Saturday 19 November 2016

Let's go somewhere....

Hi Everybody!

Just a short post today, I've not been feeling
so good these past days.

A hybrid piece meant for Susi's theme at Art Journal Journey,
using some add ons from Mischief Circus:

My tag from Tag Tuesday this week, our theme was 'reindeer':
😉Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery😉

And some views from my beloved Rhine: 

Here with a river police boat:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Valerie..hope you soon feel a lot better.

    I love the page and even though we are far apart I feel I travel with you every day to wonderful places. The Rhine always has something of interest and lots of beautiful scenes as well.

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Love your collage, it's been raining here today. Sorry you aren't feeling well, take things easy for a few days. Hope to see you again soon, hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh I love the tag so much and the view from the Rhine is lovely. I hope you feel better soon.

  4. I hope you feel better soon dear Valerie! Your hybrid page is lovely, the colours and images you have used are beautiful :-). Your tag made me smile, that owl is so funny :-). Wishing you better - have a relaxing weekend! J :-)

  5. Valerie, hope you're soon feeling yourself again. Thanks for posting, even though you don't feel well. Jean.x

  6. Sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly. Keep warm and rest.

    We've both recovered from heavy colds ourselves, so haven't been getting much done.

  7. So sorry to hear you are not feeling well Valerie! Lovely page and tag, enjoyed your photos today.

  8. The owl with antlers is a HOOT. ha ha
    Ooh, water police. Interesting.

  9. Hope you don't have anything serious and you are feeling better soon Valerie. LOVE the new header. Also loving the tag and the AJJ piece today. Nice collaged background. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  10. Fabulous design, love the gorgeous colours and p;hotos here.xx {aNNie}

  11. ich hoffe dir geht es schon besser,deine seiten sind klasse und die rhein bilder wieder so toll.
    ich wünsch dir ein schönes we und gute besserung.

    hugs jenny

  12. Gute Besserung !
    Das Tag und die Seite sind beides just super!
    Immer toll mit Dir an den Rhein zu kommen!
    Schönen Sonntag!

  13. Die Seite ist sehr interessant, vor allem der Hintergrund - eine englische Zeitung! Die Eule mit dem Elchgeweih und der Spruch dazu - fabelhaft!
    Liebe Grüße, Rike

  14. Love your collage and the umbrellas very apt for here at present.
    Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good at present Valerie - take care and I hope you soon feel much better. Gill xx

  15. Gorgeous page and tag Valerie and great pics too. Hope you feel better soon.
    Fliss xx

  16. Wish you were feeling better, Valerie. I hope I've caught up, because I would hate to miss a single inspiring post.

    I adore the AJJ page you created today. I love the colors, the background, and the mix of colors with the black.

    I had to laugh at your tag. That was both fun and clever.

    Please get better soon. Maybe you should stay inside for a day and not be out in the cold and wet weather you are having.

  17. Hope you are feeling better soon, Valerie! Love your tag and of course all the gorgeous pics you share :) Hugs, Yvonne.

  18. Prayers for you to get well soon:)

  19. Beautiful journal spread once again Valerie ♥

  20. I love your art! That owl is so cute! LOL! A river police boat?? Were you a bad girl?? LOL!
    Get well soon! Please take care! Big Warm hugs!

    1. Oh, I so wish I had the energy to be bad just now!

  21. Oh wieder so eine schöne Collage, die beiden Silhouettenfiguren sehen super aus. Paßt auch irgendwie zum momentanen Regenwetter. Das Tag mit den süßen Tierchen mag ich auch.
    Die Fotos vom Fluß sind auch sehr stimmig. Bei uns sind nach dem gestrigen und heutigen Sturm fast alle Blätter runter von den Bäumen,jetzt wirds richtig trist Draußen. Hoffe dir gehts etwas besser heute.
    Liebe Grüße

  22. Beautiful spread, Valerie! The background is fantastic.
    Your reindeer tag is so lovely too!
    I hope you feel better soon, take care.
    Hugs, Mar

  23. Beautiful page and tag. I hope you feel better soon. Take good care , hugs Shirley xx

  24. Its a great page Valerie, I always love the under the umbrella silhouettes. The tag is fantastic as well.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Short post, yes. But very sweet. I really like your page and the silhouettes. Nice composition. And fun tag and pix, too! Happy week!

  26. Beautiful! I love LOVE the umbrella piece! Super colours and design :)

  27. Oh I hope you're feeling better Valerie! I love your silhouettes, and the owl/reindeer made me laugh out loud xx

  28. I love your romantic collage! Your tag is truly 'Autumn' - love it ! It's great to see your photos but not good to hear that you are not feeling good! Hope by the time I have caught up you feel better! Hugs, Chrisx

  29. Great little animals..that deer is not impressed...must have spied a hunter!! Love it and the rainy weather one is so fitting for our parts too!

    Hugs Giggles


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