has been going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. Lots of people think that Corrina is over, a bit like Trump!

  21. Każdy czas ma swój koniec nawet ten zły. Pięknie tu na twoim blogu. Dzwonek jest cudowny. Miłego nowego tygodnia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, have a wonderful week, stay Safe!

  22. I love the "it can only get better" attitude :) Those flowers that spring up in unlikely places inspire me.

    1. Hope springs eternal in the human breast....

  23. Well your week can definitely only get better can't it! I love your artwork today, especially your split lady, very different. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, you're right there! I feel like the split lady myself just now!

  24. Sorry last week was not too good … hopefully this week will be better :)
    A lovely selection of photographs here.
    Take care and keep smiling.

    All the best Jan

  25. How lovely to see all those flowers! I love your scrap pages - some very clever ways to use your scraps ! Hugs, Chrisx


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