Saturday 14 September 2019

Apples, Pears and more

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, and it's sunny; not too hot, not too cold - just wonderful!
I went for a very long morning walk and came back tired, hungry and happy.
Hope your weekend will be great, too!

Today I have another tag to share for Wendy's theme over at Tag Tuesday
I don't have any stamps for apples and pears, so carved myself two quick ones. They didn't turn out quite as I was hoping, but they are usable. I stamped them using oxide inks in twisted citron, lucky clover and pickled raspberry. The tag is about 6". I used colourful stripes for the background, matted with coordinating colours and all sewn together. The extra leaves are textile ones:

Linking to Simon Monday challenge, stamp it.

Last week Elizabeth commented on the different sorts of stones used for paving the roads and paths here, so I went round and tried to get pictures of as many sorts as possible. People kept asking why I was taking pics of the stones,  but I could not be bothered to think up any answers! I took so many photos of the various cobble stones and  bricks that I decided to put them together to make 2 collages. I included a couple of street views and a couple of gravestones built into walls. The little bronze plaques are there to remember the people who lived in those houses before they were deported by the Nazis to the death camps. When I visited Berlin I found the names of many family members of my grandmother engraved on the stones:

Then I had a bit of fun playing at Tuxpi to make some patterns:

This morning's sunrise:

Masses of people streaming along the Rhine - it's 'Dreck-weg-Tag', literally translated 'dirt-away-day' or the twice yearly clean-up by volunteers. I didn't take part this time, but plenty did:

And I had a quick visit to the basilica to light some candles for all friends near and far:

And took a few photos of the golden shrine of Saint Swidbert from the middle ages. It's hard to get a good shot, as you have to keep your distance to avoid setting off the alarms:

Just managed to get a shot of the full moon last night before it clouded over:

 There is still time to join in my giveaway if you want to.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. the apple and pear stamps you carved are fabulous and I love the names of the colors of ink you used. The various cobbles and bricks are so pretty. Urban mosaics. Dreck-weg-Tag. I love it! I need to do that in my studio! Looks like the sun rose on a beautiful day for the clean up. The basilica is so beautiful with sunlight streaming through the stained glass windows. And a lovely moon photo, too. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks! I need a day like that here, too! Those inks all have really delicious names!

  2. Hi Val! What a FABULOUS post! Amazing! Love the beautiful tag with your hand-made stamps, so clever. And the photos of the cobbles and bricks, and the great patterns you made with them. Wonderful photos, as always, great idea with the clean-up action. The Basilica is beautiful I have never seen the shrine before. Have a great weekend, must get back into the conference now, yawn, yawn! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful tags and patterns. Wonderful cleanup effort by the community. I will watch for the harvest moon tonight.

  4. Perfect for Fall, love that fruity idea☺

  5. Love your hand-carved stamps, Valerie - they will be so versatile, and in a great folksy style. The vibrant tag is such fun. Gorgeous tiled patterns in the photos today and, oh, that moon!
    Alison x

  6. All those patterns and designs add a lot of interest to what would otherwise just be boring background. Art does make a difference in the life of a city. I tried to get a photo of that gorgeous moon, but my cell phone didn't do it justice.

  7. A great pear of stamps Valerie! Sorry, I couldn't resist! :-)
    Wonderful photos too, I love all of those tile patterns.
    Alison xx

  8. Your tag turned out beautiful and you did a great job of making your own stamps...I love the patterns!
    Your photos are always fantastic and these are proof of that!!!
    How wonderful that the community gets together for the cleanup!
    Have a wonderful day~

  9. Oh my! Such a lot here. I'm blown away by your skill with color. It's just happy art and makes me happy to look at it.

    The plaques are terribly moving and while I am glad that they are recognized, I'm sad that you had to find names of those you loved on it, knowing what happened in that awful war. The photos are really beautiful and I feel honored that you shared them with us.

    Three cheers for the clean-up crew!

  10. I don't have a pear stamp, so thought about drawing one. Silly ME. Your apple and pear are out of this world. I love them both. And they stamped up so well, too. That is a fabulous tag.

    Speaking of tags, please DO NOT, REPEAT DO NOT put me in your giveaway. I'd hate to accidentally win and would feel even MORE guilty than I already do with all the beautiful goodies you've already sent me.

    You actually DID participate in the clean-up. You took photos of people as they cleaned the banks of the river.

    I was blown away by all the photos you took of different street patterns. These were amazing. It was so weird that you found your grandmother's family names. No wonder the Holocaust has such an effect on you. I certainly enjoyed the photos, though. So many patterns, too.

    Beautiful moon shot. And the photos of the basilica were fabulous. Great photos of the windows, too.

    1. Don't worry, I have only included those who actively asked to be included.

  11. Those apple and pear stamps are fabulous Valerie! Done in your own style - so creatively charming :D)
    Wow - all that paving and brickwork - I love how you have shown it here. A beautiful response to Elizabeth's comment.
    Have a lovely Sunday xx

  12. Interesting what you have done with your photos, I can see a few quilt blocks in there 😁 the stain glass windows are beautiful, amazing photo of the moon.

    1. I love that you see quilt blocks in everything, what fun! I see the similarity here!

  13. The apples and pears and fun and funky. I like how you used them on the tag. I am hoping to get a tag made for the challenge. And wow, that is a great collection of tiles and stones. I like seeing them and also how you changed the photos into some fascinating art. It sounds like you had a great walking day and I hope tomorrow is the same. Hugs-Erika

  14. Hi Valerie oh you are a clever chicky making up your stamps ,I love the look of them,well done my friend.
    Wow what a wonderful array of pics ,I love the stone mosaics very interesting,hope you have a wonderful day Valerie xx

    1. Thanks, I like the thought of being a 'chicky'!

  15. Love your stamps, you area jack of all trades and the result of the stamping is an envy to one's eyes... Beautiful photos and the tiles/stones are most amazing.xx

  16. Amazing stamps and photos :)
    Have a lovely day :)

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. A fun piece!
    Don't those pavers make wonderful mosaics?
    Your designs were fun:)
    Have a great one.

  19. Those hand carved stamps are brilliant, clever you! The moon looks wonderful in your photo, we are on holiday at the moment and had the most amazing sunset and moon last night. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  20. I am really behind with my visiting, its been a super catch up tonight Valerie. Wow to the hand cut stamps and the tags you made.
    The photos looked amazing and I loved seeing them all. Your own designs looked great as well.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Those stained glass windows are wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  22. What a so so Gorgeous tag Valerie !! It´s Amazing, love the so happy colours, and , of course, looove your hand carved stamps, they are super beautiful. I did some little stamps with foam, but haven´t used them too much, so, you has given me an idea, make tags or cards using them.
    All the photographs you have got are spectacular, love the patterns you have created, so special, and it´s great to see people cleaning rivers sides. Lovely moon !
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugssss


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