Friday 25 November 2016

Weekend this and that

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Susi's challenge of collage with a twist,
I have another hybrid piece, using 'my' men, and some digi elements from Mischief circus. This time I stuck to a vintage, monochrome look. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

I think I showed this piece before, I discovered it lurking in between the clean sheets in the closet. I have no idea why I put it there....

Here are some of the stained glass pieces from the glass museum.
These are from the early 16th century:

This is a  modern one:

These are from the 17th century:

And some more modern work from the 20th century:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another wonderful post - beautiful art, and wonderful photos. That glass is really sumptuous. I like both of the pieces you made today. It's good to be back home! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Again some fabulous art and glass!! Wow...all impressive! Nice little closet find... reminds me of stained glass!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. I love stained glass and was fortunate to see the Tiffany exhibit a few years ago. Thanks for sharing the photos. Your vintage color piece is beautiful in simplicity. And as for the rerun, I don't remember seeing it. It is also very beautiful. I love those bright colors.

  4. Both terrific pages with interesting things to look at.

    The stained glass is amazing both ancient and modern. The colours are amazing as are your photographs

    Hope you are feeling a bit better today

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  5. Really gorgeous collages Valerie and you sound like me, discovering things in strange places! Beautiful stained glass artwork too, so lovely and colourful.
    Sorry to hear of your eye troubles too, making mine seem very minor compared to yours!
    Have a lovely weekend, Fliss xx

  6. Two awesome pages , I loved looking at all the details in the first one. but had a smile when I read where you had stored the second one.
    The stained glass looks beautiful, both styles have much to see in them
    Yvonne xx

  7. Lots of magic in your work today -- and Oh! I am such a sucker for classic stained glass windows. I can't get enough of them! These are spectacular.

  8. Zwei wunderschöne Seiten viele Details zu bestaunen und herrliche Glaskunst - Wahnsinn!
    Einen schönen Samstag wünsch ich Dir!
    Liebe Grüße

  9. nice vintage monochrome piece. Wow what stunning detail on the stained glass! Funny how you found the other piece.

  10. Wonderful pages, the vintage monochrome and iridescent colourful stars are so different and both are gorgeous! Like your pages the same can be said of the stained glass, both the old and modern pieces are very beautiful indeed! Have a great weekend! J :-)

  11. Had to laugh at your discovery in the closet. Reminds me of the time I misplaced my glasses that I only need if I'm driving. I looked everywhere, and couldn't find them, then opened a kitchen cabinet and there they were. I was flabbergasted.

    I love your "men." This is a beauty, and even though it's quite modern, has an old world feel to it.

    The glass is all lovely today, and I especially like the modern stained glass piece you shared. It is so very different, I guess that's why I like it.

    Have a good weekend and I hope you are feeling a bit better.

  12. This is a delightful display Valerie, love the image and colours are just gorgeous.xx {aNNie}

  13. I like the way the postmark turns into a halo for your figure on our right, which chimes with some of those in the wonderful stained glass.

    Hope you are feeling well.

  14. Love both the pieces you are showing today Valerie - may be an art gremlin hid your second piece - but I wonder why? :)
    Love the stained glass photos - I'm always drawn to stained glass and would have loved to have learnt how to do that. The nearest I got, was making a smallish faux stained glass effect on some doors (butterflies and birds of course are on it) but some colours seem to have been lost and other faded over the years now.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend and hope you are still on the up and feeling better.
    Gill xx

    1. I probably put it away without thinking - things sometimes turn up in the strangest places here!

  15. Your pages are beautiful, the first one so clever, I like them. And I really like the stained glass windows, old and new, I may prefer the modern ones.
    Happy PPF on a Saturday!

  16. Beautiful pages, I love them both. Between the sheets? Was that to flatten the page, hopefully the ink was dry :) Have a great day xx

  17. Fantastic stained glass. No wonder you can't stay away from the place. Love your art. hugs, Donna

  18. What wonderful art, I love the piece that was in the sheets, what a magical discovery to find it. The stained glass images are lovely too.

  19. Very interesting and artistic piece. The one with the stars is so cheerful. Those stained glass pieces are amazing.

  20. First of all, that's a fun new header. I love the cartoon you that you included. (I think I remember that was a cartoon you?) And I love the latest journal page, a lot. Those postal hands a really great addition to the page. And the stained glass is just amazing! Such a variety styles. What a cool exhibit. Hopr you are having a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  21. Das auf alt getrimmte Bild gefällt mir sehr gut, die Knitter im Hintergrund und der "Heiligenschein" des rechten Mannes! Das blauviolette mit den Sternen und Kreisen in Weiß und Schwarz finde ich ganz toll!
    Sehr interessante Fotos von dieser Glaskunst!
    Dein neuer Header erinnert sehr an facebook ... :)
    Liebe Grüße, Rike

  22. Two great pieces, I had to laugh about where you found the second one :o)
    Lovely photos of thos SG wondws too! Happy Sunday!

  23. Was für ein toller Post, liebe Valerie! Deine beiden Journalseiten sind so verschieden und doch so wunderschön! Ich liebe es, bei jedem Hinschauen immer wieder neue Details zu entdecken.
    Danke auch für die beeindruckenden Bilder aus dem Glasmuseum! Es ist immer wieder schön, dich auf diese Art zu begleiten!
    Einen schönen 1. Advents-Sonntag und liebe Grüße, Annette

  24. I love both your art pieces!!! Fantastic!!
    The glass art pieces are amazing! I love the lady/tree!!!

  25. Brilliant pages Valerie! Loved how one turned up in your closet! The glass is fabulous - I do love stained glass! Hugs, Chrisx


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