Friday 2 September 2016

Saturday Mix

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Back to school, I have another
hybrid piece.  I placed lots of figures on a water coloured background, all from a Gecko Galz collage sheet. The fence at the front was added digitally, as was the blackboard.. I also popped in some little girls from my family - My mum, Erika and me - who's who?

On Thursday I started my little outing at the tram stop down the road:

In Oberkassel they had very interesting containers for recycling old glass, paper etc - the stuff gets stored underground, so no unsightly huge containers to see. Great idea!

I walked down to the Rhine - Oberkassel is opposite the Altstadt - old town - of Düsseldorf:

The connecting bridge:

The post office tower:

Beautiful, old houses from the beginning of the 20th century along the Rhine:

The round building used to be a planetarium and is now
 concert hall:

I kept walking:

I was heading for this bridge to cross the river again, but made a detour to Old Niederkassel first (The photos I showed yesterday)

 The sheep were dozing in the shade:

There are more photos to come, but I think it's enough for today!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The photos are all places I know and love, and your back to school piece is amazing, I love it. And you are standing at the front! Great idea. Hugs Sarah

  2. Great artwork Valerie and love those pics too. See you in a week!
    Fliss xx

  3. I recognized you and Erika because you have used these images before. I adore the way you have gathered all these young girls together to emphasize the idea of them growing together.

    It was fun to see the tram and where it took you. I thought that was a fabulous way to sort recyclables. We in the states are so poor at that. We could certainly take lessons from other places.

    I really enjoyed the photos you shared because they showed different architecture and places I hadn't seen before or hadn't seen for awhile.

  4. So charming back to school!!!
    SAY "baa" to all the sheep for me!!!

  5. Thanks for this wonderful tour, those recycling containers are ingenius! I can tell you are enjoying this new theme, lovely work and also your pretty header!

  6. Good morning, Valerie. I just viewed your new "Back to School" blog posts and oh what a treat! Loved the new header, your paintings, and the photos of your tram destination and the sites to view. The children on your post today are charming, especially, you and family members. The German culture is shown in the ornate metal work on the buildings and the roof is not forgotten. Terrific photos you shared...thank you. The old home photo was a favorite. I can't even image a family living in such a beautiful structure. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. I love the little girls! and I LOVE your walks and all the photos you share!
    The sheep are so cute too! :oD

  8. oohh die mädels sind ja süss,eine ganz tolle seite und großartige idee.
    deine stadt ist echt klasse,und gemütlich wie der Angler da fischt.
    ich hab auch gerade noch eine Seite gemacht.
    ich wünsch dir ein wunderbares we.

    hugs jenny

  9. A fabulous idea for your page Valerie. I think I know which one is you and maybe even your sister but I don't know which one is your mum.

    Love the photographs with all the German cleanliness even on a station. We don't have anywhere to put rubbish these days on most stations because of bombs--this goes back ages so is nothing new! Amazing idea to have the recycled stuff go underground as well-so clever.

    The sheep look peaceful in their grassy bed.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. I think I know your photo and your sister, if I had to guess your mum would it be on the second row left hand side. Anyway it is a fantastic page with all the children posing in their best clothes. Wonderful photos again, and the recycling methods are a good idea.
    I'm not sure in our streets if folk would bother to put the waste in the correct bins.
    Have a good day.
    Yvonne xx

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. At first I thought no:3 in second row was you but I'm guessing you must be behind the blackboard :) Great piece!
    A nice walk with you today - cool photo of the ceiling at the tram stop.
    Nice to have a concert hall, but did the planetarium get moved somewhere else or closed completely?
    Happy Saturday........Gill xx

  13. What fun!! I always love when you use your family photos- I must do the same!! hugs,Jackie ")

  14. What a great page to commemorate the women, as children, in your life. That photograph of the sheep would make a great subject for a sketch. Blessings!

  15. What a fun hybrid page, the young children look ready for school :) I know I've said this many times, but your beautiful photographs show that you live in a wonderful and interesting place. Along with your gorgeous sunrises, the scenery during your walks is fantastic. Cheers xxx

  16. What an amazing outing you had. I love seeing new places, and it is fun to see a different side of the Rhine. And that is one excellent idea to put the recycling bins underground with just the opening at the top. It really did keep it cleaner. And your art piece is great. I think the oldest dressed girls have to be Erika, and I remember a few of you from past art. Is that you right behind the backboard with just your upper half showing? I think its a really clever idea for a piece. I started some pieces the other evening and am hoping to finish them up maybe tomorrow since today I ave a friend visiting for a awhile who is up from North Carolina for the weekend. I can't wait o join up with the back to school theme. Hope the weekend is going excellent so far. Hugs-Erika

  17. Lovely photos and thanks for taking all of us on such a wonderful tour!
    Your 'back to school' piece is really enchanting Valerie.

    Have a sunny weekend!
    Hugs, Gaby

  18. Du bist ganz vorne, Deine Mama schräg rechts hinter Dir und Erika ist die mit dem Muff. Herrliche Fotos.. Das ist eine nette STadt scheints dieses Oberkassel-.. tolle Lösung mit den unterirdischen Sammelcontainern!
    Die Schafe sehen so friedlich und gemütlich aus!
    Happy Saturday ( sorry that I am so late - you know I had visitors today)!
    oxo Susi

  19. Wieder so ein toller Beitrag. Gefällt mir auch wieder sehr gut

  20. Oh I love your art with the girls, it's so sweet and lovely. I'm not sure who is who, I wonder if my ideas are correct... The photos are wonderful. I like the recycle container idea.

  21. First I love this back to school piece. It feels very nostalgic. I have said this before, but I love where you live!!! Thank you so much for showing such wonderful photos.

  22. Great back to school page Valerie and lovely photos from your walk, look forward to seeing more.
    Enjoy the weekend.
    Avril xx

  23. What a wonderful page Valerie -- as if we could not guess which one is YOU!
    I love your walks - seems to me you live in a wonderful part of Germany.
    Sandy xx

  24. I love your page with your family and you included! Once again your photos are fabulous. It's good to see the recycling system - when some places have such good systems it makes me wonder why others can't adopt them! The UK still has a dreadful flytipping problem! Hugs Chrisx


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