Monday 2 September 2019

T stands for 2nd on the second

Hi Everybody!

Hope September has started well for you. Have a great week and a wonderful month.  At Elizabeth's blog it's time for 2nd on the 2nd, a linky party where we share a piece posted in the past. (Spellchecker  just tried to alter 'linky' to 'kinky'!) Later on it will also be time for T stands for Tuesday over at her blog, so I am rolling both posts together here. I chose this A3 journal page as it was made at the beginning of September back in 2015. The upside-down text is also worth reading!

And this piece fits for TSFT, and was made in 2016, so I am including it, too. I altered an old photo with some graphics from Serif. And here also a hearty welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang who visit here:

And this is my new Coffee plant. It should grow into a sturdy and leafy tree in about 10 years, so check back then for a pic of me hopefully sitting under the tree drinking coffee from my own beans!

At the market place:

I saw this furniture waiting to be collected yesterday afternoon. Pity I couldn't carry those chairs home, but 3 miles on foot with them was not a possibility!

Transport on transport:

Nathalie enjoying ice coffee - I enjoyed mine, too:

Salads from this week - with lettuce, tomatoes, mini-peppers, cheese, cashews, blueberries and pumpkin seeds:

Clouds and sunshine on my evening walk:

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie ,wow your work is amazing well done my friend,i love your journal pages.
    Lol love the pic of Nathalie being cheeky ,and the salads look so yummy,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  2. Your second look is still beautiful. I remember it from before. I loved the out of my mind, back soon. Still laugh at that. It's a genuinely beautiful entry and I love how you digitally altered the journal page.

    Your second look for the T Stands For Tuesday post is wonderful, too. You know if it's got a cat, I'll be there. Of course, I also adored the parakeet and the darling dog, too. What a fabulous find, Valerie.

    I wish I'd been there to help you with the chairs and I would have picked up that "thing" on wheels. I could have fixed it and turned it into a coffee table. But wishes are all we have from that pile of "good junk."

    You have made me hungry. I want your salad. I had a salad for my meal today, but it didn't look as good as yours with the cashews, peppers, and cheese. And of course, your iced coffee looks good, too. Beautiful cloud shots, too.

    Thanks for sharing both second looks with us for both T Stands For Tuesday and Second on the 2nd. Thank you beyond belief.

  3. Hi Val, good morning to you! It's sunny here but pleasant, so hope you have the same, good weather. LOVE both of your pieces, too. The first one is so funny, and love all that you packed into the picture. The old chappie in the second one reminds me of Mr Chimmi, our old neighbour. Great photos, too, that was some really good junk you saw. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Fabulous post all is great and interesting..xx

  5. Great artwork from the past: I love that art journal page. I like the Fido tea time piece too. Your coffee plant looks nice. Wonderful photos and your food looks delicious.

  6. Beautiful pages and altered photo. Your salads look so delicious and the marketplace looks fun.

  7. The salad looks yum, so colorful☺

  8. I Loved your second look-beautiful page Your salad looks delicious and lovely to look at too. enjoyed the photos-have fun growing your coffee plant! Happy second on the 2nd and T Hugs Kathy

  9. Happy early T day and September 2 Valerie. I love seeing your collage again. And I especially enjoy seeing your T post with those fun digital characters. The salads look yummy. We are actually quite cool here, rainy today, no blue skies for me. Hope you are having a great day and enjoying your new month so far. Hugs-Erika

  10. Fun to see your old posts. That upside down text is so true! I love your altered tea photograph. Very cute. I like those chairs, but would have not place to put them in the dollhouse. Wow! Your own coffee tree. I might have to look into that for the Eldest. She loves coffee. You salad is so pretty. The face Nathalie made in the picture made me chuckle. That's one of the faces Himself makes when I say Don't eat! to get a T Day Picture. 😺 Happy 2nd and T Day

    1. That is exactly what happened - she wanted to drink and had to wait for the obligatory photos to be taken!

  11. I especially love the second piece. Warms the heart.
    A coffee plant! That is so cool.
    That salad looks scrumptious.

  12. What a brilliant piece Valerie, I think I remember this from the first time arround and it looks just as good today. Your salads look delicious as always, and your very own coffee plant, I look forward to seeing the photographs in a few years time lol. Take care, Sue xx

  13. I loved this page Valerie and the quote you added made me smile like it did the first time I saw the page.
    The photos looked lovely especially the delicious food, good job its late and I am not hungry or the fridge would be raided.
    Nathalie has a lovely smile, I hope she didn't have to wait to long to enjoy her iced coffee.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  14. What a fabulous post.
    Lovely art, lovely photographs and wow, do those salads look delicious.

    Happy September wishes.

    All the best Jan

  15. What a super post Valerie! I am in love with your pages! And I really enjoyed that you have your own coffee plant!!!!!!!! The salad looks delicious and the photos of the sky are gorgeous! Hugs, my friend.

  16. Great photos and I LOVE your piece! You're right about the upside down text. It's definitely well worth reading -- and remembering!

  17. Such lovely artwork! I'm loving your salad, it looks like a work of art in itself and so appetising - yum 😁. Your Clouds and sunshine photos are fabulous too! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  18. I really love that old black and white photo with the added color graphics! The salad looks absolutely delicious. The photos are such a pleasure too. Happy T day!

  19. Your collage is fantastic! I can't stop looking at it. Every time I look at it I see something else I hadn't noticed before. The writings are all great and I was surprised how easy it was to read the upside down words.
    Your other page is wonderful too. I like the little green budgie.
    The new coffee plant is majestic. I'm sure it will grow beautifully in that position of light.
    The photo of your friend with the ice coffee made my mouth water. We are doing three weeks of no caffeine, no alcohol, no sugar, no yeast and no animal products. I miss my coffee, but we'll soon get used to that. At the moment any icy drink would be welcome. (It's still hot).
    Your salads are a feast for the eye, and I'm sure they taste very yummy. (and it reminded me that I forgot to buy lettuce this morning when I went to the market).
    Happy T-Day,

  20. I certainly hope someone rescued those chairs. It'd be a shame to think of them being carted off to a dump :( I bought a little coffee plant once, but it didn't survive the first year. I look forward to seeing yours thrive as it should :) Your salad looks refreshing! Happy T Tuesday :)

    1. Thanks, I hope my plant will survive, too - I don't have green thumbs!

  21. OH, yummy! That salad and that iced coffee, both look delicious, and I don't usually drink coffee! Fabulous artwork. Happy t Day!

  22. I loved this page - the little quotes did make me smile! The little budgerigar on the mantelpiece reminds me of how we used to let ours out for a fly around when I was a child! Your salad looks so beautifully colourful and appetising! Great cloud pics...plenty around at the moment!! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  23. Woooww this page is absolutely Gorgeous Valerie !! Love the sobright and happy colours, the collage is super beautiful, and your quotes are... true!! people is like that.Your second page is also great, fabulous with the grafics. Yummy drinks.... would like one please :) and salad. Happy belated belated T-day ! those chairs are very beautiful. Smile with the transport on transport jaja. And, of course, love your photographs, we need some clouds and rain too.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugs,

  24. Wonderful page, Valerie. I enjoyed reading all the great quotes. I picked up three mismatched caned chairs many years ago for our first home. I refinished the and replaced the caning myself. It was a fun learning experience. I loved those creaky chairs. We used them at our tiny kitchen table.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx


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