Friday 11 November 2016

Memories in black and white

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already! Time to link again to
for Susi's challenge of collage with a twist.
This is the 2nd A3 mixed media collage inspired by Enrico Baj.
I drew hands like Baj, using a permanent marker on book pages. The background was painted with black gesso, stamped, glittered, and given a bright frame to symbolise hope. The Hebrew words  read Yad Vashem, literally translated 'hand and name'. This is the name of the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, created to give the dead who had no grave a memorial, as well as to honour those who risked their own lives to save Jews.
The word 'Yad' can be used in the sense of a marker, a monument, but also means 'hand'.

This is another of the installations at the K21 Museum, created by
Christian Boltanski, whose central themes are memory, forgetting and death.
Here he has erected a memorial to the anonymous dead with this 'archive'.
He displays photos of men, women and children - some  of whom are victims and some perpetrators of crimes - without making distinctions. 
The crime scene photos and details are stored in the rusty, 
metal boxes underneath the photos.
The shelf at the end of the room contain linen shrouds. 
This was a very moving installation:

On a lighter note, I saw these wild geese marching from the
lake to the main road when I left the museum:

This one was really sticking his/her neck out and making a heck of a noise.
I had the feeling that the others were being called to order,
as they didn't stray farther after the loud discussion:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like the page with hands and interesting information. I love the geese photos. Wonderful close-up photos.

  2. As always, I love your powerful art, which says so much. Great photo again, thanks for sharing the museum photos and the fighting geese! Hugs, Sarah

  3. A very meaningful and powerful art page Valerie. It is right we should remember those times and how they effected so many peoples lives.
    On another note the gallery installation sent goose pimples up my spine, another awesome group of photos.
    I'm pleased you ended with the geese. they are noisy but you cannot help but smile at the way they walk.
    Hugs Yvonne xx

  4. Eine bewegende Arbeit ist Dir da gelungen und die Installationsfotos unterstreichen das Gefühl nochmal sehr gut!
    Die Gänse sind ja emsig ...ich denk grad dran was wäre wenn sie mal ein kleines Verkehrschaos verursachen würden!
    Schönen Freitag liebe Valerie!

    oxo Susi

  5. Beautiful page, Valerie. Plus seeing your bossy goose photo is a positively great way to start my day.

  6. Your lovely AJJ entry today could not be more poignant or relevant. In addition to celebrating veterans who gave their lives for our freedom, we should honor those who died as well as survivors of the Shoah. Although I won't say anything bad about our pres-elect, this new era in America reminds me of the guards in the concentration camps who killed the children, infirm, and gypsies, simply because they couldn't stand up to the bully.

    That one installation about victims and perpetrators looks like it was moving. Have a super day, dear friend. I'm headed to the zoo with Sally to try to keep her mind off how the country may be heading!

  7. very interesting art Valerie. The way it has been done really brings your attention to the hands. Great museum shots, and like you , I always love the outdoor scenery. Happy PPF!

  8. Powerful art Valerie! And once again your photography brought a smile to my face. The squaking goose reminds me of a lady I dealt with recently :). Happy PPF

    1. This made me laugh out loud - we all know people like that! Thanks for the smile!

  9. Your hand collage is rather moving and beautiful, stark yet meditative.

    Geese are so full of character but they are awfully agresssive. I guess they think we want to attack them.

    What a beautiful installation.

  10. Another very powerful piece of art. I love the black and white, the news print makes it speak volumes. Wonderful photos too. Thank you for sharing.

  11. this installation probably would make me feel uneasy.
    Love the geese :)

  12. The hands are SOOO interesting! What a great idea. An interesting but sad feeling museum(to me:>(). But the installation is very creative.
    Have a good week Valerie.

  13. The hands are fantastic Valerie. I think the backstory is amazing too. The harm people do to other people is something I have a hard time fathoming, and we must remember. The art exhibit was thought provoking and didn't exactly leave me feeling comfortable, but there is art that has that intention so I guess it succeeded. Hope its been a great Remembrance/Armistice Day. Curious, do they celebrate that in Germany? Hugs-Erika

    1. No, they don't, but here in Rhineland they celebrate the begin of the carnival season....:-(

  14. Once again I am greatly moved by your art. So profound. The museum piece was definitely different and interesting. Now the geese at the end were a hoot :)

  15. A very thought provoking art page Valerie, nice to know the background too.
    Glad you ended with those photos of the geese, the museum exhibition was quite chilling.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  16. Your mixed media piece is wonderful, and a timely reminder. We all need to remember what can happen if we are not vigilant. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Starke Seite mit diesen im Kreis angeordneten Händen. Eindrucksvolle Museumsfotos und auch die Gänse wieder ganz fein portraitiert.
    Liebe Grüße

  18. Each week when I see your mixed media artwork Valerie you inspire me to try making collages myself. It's something that I haven't done before, but maybe one of these weeks I might join in :D
    Your museum photos are very moving. It's the type of exhibit that really resonates and stays with you even when you leave the museum.
    I love the geese. They are often seen flying over us here, but I haven't had them that near to me. Great shots.
    Happy PPF to you and thanks for sharing and inspiring once again.

  19. Oh! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that display! It must have been amazing - and such an interesting concept. I bet it was fascinating! xo

  20. beautiful black and white page! The museum exhibits are interesting.

  21. Wow another powerful post...this one gave me goosebumps...first your art the installation that made me cry and thankfully the geese pulled me back into the moment. Really good post An emotional roller coaster for me!

    Hugs Giggles

  22. What a dynamic and thought provoking piece of art you created! The exhibit you shared is also fascinating. I love the geese too.

  23. The hand collage is haunting and the installation is a powerful memorial. Especially, the way the photos are lit.

    The birds are cute :)

  24. Oh my! Your page is such an amazing tribute and with the following pictures of the museum could have left me feeling quite down! Thank goodness for the geese - how funny that they should choose this spot so close to traffic! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. You have created a meaningful memorial and the art display you showed is powerful. hugs, Teresa

  26. schöne seiten und tolle bilder wieder.
    schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  27. Eine sehr bewegende Seite mit den Händen, und die Geschichte dazu, und die Installation im Museum! Die Gänse hellen die Stimmung gottseidank wieder auf!

  28. A wonderful page Valerie and deep and meaningful as well as artistic.

    The art installation is also touching but clever at the same time. Thank you for sharing that

    Have a good day-we have heavy rain forecast for the whole day--yuk

    Love Chrissie xx

  29. Wow; your geese photos are amazing. Thanks for sharing the "rad". I'm happy you dropped by my blog this week

    much love...

  30. Very interesting post. Learned some new things today! Would love to walk around in that museum ...

  31. Both your art and the exhibit are very moving this week. Thank you for sharing this information.

  32. A very powerful and moving post with your art and the art in the exhibit! I love those geese! So cute!

  33. WOW Valerie, very powerful and beautiful "hand" piece you have created.

  34. This is such a powerful collage Valerie, together with the museum piece it's very thought provoking. These geese made me smile, I can imagine the noise that they made xx


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