Monday 12 September 2016

T stands for totally too much of everything and enjoying it.

Hi Everybody!

This Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at TIOT

Coffee and Cream

Or your choice of 2 colours. As always, projects of all formats are
allowed, and you have 2 weeks to link your creations to us.
We are looking forward to seeing YOU there.
I made a hybrid piece, and used the colours as my theme - as some of you may have noticed by now, I love my coffee!

Today is also T stands for Tuesday over at Elizabeth's place,
so I would like to welcome all of the lovely ladies from the T Gang, and of course, anyone else who drops in!

This week Susi is staying with me, so we have been eating and drinking 
a lot in various cafes and restaurants. Yesterday there were various festivities and Fetes going on in our little town, the weather was fantastic, and we wandered around, first to the books and then to all the stands and booths where they were selling delicious food and drinks, and felt sort of obliged to try lots of different things - we were just wanting to support all the local enterprises!

The book market:

The coffee bike - how wonderful is that!?

Lots going on in Market Square:

Happy faces everywhere:

Juicy sausages:


Pro secco with grenadine and strawberries:

Hot rhythms from 2 bands:

Ice-cream dreams:

And of course, gallons of coffee:

It was a wonderful day!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your coffee and cream page, it's so much you! Glad you are having fun with Susi, this week is doing you good. Enjoy! Hugs Sarah

  2. There's nothing better than eating, drinking and shopping with a girlfriend! You girls are certainly having fun! Super pics. Xx

  3. Coffee and cream is a wonderful theme, nice work! Glad to see you and Susi enjoying summer so much, what a wonderful visit underway!

  4. Love the coffee and cream page.......beautiful colors together.

    You and Susi look to be having a very splendid time.

    Happy T-day

  5. Oh what a fantastic theme for TioT, Valerie and Susi. I adore your entry. It is perfect.

    I suppose we have fetes here, but of course, we don't call them that. We call them block parties, or community get-togethers or various festivals. Leave it to us Americans to use five words when one will do! You have really found wonderful events for Susi to spend her time. I think you are the best host I know. You have found ways to entertain both Susi and us with your constant going and photos of various events. The drinks were wonderful, but I hope Susi found something she enjoyed, too, because I know she has sworn off caffeine.

    Sally and I went to see the movie Sully today, then I took her to an early dinner, since she paid for the movie tickets. It's the first time I've been to an IMAX and my ears are still ringing!

    Thanks for taking us to all these lovely events today and for sharing these fetes with us. And of course, thanks for sharing your cappuccino.

    BTW, what does Susi think of the statue in the fountain?

  6. Loving your coffee and cream piece. You picked the perfect colors and theme for both you and T day. looks like you are having more fun and eating lots of yummy food. All in one day? Glad you're having fun. Hugs-erika

  7. wonderful coffee and cream creation. I'm a bit envious of the two of you having so much fun together along with all the fabulous food and drink, but must say I am as equally delighted to see blogger friends that have the opportunity to meet up in person. Happy T day!

  8. schön, dass ihr so eine gute zeit zusammen habt - und das wetter auch noch mitspielt! ein herrlicher markt, sieht alles toll aus!
    schöne tage noch euch beiden, happy t-day!

  9. Terrific coffee and cream creation Valerie. Love how you even found biscuits that matched the theme.

    Well you and Susi are certainly having a great time and so good that there are special things going on while she is staying with you. I bet there were wonderful smells in the air at the fete and everything looks delicious

    Have fun

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Oh my, you are definately having so much fun together and making memories! Love it! The festivities and Fetes going on in your little town look so much fun and I would love to try all the food and drinks too. Your journal page is so pretty, you have created a very elegant piece - the bubbles and images you have used are perfect! Wishing you both a fabulous and happy week, enjoy! Happy T Day! J :-)

  11. Coffee and Cream Marathon! You two would win :)

    Great happy images, so glad you're both having such a good time.

  12. A fantastic coffee and cream page Valerie and what looked like custard cream biscuits to go with the coffee.
    The photos show how you both are having a time. there seems to be lots going on for you to see and the weather is being kind. The ice cream looks yummy.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  13. What a wonderful time you are making sure your friend has while she is visiting you. The street market looks like a fascinating place to explore. Coffee and cream having a little think about this. XOXO

  14. A brilliant coffee and cream creation and fabulous photos, what a wonderful time you are both having.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Love your page! Looks like you and Susi had a really wonderful time together -- looks like fun. hugs, Donna

  16. Valerie i LOVE the bubbles coming off your coffee on your journal page.. what a clever way to show 'froth' :) Gosh your day looks like fun with Susi!!! You sure do make me homesick for Germany. :) Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  17. What a great day. You two are having all kinds of fun. Party on.

  18. Your coffee and cream page looks very inviting. Great page!
    Looks like you had a fantastic day together at the fete. Yes, the book stall would be where I would head too. And all that lovely food and drink (coffee bike and waffle stall etc) Thank you for sharing you day out.
    Happy T-day,
    and a good week ahead,

  19. Oh my this post. So many cool things..I don't even know where to start!

  20. Fabulous coffee and cream page Valerie, and my favorite biscuits too.
    Looks like you and Susi had a great day out at the fete, all that yummy food.
    Avril xx

  21. What a fun-filled day! I'm glad I got to tag along online :) So many treats!

  22. A book market AND waffles? Oh my! How I would love to join you for that walk about!

  23. Coffee and cream is definitely your theme heaven! I love the bubbles here especially! I love looking at where you and Susi are getting to! The fete looks busy - was it a special occasion? The coffee bike looks like a good idea! I must say that all the food and drink available looked good! Hugs to you both, Chrisx

  24. Coffee and Cream in their bests! Nom, nom! Love your page Valerie!
    oxo Lula

  25. Coffee and Cream in their bests! Nom, nom! Love your page Valerie!
    oxo Lula

  26. Love the bubbles and the heart coffee cup, so cute.
    Hugz, Z

  27. Love the bubbles and the heart coffee cup, so cute.
    Hugz, Z

  28. Fantastic Coffee and Cream page Valerie! Great photos too... Nice day with Susi!
    Mar xx

  29. A fantastic page, coffee and biscuits, yummy!

  30. Love your journal page - so much fun and really quite whimsical. Oh boy did I ever have fun with your pictures!!! Wish I was there - I love sausages and bread and butter. Am I over weight - YES! I still don't under stand how you get the time to do all that you do. I have never had a cappuccino - I think I should try one!!!
    Sandy xx

  31. Your journal page is amazing. I am glad you two girls are having a wonderful time together!

  32. I think it is just wonderful that you and Susi have been able to spend such time together!! I enjoy each photo as if I am along with you two! so much fun! Is this the first time you have been together? I hope it is not the last!
    Lovely piece and perfect for the theme Valerie, love those tiny cream bubbles! hugs


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