Wednesday 14 September 2016

In school uniform

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! Susi flew back home again today, I will miss her very much! But we had a great week, with wonderful weather,and I am looking forward to the next time when we can get together! 

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's lovely theme of 'back to school'
I have a piece made with photos from my school days. The photo was taken with my two best female friends during break. (It was an all girls school) We always had to wear school uniform, and on our way to and from school we had to wear a hat, too - a straw boater in summer and a velour hat in winter.... This must have been taken in September, because until the end of September we were allowed to wear summer or winter uniform. The two teachers with us on  the photo were both wonderful ladies, who really cared about us.

And here are the last 2 weeks' tags for Tag Tuesday-

Paper dolls:

 Children's games:

Yesterday we visited Schloss Kalkum, and this time there were 2 ghosts in the chapel:

The ducks and geese were happy as always:

The Egyptian (Nile) goose mother was watching over her goslings, who are now almost fully grown:

Some of them looked really scruffy while waiting for their adult feathers:

The castle is being renovated, which was long overdue:

And somehow we once again ended up at a restaurant for refreshing drinks and a good meal:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What wonderful art, I love hats and I enjoyed hearing about yours. Your photos are lovely too, I especially like the birds.

  2. I remember seeing my Mum's old uniform in the wardrobe, she kept it for years! Lovely piece, and wonderful tags and photos! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Too bad Susi's visit is over! Lovely memories from your AJJ piece today and cute tags. How quickly the geese grow.

  4. I'm working on a piece about uniforms, so this was a lovely addition to AJJ. It made me think about how we don't normally wear uniforms in the U.S., unless it's a private school. So glad you shared your school experiences.

    I'm saddened, too that Susi is gone, but I know this week has meant the world to both of you. I wonder if you got any sleep at all, or spent most of the time sitting up talking and enjoying each other's company. Great photos and a great week with both of you.

  5. Hi Valerie, I have enjoyed each blog the last few days including Susi and the tour of surrounding areas,eating,and having a lot of fun. Yes, you will miss her and her smiles. Your SCHOOL pages are exceptional and you have not changed that much, even wore glasses when you were in school. Relax and enjoy the upcoming weekend. GREAT PHOTOS TOO!

  6. Love seeing the photos, both old and new. I think school uniforms is a great page idea.I was surprised your uniforms actually look rather stylish and not what we usually have here which is a plaid skirt and a blazer. Glad you had such a fun week with Susi. Hugs-erika

  7. I too wore a uniform, 1 for winter and 1 for summer! Thanks for the fun post!!!

  8. Tolle Fotos wieder, liebe Valerie. Ihr habt es Euch gut gehen lassen, das finde ich super. Auch hattet Ihr richtig Glück mit dem Wetter.

  9. Tolle Fotos wieder, liebe Valerie. Ihr habt es Euch gut gehen lassen, das finde ich super. Auch hattet Ihr richtig Glück mit dem Wetter.

  10. Fantastic page Valerie and lovely to see you back then with the teachers.

    Great photographs again today and you two really had a good time by the looks of it. I bet it all seems quiet now as it does here now Linda has gone home. The reflection photograph is stunning by the way.

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. My daughter and later granddaughter went to Kent School (?) hear Rheindahlen/Wegberg. They loved it.

    Glad you both had a good time, things must feel a little anticlimactic now Linda has gone. Love the ducks ... the bridge is fantastic

  12. Ihr seid richtig stylisch gewesen in Euren tollen Uniformen! Eine tolle Idee für Back to school! Ich vermisse Dich und Kiserswerth - jawohl!
    Hab einen feinen Donnerstag Liebes!

  13. Lovely pages to remember your fond school memories by. I really like your tags, especially the paper dolls. I've always loved paper dolls. My sister and I used to play with them together. We made our own that we cut from old Sears catalogues.

  14. Love the school photo page Valerie. I went to an all girls school, the uniform also included velour and straw hats. Two sweet children's tags as well. You must have many stored memories from Susi's stay with you, these photos are good to see as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. I love your school pages. It looks fabulous with the photos! And the ducks are wonderful too. Hope you are enjoying time with Susi :)

  16. Your journal pieces are wondrous. What great memories.
    I LOVE those tags.
    And I enjoyed walking with you and Susi. (Those ducks are too cute.) I know you're going to miss her.

  17. Boy Susi's beer looks delicious and BIG!! What were you drinking Miss Valerie! I know you are going to miss Susi - you pictures certainly showed what a fabulous time you had together!!
    Great journal spread and holds such memories for you.
    Sandy xx

  18. eine tolle seite und schöne bilder,wir waren heute auch unterwegs und jetzt hab ich blasen an den füßen,ich hab genau wie susi ein eiskaltes bierchen getrunken.
    das war doch eine tolle woche für euch,ihr hattet soviel spass zusammen.
    ich wünsch dir einen schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

  19. Madly trying to catch up Valerie and love your schooldays pages, vintage photos are so lovely.
    Really enjoyed your duck pics too.
    Fliss xx

  20. Wonderful journal pages Valerie and what a pretty dress for a school uniform.
    Great photos, you and Susi have had great time.
    Avril xx

  21. What wonderful photos from school Valerie! I loved the way you framed them. And your tags are just too adorable!!! Now I know what to do with my vintage paper dolls!! xo

  22. Looks like so much fun!! I think the tags are my favorite! They are charming! Your photos make me long to be there painting en plein air!! Happy PPF :)


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