Sunday 4 September 2016

Memories of school and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have all enjoyed the weekend.

We had cool and rainy weather here today, which was great after all the heat, and I enjoyed walking under my umbrella by rain, thunder and lightning, and drank a coffee at the market place. I sat outside under an awning, so was sitting in the rain but didn't get wet, that was fun!

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's theme of 'Back to school', I have a hybrid page made using a photo of Erika when she was at grammar school in the late 1920s. This was her sport class, the teacher is on the left, and she is second from the right. They all have long plaits except for Erika, who was evidently daring enough to have a fashionable, short bob. The school was modern, and the girls were dressed in their short sport dresses. She had to leave school in the 1930s
when the anti-Semitic laws did not allow Jewish students to be taught together
with 'Aryans'.

Yesterday  I went by tram to Duisburg, a neighbouring town further down the Rhine. It has the largest river port in Europe, and I hope to go back and do a boat tour of it sometime in the near future. The town is still very much influenced from its industrial past:

 I like this square in the old town, but some parts of the town looked rather dismal and depressing: 

Love the fountain:

Then I looked around for some of the older buildings:

This is a part of the old town walls from the middle ages,  
showing a Rhine tower:

It was directly by the harbour:

I loved the old town hall, which has lots of beautiful, Art Nouveau stone carvings:

Not the most comfortable way to sit:

I will show the rest in my next post, I took lots of photos on my way through the market, where there was a lot going on.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful journal page with Erika, she was such a wacky old lady. We know Duisburg well, too as P worked there for some time. Have a good new week, hugs Sarah

  2. A great post. I love these old photographs: little windows on history! Your usual days photography caught so many interesting items; I particularly liked the crouching forms at the base of the arches.

    Just got back from a weekend with 'the family' in Cornwall.

    1. Yes, they were fascinating, I would like to try to sketch them.

    2. should have been 'day's photography' ( I hate missed apostrophes)

    3. Yes, well done, and I often miss my red pencil when sitting at the computer......

  3. What an amazing school sports entry. I loved it. I was saddened to read about Erika's eventual plight, though. Your depiction of the entry was wonderful and your use of digital software never ceases to amaze me.

    The photos you picked for today were very different. I admit I really LIKED the fountain, although it doesn't have the impact that your man in the fountain has! I always enjoy seeing such different architecture, art, and such than anything in my city or even state. The forms at the base of the arch are perfect examples of that!

  4. Marvelous photos from the first frame to the last. We rarely have photos of the 20s and especially taken at school. Ericka was just a little before her time when short hair was the style of the 30s. Further down your photos show a huge contrast between modern and structures still standing from the middle ages. I, too, liked the fountain and the colorful marketplace. I eagerly await your next post, Valerie. How far did you walk to capture all of these photos? Hugs,

  5. Glad you enjoyed the rain! We have the long Labour Day weekend in Canada. That's a lovely page, difficult times though. Thanks for the beautiful photos of Duisburg!

  6. I love the page today. I am curious, did Erika ever get to finish school? Did she manage to exit the country? What a horrible time that was. When I was a kid one of my best friend's mother had been with the Polish resistance and was arrested. She had a tattoo on her arm with her camp number. Talk about never being able to forget, having the Nazi's permanently mark you like that. I think this page is a great tribute to Erika. I am also loving these photos of Duisburg. Although it looks like a very utilitarian style of architecture, I think that arch is beautiful, and someone had a little bit of fun in mind when they hung all those colored lanterns. Thanks for sharing. Hugs-Erika

    1. I will blog the rest of her story when I show the next photo!

  7. you've made a gorgeous journal page. i love seeing the city you visited! xo

  8. The journal page looks so nice - I don't have good memories of school, so I probably would never do a page about it... Thank you for the tour around Duisburg, I don't think I have been there since I was a little girl and enjoyed going to the zoo there. It was a very special treat back then.

  9. A wonderful journal page, I love Erika's sports photo and the photos of Duisburg are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Love all of this from the old school days to the fabulous photos.....makes me just 'sigh' .xx

  11. What a lovely page with Erika's photo - so beautiful
    and amazing impressions of Duisburg Valerie!
    Happy new week!
    oxo Susi

  12. That is a great photo of your sister at school, how things change over the years, could you just think what the girls these days would say wearing an outfit like that for sport..Its a wonderful page.
    Loved your photos especially all the stone carving.
    Yvonne xx

  13. That's such a lovely photo and page of your sister and her class mates. Such awful and sad times though.
    Wonderful photos and a lovely walk with you today.
    The fountain was great - and so was the arch with the man hugging the tree.
    Thanks for sharing... Gill xx

  14. Love the page with the old school photo of your sister ♥ The photos from your day trip were very nice too. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more.

  15. Wonderful page Valerie and such a great photograph to use but such awful times for anyone to endure

    Amazing place you found to visit with the old and the new blending together in harmony.

    Sorry I missed this post when I was commenting this morning but pleased I found it now

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. Love the swim team. The girls look pretty happy. I absolute have fallen for this town. What a magnificent place.

  17. Love that old sports class photograph, what you did with it looks super!

  18. What a wonderful photo. You used it beautifully. I am saddened to think of her needing to leave the school. Your photographs are amazing. I especially loved pictures of the older architecture.

  19. Such a wonderful old photo of the girls in sports kit, they all looks so happy.
    Lovely photos, and they mightn't look comfortable sitting by the arch, but I bet they'd have a lot of tales to tell.
    Avril xx

  20. That is a remarkable photograph, especially considering Erika's story and her subsequent trials.
    Fabulously interesting and beautiful photographs, Valerie. Thanks for sharing them. hugs, Teresa

  21. Amazing stone work!
    I really enjoy the old style architecture very much.
    It is so full of beauty and history.
    Beautiful girls in their gym suits as we call them here in the US.
    Erika's story really touches my heart!

  22. Love your page here - even though there were reminders of those terrible times! Duisburg looks interesting, especially the mixture of old and new architecture, although sometimes, as you say, there can be drab areas wherever we go! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. The stonework is amazing, both medieval and more modern, those stone masons were real masters of their art. Thinking about atrocities that have past and present always makes me angry I simply cannot comprehend how one person can be like that to another. XOXO

  24. Another one of your wonderful posts. Fantastic journal page with picture. The story about Erika is quite jarring as it brings forth all the history of that time period. What a violent place the world ia/was both in years gone by and today. You would think we would evolve into better and smarter people.
    Once again I love all of your of your pictures. Looks as if Adam and Eve have the weight of the world on their shoulders.
    Sandy xx

  25. Such a cool town! the architecture is soooo interesting! Love those that are crouched and peering!
    Your page is beautiful and the quote is as well- Happy Monday to you my friend! xx


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