Friday 23 September 2016


Hi Everybody!
It's nearly weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey , Elizabeth's lovely 'back to school' theme and 
Paint Party Friday I have made another hybrid piece
with the theme of penmanship. I always got good marks at school, but mostly the teachers lamented that my handwriting was too hurried/careless/untidy/full of smudges etc! And it hasn't really changed! Fountain pen and bottles of writing ink are almost relics of the past these days, but I still prefer writing with a fountain pen, even if my penmanship is not so good....At junior school I was ink monitor and had the job of filling up the white porcelain inkwells which were built into the desks. I lost my job after splattering a boy with ink - well, he deserved it, he kicked me!

Last week I went on the bus to a neighbouring town called Angermund,
which is on the mouth of the river Anger, and still has some fine old houses
and a castle, which has been privatised and made into private dwellings.

The ancient Church:

The 'village' street:

The cross is near the castle:

The castle was built in the 12th century as a ring castle surrounded by a moat.
You can see more pictures here if you are interested:

This part was added in the 15th century and repaired after war damage in 1635:

I sneaked a look through the gate:

The river feeds the moat:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great journal page, and fun memories. Love the photos from Angermund, I never realised it as such a pretty place. Have a nice weekend, get some rest! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Penmanship sadly a thing of the past, i remember that was an item of my school days; Happy PPF

    much love...

  3. Lovely school page, I remember using those fountain pens and inkwells, rather messy as the ink was indelible. Charming photos!

  4. Oh that's a great piece about fountain pens and ink. The ink! - I remember always having ink on my fingers and probably elsewhere too and the fountain pens scratched the paper. Did you ever make decorative pen wipers?
    These photos of Angermund made me gasp in amazement, all so clean and orderly, the beautiful church and ordinary houses, the lovely bridge, the archway. Thanks for that.

  5. I have an ink well and glass well in my library table at home, but I've never seen ink fountain ink or tried to fill mine. I used to have great penmanship, but now when I get in a hurry, there's no way I can even read my own writing after it's set a few months. Computers have TRULY taken over. Your page reflects a much more refined time and I was in awe of your penmanship you used.

    Your Angermund photos are beautiful. I could tell that the castle must not have air conditioning, because some of the windows on the top floor were ope to allow the heat to escape. Your photos are always so telling, whether you realize it or not. Each one has its own unique story behind it.

    Have a lovely remainder of Friday and the start of a great weekend.

  6. Nice photos! Lovely architecture.

  7. I am totally attached to my fountain pen. Your journal page speaks to me! I thoroughly enjoyed the tour of Angermund. Your photos are beautiful. What a terrific place for artistic inspiration! -Terri

  8. Lovely art work and gorgeous series of photos!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  9. Love the penmanship piece and the story. Made me smile. The photos are beautiful. Love old well kept buildings. Great photography.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  10. Wonderful, interesting photos. Seems like penmanship may disappear - not even being taught in schools. Lovely piece to highlight it.

  11. I love the ink well art and story. I would have splattered the boy too if he kicked me. LOL These photos are amazing. I like this town too. That church is amazing. Have a great weekend.

  12. Beautiful photos, made me remember my visit to Munich many years ago. So clean and lovely. I hope old houses like these will always be there. Very nice pages and funny story...he deserved it.

  13. A terrific page Valerie with a good story attached to it. Sorry you lost the ink monitor job because of some stupid boy.

    Love the photographs and so glad you have paces like this just a bus ride away. So many beautiful buildings and no litter to be seen anywhere. It always makes me think of the 80s when I visited my brother who was in the RAF in Germany. I commented then on how wonderful clean and clear of litter everywhere was and he said the rule was if there was any litter near to you it was considered to be yours and you picked it up. Such a simple but brilliant idea I thought.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Liebe Valerie,
    tolle Journalseite und großartige Bilder.
    Ich wünsche dir ein sonniges We.
    LG Sadie

  15. Eine fabelhafte Seite Valerie und das war anscheinend ein toller Ausflug! Einmalig schöne Bilder! Hab einen feinen Samstag Liebes!

  16. I have a great collection of fountain pens which hardly ever see daylight these days. Pen & Ink drawing, on the other-hand, are a big part of my life.

    Wonderful photographs, as usual; I love to take my time studying them whilst sipping
    a steaming mug of tea

  17. WoW!How cool is that castle!! You live in and around such architectural beauty- i am envious!
    and yes- the boy deserved it for kicking you- little snot! heehee

  18. Oh my, your penmanship journal page is wonderful and the story is fabulous! I love the vintage look and feel of the page :-). Thanks so much for the tour of Angermund, it is such a beautiful place to visit and you have captured some lovely photos! Wishing you a happy weekend! J :-)

  19. I love all the vintage imagery you used in your art journal page. The photos are lovely as usual. Blessings!

  20. Wonderful penmanship page you created!
    You made me giggle about the boy deserving what he got ;-)
    Mr Magpie was taught by nuns and his Palmer Method handwriting is beautiful.
    It is quickly becoming a lost art. Some of the US schools want to only teach printing. Kids know how to operate keyboards though don't they!
    Thank you for taking us along to enjoy some of lovely Angermund AND for the peek inside the courtyard too! Everything is so well kept and beautiful!
    Hope you are having a really lovely weekend. oxo

  21. He deserved it indeed! What a lovely image you created, it has such a classic feel. The photographs are so lovely too.

  22. What a beautiful place. Your photos of Angermund makes me want to visit this area. I have never been to Germany but it is on the list. Too bad there isn't enough money and time to just go when you want. :) Loving the penmanship page too. I think the boy deserved the splash, but too bad you had to lose your ink filling job because of him. There are still kids like that, and I think there always will be. I love old pens and ink bottles and you really caught that feel on your page. Hugs-Erika

  23. I always love visiting your blog! Wonderful!

  24. I always love visiting your blog! Wonderful!

  25. I loved the walk around Angermond - so many lovely buildings! I love your page and the memories of writing by dipping into inkwells! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. It's always hard to decide which I love most in your posts -- your wonderful art or your photos of your region. Angermond -- perfect. Fabulous architecture and I adore the castle. Thanks for taking me there today!


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