Thursday 1 September 2016

This and that for Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend again, so time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, and for Elizabeth's Second on the Second and it's always time for 

For the Second on the Second we re-show posts from previous times,
and I am showing some Van Gogh rip-offs I made last year, showing 2 members of the family Roulin, with whom Van Gogh was friends:

And for Art Journal Journey, back to school, hosted by Elizabeth, a have a hybrid page, using an image from Gecko Galz, with some additions and alterations, and starring my balcony starling :

 Yesterday started off bright and sunny again:

I made a little outing by tram and bus to the other side of the Rhine, where I used to live and work before my husband died. This is a little village where there are lots of pubs, cafes etc, near to the Rhine, and very popular for a stopover.
There was building work going on, so there was a lot of traffic, which got in the way of my photos:

This is the old village pub:

This is how the barges were moved in the old days:

Here they make and sell beer and spirits, and more recently wine:

This pub is famous for it's bacon pancakes - they are sooooooo good!

One view (almost) without traffic:

Hope you enjoyed your tour today!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful Van Gogh art you made, and I love your new school project. Great photos, I remember Niederkassel very well, it's a pretty place. Hugs, Sarah

  2. The artwork pages are wonderful Valerie with such depth to them. Well worth a reshot for sure.

    Great Back to School page and header with the school theme as well.

    How different the places on the other side of the Rhine look. It would be a nice change to go there I bet.

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Brilliant pieces Valerie, and I love your new header! xx

  4. wunderschöne schulseiten hast du gemacht,und niederkassel ist echt schön,da würde ich erstmal ein eiskaltes bier trinken.
    deon van gogh ist ganz wunderbar.
    wünsch dir eine gute nacht,schlaf gut.

    hugs jenny

  5. Beautiful artwork as always Valerie and great photos too. Those bacon pancakes sound very yummy!
    Have a great weekend, Fliss xx

  6. I remember your Van Gogh interpretations, and was so happy to say I've seen this before, especially since I keep thinking how new I am to your blog.

    I adore your new blog banner, and of course the girl studying. Loved the bright red apples that popped!

    Your photos made me smile because I am NOT used to seeing so much traffic in your photos. That didn't diminish the beauty of the architecture and the town.

    You reminded me that's not only how they moved barges on the Rhine, but also on the Mississippi in the states, too. Amazing that I had forgotten this until you showed that photo.

    Thanks for sharing your AJJ art, your awesome photos, and your incredible second look on the 2nd.

  7. Love the artwork today Valerie, and I love the starling sitting on the wall looking into the schoolroom/
    Looks like a lovely village on the Rhine, like the sound of the bacon pancakes.
    Avril xx

  8. You had a lovely sunny day for your day trip, I bet your visit brought back lots of memories. I've been away for a wee holiday with a friend, no husband and no children! The house was lovely and tidy when I got home, my poor husband was exhausted! Enjoy your Friday. Xx

  9. lovely work for the challenges Valerie, so enjoyed your tour today!

  10. Wow Valerie! What fantastic artwork! So creative and inspiring! Love all the photos! Happy PPF :)

  11. Ohhh that first piece of art is outstanding and my favorite this week. The photos are equally outstanding. Hmmm bacon pancakes. Sounds so good. Have a great weekend.

  12. The brush stokes on your Van Gogh pieces are very like his!!!
    The quote and next piece is inspiring as well. I completely enjoyed the adventure of seeing this town and all it's details. It reminded me of our time in Germany in 2014. Thanks for the memories. Happy creating ahead.

  13. Sorry I have been MIA, time slips away and daily life takes over. Love your school theme below and this post today is spectacular...xx hugs to you

  14. Fabulous had me at bacon pancakes... I just love your Van Gogh art from last years...always fun to revisit! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new banner! So fun!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. Amazing artwork Valerie, especially the first one with the most wonderful expression and mesmerising eyes :)
    Think I forgot to say yesterday - love the new blog header.
    And lastly what a grand tour today...mmm yummy Pancakes followed by some wine maybe... looks a lovely town.
    Happy Friday Valerie - have a lovely weekend ... Gill xx

  16. hello again I really like the fresh new look of your blog great art and photos too

  17. Great Van Gogh pieces and I love the journal page.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. So colorful your Van Gogh-work! And same colorful world in your photos!

  19. Great work once again. Love the quote by Abe Lincoln. Your photos are amazing. Love the mill stones along side the building and the kegs on the roof.

  20. Glad you posted the Van Gogh type work again. I didn't see it last time. I like the back to school page as well. I felt like I had a mini vacation looking at all the great photos of your area. The architecture is so much different than what we see here.

  21. your Van Gogh art is super! And your "back to school" piece is so endearing. Thanks for taking us across town to see another beautiful area along the Rhine! Happy PPF!

  22. oooo-bacon pancakes sound so interesting. And yummy. Loving those photos today.makes me feel like I am a little trip though this German town. :) And it is also great to see your Van Gogh pieces again. Plus, the window. That is really cool and works so well for a school desk. Plus the header is amazing. This is one of my favorites of yours. I think my favorite. I really like how you added the little tab markers for art, history, etc. :) Happy second on the second and PPF and have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  23. Visiting here was like a little vacation...beautiful and relaxing...thanks for making us a part !

  24. I loved today's trip out Valerie, you must have enjoyed living in that beautiful small town. Today's art is fabulous, good to see Van Gogh again and the AJJ page id also FAB.
    Forgot to say yesterday, I like your new header.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Great art again today and thanks for reminding me of the Second on the Second . I always manage to forget :( Lovely photos of the village you used to live in. Have a great week!!!

  26. First off, I love your back to school header. It reminds me of the primer books we studied. And your van gogh artwork is super. Lots of talent there. The school girl at her desk is great. I so much enjoyed the tour of the old town across the Rhine. I love seeing the artwork on the buildings and the window boxes with flowers. I've gotten afraid of flying or I'd fly over and see all these things again in Germany's old villages for myself.

  27. Great Abe Lincoln quote on your hybrid page. Fabulous town views love that chicken tucked up under the eaves - looks like cast concrete. xox

  28. Thanks for the tour (love the barrels and signs) and also very nice art pieces! Happy weekend.

  29. Amazing art today Valerie, love the second look Van Gogh pieces.

    Back to school was always my favorite time when I was a child......I loved going to school. You hybrid piece really reminded me of those days.

    Really enjoyed your trip photos, like being right there with you. LOVED the metal sign above the pub and all the older architecture, and how narrow the streets are in comparison to what I see daily.

    Thanks for sharing EVERYTHING! Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  30. Toller zweiter Blick - Deine Van Gogh Gesichter find ich immer toll! Du hast das voll drauf und auch die AJJ hybride Arbeit ist toll Valerie!
    Was für eine entzückende Stadt das ist... so viele alte Gebäude und so viel Geschichte .... und alles noch belebt im heute! Klasse!
    Happy PPF, AJJ and Second on the Second!
    oxo Susi

  31. You are such a prolific artist with your art pages and beautiful photographs. I love your first portrait with the stunning blue eyes. hugs, Teresa

  32. You had fun with van Gogh and your school girl looks very dedicated to her studies. Perfect quote from Honest Abe.
    What a great village to revisit.
    I hope it brought back lots of sweet memories of life with your husband.
    Sending September (((hugs))) your way liebe Valerie oxo

  33. Luv today's sharing of macro photos and the inspirational art about creating futures

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  34. What wonderful paintings! The eyes are especially compelling. Your photos are lovely too.

  35. Your photos really make me want to visit so bad!!!!! and love the van goghs so much! some of my fave reinterpretations of van gogh I've seen, actually

  36. I don't recall the Alice piece, but love her just the same!!

    Your photos are so lovely, has it cooled down yet?
    hugs ")

  37. lots of lovely shots. The little girl sitting writing reminded me of the drawings in an old story book from my childhood.

  38. Ein grandioser Post, Valerie, gefällt mir alles sehr gut

  39. What a great idea to repost your artwork! I've probably said this before, but your photos always make me envious. What a beautiful city you live in.

  40. Lovely Van Goghs! I like how you did the backgrounds. And your hybrid page is very interesting. Happy PPF!

  41. Your Van Goghs are perfect - you really do know how to capture his art. You are really talented Valerie!
    Loved your outing with all the pictures. I hve never had bacon pan cakes but they sure do sound good!
    sandy xx

  42. Love your Van Gogh art! Wonderful color! Happy PPF and love your photos! So fun to see a place so far from me!!

  43. Love your Van Gogh art! Wonderful color! Happy PPF and love your photos! So fun to see a place so far from me!!

  44. Love your paintings... very unique style! Thanks for sharing the photos of a place I have never been but hope to see in person one day! :)

  45. What a fabulous post! I loved seeing your paintings and your journal page! The village looks charming - apart from photo-bombing traffic! Not doing so well in keeping up I'm afraid! Chrisx

  46. Your portrait has amazing detail on the face and the next one is an exact likeness. Your 'past' looks lovely. . .What, Bacon Pancakes. . .save a seat for me. The little village looks like a dream. . .a place I could never imagine and wish I had been a part of. Incredible blog. Blessings, Janet

  47. Such unique and lovely images this week!

  48. You do find interesting things and places to photograph and show us exemplified by the wonderful pictures here. XOXO

  49. Your new banner with back to school theme is terrific. The photos of the village have an old world nostalgic charm. So is the back to school collage.


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