Saturday 12 November 2016

wheels, cogs and cookies

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! Today the sun came out after a
week of grey, rainy days, so that made me happy!

For Art Journal Journey, Susi's fun theme of collage with a twist, I was inspired by recent events to make a hybrid page, 
using a water coloured background. 
(Some of the digital elements are from Mischief Circus)
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, wheels

The sky this morning was beautiful,  I love watching the
colours change, although it was rather chilly outside in my pyjamas!

The gulls are always waiting for treats:

Today I enjoyed watching the ships, this is a 'work' ship
which makes sure that the waterways are
clear of silt and sand:

And I baked some oat and syrup cookies - help yourselves! I think the photographer must have taken one already!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Eine ganz tolle Collage mit einem sehr sinnigen Spruch! Gefällt mir!
    Wunderbare Stimmungsaufnahmen- aber bitt nicht mehr im Pyjama raus.. menno!
    Willst Du Dir eine Lungenentzündung holen!?
    Die Möwen sind immer so schön - und fleissig, dass der Rhein quasi geputzt wird! Sehr brav sind die!
    Ich nehm mir gleich mehrer von den Keksen - hoffe das kommt nicht zu unverschämt rüber!
    Schönen Abend noch.. hab gleich drei fette Stück Torte verputzt ...
    die schmeckt richtig nach MEEEEHR!

    1. Du kriegst so viele Kekse wie Du willst, und dafür beamst Du bitte ein Stück Torte rüber!

  2. Good one, and I know whose fingers you would like to see crushed! He deserves it, too.
    Wonderful photos, love the colours of the morning sky, so beautiful. I would love some of your cookies, and I hope you will send me a tin full when we come back! Hugs, Sarah

  3. OMG, the sky is breathtaking!
    I like wheels and cogs and particularly cookies!

  4. brilliant wheels and cogs! very industrial and chic. your sky is sublime. what a glorious sight! thanks for all the beauty you capture and create. xo

  5. Hi Valerie, Happy Weekend. Love your wheels and cogs. It's a great design for the industrial style. You sure captured some great sky photos and the activity on the water. Those cookies sure look delicious. I'm sure the photographer really enjoyed her cookie haha! Enjoy the day. xo

  6. Tolle Zahnräder und der HG dazu sieht auch total klasse aus. Guter Spruch. ;)
    Ja von den Keksen nehme ich auch gern, ich liebe Haferflocken. Wunderbare Fotos sind das auch wieder, aber du solltest auf Susi hören und nicht mehr im Pyjama auf den Balkon, nur mit warmen Socken und dickem Bademantel. Sonst muß ich dir beim nächsten Besuch die Ohren lang ziehen, hihihi.
    Big Hugs

    1. Meine Ohren langziehen!? Das schaffst Du nicht!!

  7. Your AJJ entry is simply INCREDIBLE. No one can ever fault Lech Walesa. Your cogs and wheels tell the true tale as it needs to be told. This is beautiful and poignant.

    Your cookie photographer only took one. So it must have been a thoughtful person to leave so many for us. Hope you enjoy a couple of these yourself!

  8. Forgot to mention I like your latest blog banner. You have been changing them as often as I change clothes (JUST JOKING).

  9. Lovely work for the challenges. Gorgeous skies today glad you got some sun. Those cookies look sooo good.

  10. Love the steampunk flavour to your page Valerie and fab photos too. It's been raining here all day, rather nasty!
    Enjoy the weekend.
    Fliss xx

  11. That is a meaningful quote for many on the awesome journal page. Love the morning sky photos today as well.
    Yes please for a cookie, they look delicious.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. Its a great new blog banner.

  12. Fantastic new header Valerie and a wonderful page for AJJ. The photographs today are amazing with everything I like to see. Yummy biscuits as well
    Love Chrissie xx

  13. What a very dramatic artistic comment, Valerie, looking beautiful and frightening at the same time. It's top class art.

  14. The cogs look great, the ships oh so colorful, I love to watch the tugs on the river too. And the cookies, I can smell from here. xox

  15. Loving the cogs. And what a pretty sunrise. I'm loving the gulls. I'm missing the boats but I bet its chilly out on the ocean right now. I also made some cookies today.Yours look yummy and I'll take one! With some tea please. Ha-ha. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  16. oohh was für tolle seiten und schöne bilder vom rhein,ich glaube irgendwann besuche ich dich auch mal.
    von den keksen nehme ich mir auch ein paar,bekommst dafür bienstichtorte,die ist schon fast verputzt,hihi.
    aber bitte geh mit dicken socken und gut eingepackt auf den balkon,sonst holst du dir schnell was weg bei der eiseskälte.
    einen schönen sonntag.

    hugs jenny

  17. A fab collage, a wonderful and true quote and stunning photos!!! Happy Sunday!

  18. Struggling to keep up with you, Valerie. I really love your 'wheels' ... I'm spo predictable!

    If one painted skies like your above, you could be accused of artistic liberty - wonderful colours ... magnificent

    I'm always going to like the boats ... and seagulls!

  19. Hi Valerie, I'm glad I stopped by today to enjoy one of those delicious (looking) cookies :) Your wheel (steampunk) page is gorgeous and so are the photographs. Wow another beautiful sunrise, I hope you have a warm coat to pull over your PJs :) thanks for sharing and have a great week, Shirleyxx ps I love your blog header :)

  20. WOW and more WOW. Love your post, and your photos are amazing...gosh, you are

  21. Great AJJ page, your quote can be interoperated many ways.....I am choosing the POSITIVE way.
    Always beautiful photography, you morning sky is breathtaking
    and thank you for making my favorite oatmeal cookies!!

  22. Your page is fantastic and so true for what's going on in our world today. Your sunrise photos are breath taking ♥♥ Since the time change and the colder weather Mini and I haven't seen too many sunrises on our walks. We are up but I'm having trouble facing the cold so early much to her disappointment . She's ready to face the world.

  23. Your piece has a wonderful steampunk feel. Nice! And I LOVE each and every photo -- sunsets, birds, boats -- really, what's NOT to love?

  24. Always a treat to see your posts, Valerie. Ps I'm drooling from the look of those cookies.

  25. Your art piece is brilliant!!! Love your photos! They are breath taking!! Awww, can you send me some cookies? They look so good! Hugs!

  26. Great quote on your fab and grungy art - love the cogs, as a steampunk addict I adore this of course!
    Lovely photos of the skies - could have done with this last night to have seen the 'supermoon' but was cloudy here.
    Yummy cookies too - all those calories :( ahhh what the heck - enjoy ha ha :)
    Gill xx

  27. Wow I really like this Valerie, the wheels and the quote are perfect. Beautiful photographs as always xx

  28. Fabulous quote you share, Valerie- so appropriate for the times- The page you created to for this is a masterpiece in my opinion!!
    and yes, those cookies-yummy!!


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