Friday 20 September 2019

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!
We've got some good weather forecast for the next 2 days, but after that it will be getting more like autumn, so it will be time to get my warm pullovers and jackets out!

Recently, while clearing out my arty kitchen, I found several A3 journal pages which I had started and not finished. This one is now done, the others will follow. The background was painted and collaged with napkins. I rolled over it with my love-words roller-stamp and used stencils for the birds, people and the sentiment. I added washi tape around the edges and sewed over  it:

The following pics were taken in the early  mornings this week:

And these pics are from my walk this afternoon:

And a close-up of the beautiful Nile goose:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What beautiful skies you have! And oh, how I love the light in that woods!

  2. Good evening Val! sounds like you had a good day, and the photos are wonderful. Such beautiful skies and love that grove in the woods, breathtaking! And your journal page is beautiful, as always, love the pastel colours. And the goose is so gorgeous! Have a great weekend, we're off to Mum's tomorrow - no rest for the wicked! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Pretty journal page. I like the figures discussing their dreams. You have such dreamy skies and scenery. Our weekend weather is going to be warm. I don't want to let go of Summer. Enjoy your weekend

    1. ...and I can't wait for a beautiful autumn! Enjoy your warm weekend.

  4. Lovely sky photos early in the morning, Valerie, and a beautiful duck posing for you again! Your A3 page is GORGEOUS, my friend. You should finish the rest pages you found. Kisses!

  5. Beautiful pages and fall photos.

  6. Beautiful art page you have made. I always enjoy your photos from your walks, there must be hundreds of planes flying over your sky's going by all the vapour trails. Love the photo of the lines of trees and the road disappearing into the distance. Very nice goose photo. Aren't the chest feathers a beautiful colour.

    1. The airport is nearby, we can always do plane spotting!

  7. Your art is so eclectic! I LOVE favorite photo, by the way is of that big fat duck. He's such a plucky fellow!

  8. Oooh I do love your pretty flowers and butterfly - the whole piece is gorgeous. Always, the stitching adds that beautifulness to your art Valerie xx
    Gorgeous morning sky shots and a lovely walk - how nice for us to share in your happy day xx

    1. Thanks! It was a golden day and made me really happy!

  9. I was on my way out the door, but had to stop and tell you how much I love your journal page. You finished this beautifully. Most impressive.

    I love the walks through the trees. Gorgeous photos.

  10. I enjoy finding partially done pieces because I look at them with fresh eyes and that's inspiring. This is a pretty piece. The pink is rather romantic. And I would love to walk through those trees. It is so different from the forests we have here. Enjoy your autumn weather. hugs-Erika

  11. Hi Valerie ,lovely journal page my friend,you are very clever,love the pics thankyou for sharing them with us xx

  12. OMG your photos are just amazing. I wish I could go for a walk with you and talk about the lovely things we notice. Leeanna

  13. Great find Valerie, glad your finished it and shared it with us all. love the addition of the washi around the edge. I have so many pieces unfinished i'll never get round to completing them all.
    Your early morning photos are beautiful, the best part of the day for me when just the birds, coffee & little me can sit and take in the world around.
    Wishing you a super weekend Hugs Tracey xx

    1. My fave time of the day, too - coffee at sunrise and time to think and look and enjoy!

  14. Awww look at that duck, how cute is peaceful to look at this page you posted...the most beautiful photos and colours preserved here.xx

  15. You always have such lovely things to see on your walks. we are finally getting out of the very high summer temps and into some rain this weekend-I am ready for sweatshirt weather.
    this is really a pretty page-when you say napkin and I have read others using napkins-are these those paper napkins we use at dinner? thanks happy weekend Kathy

  16. Look at that gorgeous goose.
    You get the best sky shots.
    Love the lovely soft background of your piece.
    Have a great weekend.

  17. Wowwwww This Art journal page is so so Gorgeous Valerie !! Love the colours, and the stamps are very beautiful. So great idea to sew the washitape all around, spectacular !Thank you so much for sharing those wonderful photographs from your walks, this goose is Amazing and cute.
    I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugss

  18. I like the silhouettes against that colorful background. Each manages to stand out depending on how I look at it. Cool!

    The path into those woods tempts me. I'd be a mile in before I realized it. It looks like such an inviting place to walk :)

    1. That grove of trees is a wonderful place to be, one of my faves.

  19. Oh such a stunning silhouette, my frien d- and the colors are so pretty and soft! Lovely walk about - I keep waiting for the weather here in Miami to get cooler, but I'm still waiting, LOL! Hugs!

  20. Love, love,love that colorful silhouette!!!
    Fantastic photos of the sky!!!
    Paths and them!

    Hugs xxx

  21. Wow, such lovely colors! Very beautiful photos.

  22. A beautiful page Valerie, I love those silhouette figures..
    Wonderful photos, it looked like the Nile Goose was posing for the photo.
    Yvonne xx

  23. La página del diario terminado es fantástica, una composición y diseño muy atractivo gusta mucho. Las imágenes del paisaje son maravillosas.


  24. Love all of those skies.
    We had a wonderful sunny day yesterday (Saturday) and some very welcome rain today (Sunday) … I think, here in the UK, we too will need our rain jackets in the coming week.

    All the best Jan

  25. Isn't it the best when you find something and are able to finish it. It makes me feel so accomplished. :)

    Love all the sky photos. Such beautiful lighting. And the way it comes through the trees- just magical.

    Have a lovely week!

  26. Your posts always make me so happy! I love your art piece and I love your glorious pictures! Big Hugs!

  27. I love this pink shade of your art, so pretty! The photos are beautiful as well, you always see pretty things☺

  28. Beautiful journal page Valerie - lovely soft colours.
    Loved your photos and especially the Nile Goose - what a great close up!
    Love the new? header :)
    Been quite mild over night still with temps about 14c but can change so quicly this time of the year can't it..
    Hope you have a great week... Gill x

  29. Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Great series of images, Valerie, especially those of the day waking up. Well done!


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