Monday 31 July 2017

T stands for PosTcards and more....

Hi Everybody!
This Tuesday sees the start of a new month, and at TIOT
we are starting a new challenge - postcards.
As always, you have 2 weeks to link your creations to us,
and projects of all formats are welcome, so hope to see you there.

I made a journal page, using a post card showing a photo of me on my
 first day at school:

 This is the original postcard, a collage on a torn and blended paper 
background, using lots of vintage paper scraps
from different stages of my life, as well as stamps, stamping etc:

Two weeks back we celebrated the fourth anniversary of Elizabeth's
TSFT, and some of us swapped ATCs. My swap partner was CJ and Ink,
who sent me a beautiful ATC in a decorated envelope, the address
written in wonderful calligraphy:

The envelope is really a work of art, and will
be treasured!

The ATC:

A fun little friendship flag, which is now
hanging on my balcony:

And some beautiful, home-made washi tape:

Thanks CJ, much appreciated!

And as its T Day, I would like to welcome all the nice ladies of the T Gang,
and offer some coconut bars and cappuccino:

 And last but not least, some photos from my walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh Valerie you were such a cutie! I love your postcard, it really does look old and fragile (not a bit like you) I better shut up before I get myself into more trouble lol. Have a fun week, Sue xx

  2. Val, you've done it again - another post choc-a-bloc with good things. Love the postcard and the journal page you made from it, you really were a cutie! The envelope you got from your friend is beautiful her writing is exquisite. Great photos as always, I love seeing things through your eyes / lens! Have a good, new month. Hugs, Sarah

  3. You were/are such a cutie!
    Love CJ's envelope. Didn't she do a wonderful job!
    What a fun walk. Look at that heart.
    Save me one of those yummy looking bars.

  4. Terrific postcard Valerie with lots to see and enjoy on it

    Great to get such nice things from CJ in such a wonderful envelope as well

    The ATC is super.

    Fantastic photographs and nice to see the long legs again.

    Thankyou for the coconut slice and drink.

    Happy T Day tomorrow

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. What a lovely journal page and the gifts look wonderful as well. Your baking looks so very good!

  6. Simply wonderful ATC from CJ. I saw it on her blog, but not the entire thing. She's a real calligrapher, that's for sure.

    LOVE your postcard art, and I'm quite sure I'll find time to make at least one this fortnight. You look so adorable on your first day of school. How time flies!

    I used to love coconut, but all of a sudden, I got sick on it and no longer care for it. Sad, too, because so many wonderful things include coconut, like your bars. I will share a cappuccino with you, though.

    LOVE the photo of the heart in the sand and the feather and shells. Beautiful and unique.

    Thanks for sharing your postcard, your received ATC, your wonderful photos, and your tempting coconut bars and cappuccino with us for T this nearly Tuesday.

  7. Its a gorgeous post card journal, page Valerie and it was lovely to see your school photo and all the other wonderful details you included.
    Fabulous photos, did you draw out the heart in the sand?
    The coconut bars look delicious, I'll have one later with my cuppa.
    Happy T day when Tuesday gets here.
    Yvonne xx

    1. It was already there, but faded, so I went over it again with a stick! I love hearts in the sand!

  8. wow,deine postkarte ist sowas von klasse,die ganzen deatils sind wunderschön,und du warst ja ein süsses mädchen.
    die bilder vom rhein sind traumhaft,ich liebe das wasser auch.
    der kleine coconussbär ist süss,und gern hätte ich jetzt ein stück kuchen.
    eine schöne woche.

    hugs jenny

  9. Wow! I am just loving your postcard journal page. Such an adorable picture of you. I love when vintage ;) photos are personal.

  10. Beautiful photos! I love the beach!

    Your first day of school photo and journal page are wonderful. You look so happy. The textures on the postcard are awesome.

    I am a big fan of coconut and would love one of those bars. :)

  11. Such a cutie you were Valerie, lovely postcard page. Beautiful envelope and ATC and other goodies you received for the swap. Now I feel like some dessert.

  12. That's a fun new theme at TIOT. Love your postcard. You were such a cute little girl. And what a nice collection from CJ. I'll take one of those coconut bars-they look delicious and I'm ready for a little after dinner sweet. :) Happy T day. hugs-Erika

  13. Valerie what a lovely postcard you made! Just love the black and white mixed with the bits and bobs... And your gifts from CJ are beautiful! That orange washi tape sure catches the eye.. Love to go on your walks with you... You have such a beautiful place to walk... Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  14. Gorgeous Valerie love the post card when you were little, so sweet. Great beach pics and your gifts are gorgeous.xx[aNNie]

  15. I'm surprised the envelope arrived so quickly. Glad to see it arrived in one piece. I love coconut and those coconut bars look delicious. As always, I enjoy the photos you take on your walk. Your self-portrait made me smile. Have a Happy T Day

  16. Ohh how sweet you look, very sweet

  17. Your postcard is amazing with all those lovely layers of paper scraps depicting your life and that photo of you is so very pretty too! Your happy mail and goodies from CJ and Ink is wonderful, isn't that envelope the best and the ATC is so much fun! It captures the happiness of T Day beautifully, and is so apt as you always make the best chocolate chip cookies 😀. So many lovely walk photos too, I adore the heart in the sand and your shadow - I'm going to be singing "Me and my shadow" now for the rest of the day now ... lol 😉. Happy T Day! J 😊

  18. A beautiful collaged postcard are such a sweet girl. Fabulous goodies too and as always beautiful photographs... just heading off for a cuppa.

    Sending my best wishes
    Annie xx

  19. A beautiful postcard journal page and a lovely photo of you on your first day at school.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. Ah, what a sweet photo of you as a child! You were certainly a pretty little girl.
    That envelope is stunning! A lot of work went into that.So special!
    I enjoyed the walk as usual, just such a shame that your walks don't help me lose weight! (Love to see the barge on the river)
    Happy T-day,

  21. Nice work using the postcard in the journal. Liking all the photos, nice of you to share. Greetings!

  22. Wow your post was so beautiful-loved the walk especially
    Your postcard with your school photo is really special and your swap atc with envelope is really fabulous-I would want to frame those to continue to enjoy.
    Happy T Day Kathy

  23. Love your postcard, the hand holding the photograph is stunning

    Joan x

  24. What an absolutely amazing collage - a real stroke of genius to add the thumb holding onto the card! What a treat from CJ and ink! The calligraphy certainly is beautiful!! I love your riverside walk - your photos are always a joy to see too! Coconut bars and cappuccino sounds like a plan to me! Big Hugs, Chrisx

  25. "home-made washi tape"?! I had no idea this could be hand-made! That calligraphy is gorgeous! I'm enjoying seeing all the ATCs. Thanks for sharing the experience :) I like how you framed the first day of school photo, that thumb holding it is genius!

    You saw some interesting things on your walk, and those views! I'll be glad to take you up on the offer of a coconut bar, yummmmm

    Happy T Tuesday.

  26. Wonderful art - made and received and fantastic photos! I take one of the yummie coconut bars - thank you!

  27. Your postcard collage is wonderful, Valerie. What a cute photo and pretty smile. I love all the words you added that describe children and how they should be handled. You must have been raised that way because look how you turned out ;-)

    What a treat to see CJ's beautiful calligraphy. I wonder if the postal people had a hard time reading old-fashioned script like that. I mourn that cursive isn't taught in U.S. or Mexican schools anymore. It can be so beautiful and is definitely a time-saver. Oh well ... progress ...

    Love the heart in the sand photo. Wondering if you made it or just came upon it.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  28. I really love your nostalgic schooldays page - what beautiful ephemera you've included with the wonderful photo of yourself taking centre stage. Love the softening effect of the paint strokes framing everything. A post full of treats.
    Alison x

  29. A wonderful art journal with an adorable photo of you and fantastic details!
    You received a cute ATC! A fabulous post, Valerie!
    Have a lovely week!
    Hugs, Mar

  30. A fabulous postcard Valerie, and wonderful to include papers relating to your life with that lovely photo. Gorgeous weather for your walk - wish we could say the same.
    Avril xx

  31. love your postcard and what a lovely photo as indeed are the lovely photos of your walk

  32. Beautiful makes all round! That wonderful postcard on your first school day looks super against that beautifully blended background

  33. Wunderschöne diese Karte mit dir als süßes Schulmädel. Aber die schemenhafte Dame im Hintergrund ist wohl deine sich sorgende Mutter? Die Worte darauf sind sehr berührend, ja Kinder sind zerbrechlich und müßen mit Vorsicht behandelt werden, wie wahr. Ich mag auch den tollen Schmetterling darauf. Glückwunsch zu deiner schönen Post die so liebevoll gemacht wurde. Die Fotos sind,wie immer, total klasse.
    Liebe Grüße

  34. What a cute little kindergartener you were! I really do love that card. Well done!

    And all the photos but especially the heart in the sand!

  35. Sorry I missed """T"""" day this week. My Dad is in the hospital in critical care . His heart can't keep up without help now so they had to install a pace maker. Now we have complications going on 😓

  36. A wonderful post, and I especially like your journal page which shows the photo of you on your first day at school ...

    All the best Jan

  37. I love your journal page! You are priceless! Love what you got from CJ!!! I will have some coconut bars! Did you make that heart in the sand? Gorgeous pictures! Big Hugs!


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