Thursday 3 November 2016

This and that again

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying past quicker than I can think!

For Susi's theme of collage at Art Journal Journey I made a mixed media collage while Sabine was visiting me on Tuesday. I used the cardboard from the back of an A3 paper pad as a substrate. I gave it a quick coat of gesso and then glued on everything I could find on the table - images stamped onto tissue paper, pieces of gelli prints, magazine cut outs torn into strips and some pieces of a paper doily. When it was dry I gave it a coat of diluted gesso mixed with some pastel colour to bring it all together. The top layer was made with photos cut from the art museum's prospect. As faces are not allowed at AJJ this month, I pasted some text over each face and drew and doodled some arrows. Then I scanned it into my digital programme, and added the text digitally.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

This was before the digital frame was added:

When I visited the K20 art museum last week I took some photos of the entrance, and of the huge photos they have on display showing all three museums that belong together:

Here they had just steam cleaned the stone floors, which gave the photo a rather misty look:

There are quite a few sculptures there. These are from Max Ernst:

 This one is from Alexander Calder:

I took this pic of Sabine, while we were enjoying some playtime
in my arty kitchen:

And the weather was kind to us, so we also got out for a walk. We had a fun day
together, so I am hoping she will come again soon!

These fun mosaics are on a wall here.
(The text means 'Have you already lived today?)

And nature is, as always, the best artist:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Valerie - what a lovely jam packed post.
    Your collage is fabulous and inspiring and as always loving seeing your museum photos.
    Lovely to see Sabine, looks like a fun time was had in your kitchen :)
    The mosaics were fun too - thanks for sharing.
    Have a lovely day... sun shining here but woke up to a frost and quite chilly. Gill xx

  2. Fantastic art from you, I must say I like it better than the things in the museum! Glad you had a fun day with your friend, thank for sharing the lovely photos. Hug, Sarah

  3. I loVe this page Valerie - an idea I may have to use myself!!! So pleased you showed the museum again! Looks as though you and Sabine packed a lot into your day together - it's always good to craft with friends! Off to the caravan now! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. Lovely post again and Sabine looks all rugged up, must be chilly your part of the world already...take care.xx

    1. Yes, it's really chilly, wet and windy!

    2. Love your art piece, Valerie! Always interesting to see what you see in your travels. Hugs, Yvonne

  5. Fantastic page, just love it. So much to see and lovely layout. There are also some brilliant ideas that are worth me stealing. Fabulous photos as well, you have some wonderful places to visit over there, I'm quite envious.

  6. What a beautiful sunset! And I love the photos of your page and the architecture of the museum. Calder is a favorite of mine -- fun to see those!

  7. Welch gute Idee, die Gesichter einfach zu überkleben! Das Originalbild (ohne digitale Ergänzung) gefällt mir auch sehr gut!
    Wunderschöne Fotos - Spaß in der Künstlerküche :) - aussergewöhnliche Mosaike - alles eine Freude zum Ansehen!
    Liebe Grüße, Rike

  8. Your art today makes me smile :) Looks like you had a great time with your friend and as always enjoyed the photos of the museum ♥

  9. Your art today is powerful. I love it. Wonderful photos. That museum is very impressive.

  10. Die Collage ist ein Hit -- clever mit dem digitalen Rand und Spruch! Was für ein beeindruckendes Museum und ich glaube gern, dass Ihr richtig Spaß hattet - Sabine und Du! Klasse!
    Schönen Abend wünsch ich Dir !
    Liebe Grüße

  11. I love the clever title for your journal page, Valerie. The sculpture exhibition looks wonderful. I see you had a great time and your friend, playing with stamps in your kitchen!

  12. Delightful AJJ page Valerie...made me smile.

    I am really enjoying the museum photos, must be quite a large place. I normally love sculptures....but not quite sure about the abstract ones...LOL!

    Having a friend to join in the creativity is always so much fun.

  13. How clever to think of a way to hide the faces. The page is wonderful and great that you created while Sabine was visiting.

    More amazing artwork that you saw and what a wonderful entrance to the building.

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. My daughter and son in law would love to go through the museum.
    Looks like you and Sabine (love the name) had all kinds of fun.
    I steam mopped my ceramic tile and it left a film:(
    The Cubs are Chicago's baseball team. They hadn't won the world series since 1908 and they won last night.Woo Hoo!

  15. You know I am always fascinated by what is on and flying around your table. This is marvellous, quite mysterious, like a flyer for a spy film.
    How lovely to see Sabine again, and how lovely for you both to have some art time together.
    The photographs from the museum are breath-taking.

    1. I keep clearing the stuff away, but it all seems to creep back when I'm not looking....

  16. Beautiful page for PPF and a lovely post, interesting sculptures.

  17. What a brilliant piece Valerie, not a face in sight! Great art again from the museum (and from your craft table) xx

  18. A really beautiful page Valerie and love those photos too. Glad you had a lovely time with your friend.
    Have a great day tomorrow and a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  19. Your collage is wonderful, I love the eclectic background - it's very beautifully designed! It looks like you had so much fun with Sabine, how lovely to spend time creating art together :-). Thanks for sharing your visit to K20 art museum, it's such a spectacular place. You have captured such wonderful nature photos - they are stunning! Wishing you a great week! J :-)

  20. I love the hidden faces on your super journal page. I may just have to use that idea sometime. The sculptures and mosaics look fantastic.
    It looks like you and Sabine had a lovely day together, it was good to get a glimpse of your table and crafty goodies.
    Yvonne xx

  21. I love your blog! You always make me smile! Amazing art piece and I love the museum photos! Wow! Looks like you had a great time with Sabine! Big Hugs!

  22. schöne seiten und tolle bilder,die moderne kunst ist nicht so meins.
    schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  23. What a wonderful, fun filled post. The collage you created for AJJ had me smiling and truly enjoying the humor.

    The steps outside those three museums and the panorama of your photo showed the extent of that entire museum complex. I would LOVE to visit there.

    Looks like you and Sabine had a wonderful time, both in your arty kitchen and on your walk. It's nice to meet her, since I'm not familiar with her art or blog. Have a super Friday, although I thought today was Wed. Not sure where I lost two days, but it may be due to being out and about so much this week.

  24. what a lovely week I love all your photos

  25. Eine tolle neue Seite liebe Valerie auf der du das Gesichtsvermeidungs-Problem geschickt gelöst hast. ;) Deine Kunst und Architekturfotos sind wieder mal super gelungen, gefallen mir sehr. Das Bastelfoto von mir gefällt mir auch, woman at work sozusagen. Meine nicht ganz windtaugliche Frisur auf dem Draußenfoto ist jetzt der Frisörschere zum Opfer gefallen, hab jetzt wieder beide Seiten windtauglich kurz.
    Wir hatten einen schönen Tag zusammen, danke dafür.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  26. Love your clever way of getting rid of the faces:):) Beautiful art all around-and yes, I agree about nature being the best artist! Nice to have time with another blog friend-lucky you. Happy PPF and almost weekend too!

  27. Wonderful photos as always! I love your mixed media art too. It looks wonderful with all of the cool images layered over each other. It all comes together so nicely in colour and design.

  28. Eine tolle Collage, liebe Valerie, das ist ja ein interessantes Museum. Danke für die Fotos, die sind sehr interessant

  29. Hello Valerie, your collage is amazing, and I really enjoyed all the photographs. I can’t believe Friday has come and almost gone already – I do wish they days would slow down just a little!

  30. It looks like a lot of fun time! Thanks for all you share here and your gorgeous photos, they are always filled with magical light and colour! Your collage is also super and well done fitting in with this month's theme, great!

  31. Well where do I even start to comment on this lovely post? Very clever art work for this week! I enjoyed visiting the museum - especially seeing the Calder. And the photo of the bird and branches is gorgeous. Happy PPF!

  32. I can see your artful eye is on point this week...these photos both in subject matter and style are so artistically beautiful....I love them. The mosiacs, the leaves, the sculptures and best of all your creative friend!!

    Hugs Giggles

  33. So many fun things to take in! I especially loved seeing your artful kitchen table! It must be a great spot to create? It's so nice to have a good friend visit. She'll be back!

  34. Great collage. Looks like you and Sabine had a wonderful time! Love Calder. Xox

  35. Your creative ideas always amaze me. This post was no different. I would love to sit with you too! Happy PPF

  36. Wow!!! really nice; luv the Max Ernst pieces a lot; thanks for sharing

    much love...

  37. Cool collage effectively put together. Great museum photos. Happy PPF to you too.

  38. Sorry to have been away so long Valerie!
    I hope to be catching up here with you soon!

    i just love your collage- totally cool,I think it is added to my favs of yours!
    So nice to see photos of your friend Sabine and you playing art! Nothing like a art friend's visit!



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