Saturday 3 September 2016

An art lesson and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well!

It was fun that some of you tried to guess who was who in my piece yesterday. The only one who got them all right was SUSI - please go to the top of the class, and take a sweetie from the jar! My Mum is the third from left in the second row, and Erika on the left of that row. I was standing at the front behind the blackboard. The others who tried can each take a sweetie, too!

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's lovely theme of 'back to school' I have a hybrid page using photos taken at my art class way back at the end of the 1970s. We  had made heads from paper maché - the wine bottles were just for support! We had a fun few weeks creating, painting and decorating the heads. The photos are Polaroids, and seem to have got a bit darker in the course of the years.

Here are the originals:

And here are the sweeties, help yourselves!

These photos are from the last part of my long walk home on Thursday. After leaving Old Niederkassel I walked up the ramp onto the bridge:

It was very loud and the air full of fumes!

This saddened me , a man had thrown himself off the bridge here:

The wild geese off for a paddle:

Looking back to the town:

The spiral leading down makes it easy for cyclists, pedestrians, wheelchairs etc:

As I got nearer to home the clouds were piling up:

I was happy to be back by the horses:

The clouds were most impressive:

Today I visited a neighbouring town, I will tell you about it in another post!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am just proud of myself to be the only one who were!
    Was für eine tolle Erinnerungsseite zu Euren Papiermacheköpfen!
    Schön dass Du uns an Deinem tollen Ausflug wieder teilhaben läßt!
    Der kleine Gedenkaltar ist wahrlich traurig.
    Bei uns hat sich eine junge Frau heute absichtlich von einer gaaanz hohen Brücke gestürzt ..aber ein paar Baumwipfel haben sie aufgefangen und ihr wurde kein Haar gekrümmt....
    Wahnsinn, was?

    Bin noch NICHT im Trauzmland..da staunst Du, was?!
    Aber jetzt ----- mach ich mich auf's ins Traumland!
    Good Night!

    1. Good night, be proud of yourself, and scrub your teeth well after eating your sweeties!

  2. Hi Val! I'm sure you were proud of your students who made those fun heads, and they look like they were having a great time! A fantastic journal page! Wonderful photos, too, love those clouds, glad you had another outing today. Hugs, Sarah

  3. beautiful page today, and thanks for the lovely tour! It seems there are always people who will jump off bridges.

  4. Curious, I went back to look at yesterday's with you and your mom in it. So cute! Loved it.
    Your heads are fun.
    And as always, a lovely walk...especially by the horses.

  5. I didn't realize we were supposed to guess who was whom. I must not have read it as well as I thought.

    I was truly impressed with your students and their head masks. They all looked so happy when they had their photos taken. You must have been a fantastic art teacher. Wish I'd had you when I was growing up. Then I might actually have known how to draw something other than a stick figure.

    These are fantastic photos you shared today. I was saddened by the man taking his life, too. There are so many groups who can help depressed people nowadays, that should never have happened.

    I really enjoyed the photo of the spiral off ramp. So, so clever. From an engineering standpoint, it was quite impressive.

    Glad you took a different walk today. My hot water heater finally quit, so Scott and I put a new one in. That took up all my morning. Hope yours was more enjoyable and less tasking.

  6. du bist kunstleherin? das find ich ja stark,tolle pappmacheköpfe habt ihr da gemacht,sieht nach viel spass aus,zu der zeit war ich ja noch ganz klein.
    wir haben sowas später im kunstuntericht auch gemacht,ein luftballon als kopf und darüber dann das pappmache,hat viel spass gemacht.
    da hast du ja heute tolle bilder gemacht,hier hat es heute im nebenhaus gebrannt.
    ich werd mir jetzt noch einen cafe machen und dann ins land der träume verschwinden,gute nacht,schlaf gut.

    hugs jenny

  7. Well done the Susi for guessing your family correctly and great that you added smething a bit different for us to ponder over.

    Love the page today and the wonderful models you taught. I loved making that sort of thing at school and had a collection of puppets I made for years--well until I got married lol.

    Terrific photographs again but sad to see the flowers on the bridge. It seems to be thing now to always have reminders at places where tragedies happen. Maybe it will make someone think if they are about to do the same thing.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. A wonderful page - love the heads and fabulous photos of your walk - very sad that someone jumped of the bridge.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Afabulous piece for a great theme! Love the background and great photos, looks like fun days back then!

    Sorry for not coming by for so long, but as you may know I have been away for two month and only now getting back into blogging....

  10. darling page and people are always stupid jumping off bridges, they always do it just doesn't matter to them.
    Great photos and your sweet jar is appreciated...xx

  11. Oh Wow Valerie. What a wonderful post, lots to see and very interesting pictures too. I really don't deserve to take a sweetie from your jar, but it would be rude not too. The geese look as if they are having fun too. Hugs Rita xxx

  12. I think it is so cool to use those old Polaroids from when you taught. Those heads are fun. Those clouds photos are really cool as are the bridge. I know, it makes me sad too when I pass those roadside memorials. But it is such a different view of the river than your neighborhood area. Can't wait to see your next little journey. Enjoy the end of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  13. I love your post today - those heads are terrific -- I did not know you taught art? Is that what you taught all the time of just one of many subjects.
    You had quite a long walk. And of course gave us some interesting photos.
    I am working on my journal page but I am experimenting with the background. I have yet to come up with what I have in mind. So I keep trying.
    Sandy xx

    1. I mostly taught English, art, (which included needlework, metalwork and woodwork) and cookery.

    2. Well I can testify that you seem to be quite accomplished in those fields. I thought you were probably a good cook - I just knew it.

  14. What wonderful art! I definitely didn't guess correctly... The photos are lovely too, I especially liked the horses.

  15. I would have loved your art class Valerie. The journal page looks awesome and such fantastic pieces were made. I have just added my art memories, we must have been thinking similar ways today.
    Loved the photos of your walk home, you must have been exhausted, lovely scenery.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Your art students enjoyed the head project obviously. I'm sure art was one of their favorite classes with you as the teacher and your creative ideas. I'm happy you can get out more while the weather is still pleasant. We had to turn our heat on today because it was so cold. Beautiful cloud photos and the ramp down from the bridge is amazing. Hugs,

  17. I love seeing your pages with the photos on! Made me wonder if I might use some of mine ! Your walk looked fantastic (and quite long) Glad you got home before the weather changed. Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Views from bridges or across any expanse of water always appeal to me I have found that living near such places is important. Your pictures make me think I need a trip to Hull and over the brilliant Humber Bridge. XOXO


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