Tuesday 6 September 2016

New challenge at Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at 


As always, projects of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to
link your creations to us.

I made a piece meant for Art Journal Journey, Back to school, as well.
I made a hybrid page over a brightly coloured background painted very quickly with acrylics:

At the farm shop they had a wonderful display of pumpkins:

The bookshop is also advertising for back to school!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Aww your school piece is perfect, you can tell that you were a teacher lol. I love that you can have such fabulous displays in your village, I'm afraid that if they were here they would be stolen or vandalised - sad but true. Have a fun week xx

  2. Lovely and fun spread today, looks deceptively easy but I'm sure it wasn't! Those pumpkins look wonderful, too. Enjoy the rest of the week, hugs Sarah

  3. I want to go to the farm shop. What a very nice looking place.

  4. Hi Valerie, the days are going by so quickly that I can't catch up but took time to read your current blog which is so like F A L L. I enjoyed your photos and the shop with the school supplies and reflection in the window. It is definitely fall-like here; the leaves are falling from the trees and the weather is much cooler. Hugs,

  5. I like your back to school piece, it's very sweet. The pumpkin photographs are so much fun too.

  6. Now THAT is the type of drawing I can make. Your lovely MM&M and AJJ piece is perfect. I am in total awe of your abilities, where even your stick figures have energy and poise.

    It's early for pumpkins here, but I am in awe of that farm shop. I loved it all, possibly because it is all so new to me.

    Have an awesome day, dear friend. You get an A + for this artwork.

  7. Lovely back to school piece for AJJ! Pumpkins out already!

  8. Ha! I love this! Those pumpkins are amazing - and that strawberry bear?! HOW cute - but not as much as your back to school page - the "Be Good to your Teacher" would make an amazing classroom poster! xoxo

  9. Oh how fun! Love the colorful underlying background combine with the chalkboard on top! The stick figure is too cute!

  10. Very fun and exciting. I couldn't agree more with you about being good to any and all teachers. They are the heart of our future. Awesome sauce design! Hugz. ~Niki

  11. Eine lustige Seite ist das! Die Kürbisdeko ist auch richtig toll -
    einen schönen Tag Liebes!!!
    See you tomorrow!
    oxo Susi

  12. Pumpkins pumpkins everywhere what a gorgeous show of those colours...fabulous page and school rules.....well, now I don't have to go lol.xx

  13. Terrific page with stand out message lol

    Love the pumpkins they are an amazing colour

    Have a great day-we are off to see Vic's mum

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. I like that advice. Neat how you made that blackboard effect Valerie. I like it. And wow- all those pumpkins. It is almost really fall, isn't it? Our humidity is back for a couple of days so its feeling rather sticky right now. :( Oh well, it shouldn't last. Hope all is well. Hugs Erika

  15. Colourful and cheerful post Valerie :)
    Fab artwork and fun photos and pumpkins - almost thought it was October and Halloween instead of September. What a great display.
    Have a wonderful day...
    Gill xx

  16. I loved our walk today. So cheerful. And since, with the exception of myself, everyone in the family teaches, I really like your piece:)
    Have a great one. Hugs

  17. Hi Valerie, What a fun and cheerful post. Love the line up of pumpkins. Your art work for back to school is a great design. Love the chalk board style!!
    Happy September! xo

  18. Brilliant Valerie! Love the photos too - pumpkin soup already?! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Love the bright, fun page and the words, I hope children still do that. The farm shop display looks great, it will be Halloween before we know it and will see pumpkin lanterns.
    Yvonne xx

  20. another colorful and fun back to school hybrid Valerie! I must say -I am NOT ready for fall and pumpkins yet. We are having another heat wave and I am taking in as much of it as I can-summer in my heart ya know:)

  21. Love the art and the message ♥ Yes even I am ready for fall ... tired of the heat and the extra work of summer. I don't say that too often :)
    Great pumpkin photos and love the school supplies shot with the refection of the city in the glass ♥♥♥

  22. Be good to your teacher - she is awfully good to you!
    Love all of your pictures --
    Sandy xx


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