Friday 16 September 2016

Weekend Mix

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend at last - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's theme of back to school, I have a vintage image (Gecko Galz) of a girl sitting at her desk. We still had desks like that in  couple of classes at school, black with age and full of scribbles of generations past. It was fun to try to decipher the writing instead of listening to the physics teacher....The background was painted and then digitally overlayed with various layers of script. The quote is by Einstein, 'Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one learned in school'

Yesterday I watched the moon rise in the evening, it was pale and hardly visible at first:

As the sky darkened it took on more colours:

I was up very early again and stood outside on the balcony and watched the sky slowly grow light:

The swan was swimming on the Rhine today, right by the ferry, it didn't seem to worry it at all:

And the heron was staring at the water and waiting for a careless
fish to swim by:

I saw this butterfly in the midst of some bushes as I went by:

That was my day, how was your's?

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the vintage image and quote Valerie, you reminded me of my school days. Some good and some not so good ;D
    We had fog yesterday, so our view of the moon had a spooky look about it. Great photos too.
    I've had a busy week Valerie, but today I decided it was time to play in my art studio... so it was a great day!
    Happy PPF to you

  2. Sweet vintage postcard you made! :) The photos of the moon are gorgeous!!!!!

  3. Great image of the old desk etc. I remember there used to be ink-wells in those desks and an ink-monitor to top them up.

    Some of these photographs of yours are should be winning prizes in competitions

    1. That's right, and I got taken off being ink monitor after I splashed a nasty boy with ink....He deserved it!

    2. I dipped a girl's pigtail in one ... lots of trouble

  4. Love the picture, my Mum still has one of those desks in the hallway. Great vintage look, and fantastic photos of the world through your eyes. Enjoy your weekend, try to relax a bit for a change!? Hugs, Sarah

  5. Oh what a wonderful day, to see such beautiful things! I love your art too, it has so much depth and beauty.

  6. beautiful page for AJJ, nice quote from Einstein and interesting to see the old desk. What a gorgeous harvest moon.

  7. Jumping up and down. I love today's pictures! The moon shots took my breath away, and then the swan:) and the butterfly! I've never seen those colors on a butterfly!
    Have a wondrous weekend, my friend.

  8. My day was good thank you for asking. I had 3 hours of play time when I came home from work, which was so needed. :) You've got some gorgeous photos today- the moon, the curious swan (what an expression) and that cool butterfly. And that AJJ piece has not only that great quote but a cool vintage image. We had old desks in my childhood school too, but none with that metal edge. Those old desks are like that are so beautiful. Have a great Saturday. Hugs-Erika

  9. I am in LOVE with this desk photo. I'm working on one right now with these desks. Great minds and all. I love your beautiful entry. So different from what I'm working on.

    Your photos are out of this world. I wish I had a moon shot, because yours is gorgeous. Of course, all of them are beautiful, including the swan, the butterfly, and the rest of the area around the river.

    Your AJJ entry is gorgeous (as usual) and of course, I love it.

  10. Herrlich Deine schöne Postkarte! Super Auch die Fotos Valerie! Klasse!
    Bin vormittags mit Herta auf zwei Flohmärkten - leider fämgt es grad eben zu regnen an...mal sehen!

  11. What a wonderful post today

    The page is terrific with the wonderful background and the great quote.

    Stunning photographs as well with the different shades of the sky but the standout one is the painted ship amazing. We were watching an advert on television for cruise ships on various rivers and I said you have lots up and down the Rhine. I love seeing them.

    Have a great weekend

    Chrissie xx

  12. Lovely vintage page and quote. A beautiful harvest moon photo followed by a gorgeous sunrise and a lovely day for your walk. The first photo of he swan - he looks so indignant that the ferry is invading his space.
    Have a great weekend.

  13. A wonderful Back To School journal page and beautiful photos, I went out to look at the moon last night but there was to much cloud so I couldn't see it. Have a lovely weekend.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Hi Valerie, your vintage back to school art is fantastic! Beautiful photos as well, I especially like the moon rising, amazing shots! I hope you are doing well. I'll scroll down to see the others that I've missed. Take good care xxx

  15. I think this is my favourite Back to School page yet! I just love the whole vintage aspect of if. More lovely pictures of an ever-changing sky as well, beautiful. XOXO

  16. Wasn't the moon spectacular? I love looking at the moon or certain constellations and know that my friends across the world are seeing the same thing -- maybe at a different time, but still, seeing it!Your photos are lovely.

  17. Fantastic AJJ page, I remember those desks.

    We have been having those beautiful harvest moons too.

  18. Its a gorgeous vintage style school page lovely images and script overlays. The dawn to dusk photos are spectacular and I love the gorgeous butterfly in the bush.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Love the image - would love to have one of those desks now too! The quote is fantastic and oh so true.
    What a gorgeous red butterfly!
    sandy xx

  20. Beautiful image, Valerie, and thank you for sharing your school day memory.

    I want you to be one of the first to know that I will be sharing one of my stories with my followers soon. Watch for the announcement post on my blog.

    Blessing hugs,

  21. Another fabulous vintage style page Valerie! Your photos are fabulous - as ever! Chrisx


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