Saturday 27 February 2016

This and that

Hi Everybody!

I had lots of rather torturing physio sessions, and had to
have a series of X-rays taken for which I had to get into positions like a prima ballerina, not easy. Now I am happy to be doing nothing. Sooner or later it will be better!
Have a great weekend. Now back to the scheduled part.

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love, I have a hybrid page using one of my  photos as background

The photos here were taken in a neighbouring town when I visited there some weeks back. They show the main station, a beautiful, Art Nouveau sandstone building, which was renovated a few years back.

I loved the modern stained glass windows in the main hall:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely piece Valerie, glad you are on the mend. I've never seen the modern stained glass, interesting.

  2. Beauty flows from this creation....have a great weekend...and take it easy...xx

  3. Lovely and frosty looking page, it's got very cold here again. Keep getting better day by day, hugs Sarah

  4. Hope you are feeling better. Such a lovely new piece. What an unusual stained glass - so modern.

  5. wow deine seite ist fabelhaft und gefällt mir seeehr.
    schöne bilder hast du gemacht,ich hoffe das es dir schon besser geht,weiterhin gute besserung und ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  6. Eine wundervolle Seite ist das und das Gebäude ist wahrlich bemerkenswert!
    Gute Besserung Valerie!
    Thinking of you♥♥♥

  7. You'll be pirouetting along the Rhine in no time Valerie 😅. Super pics, such a beautiful building. Take good care. Xx

  8. Hallo Valerie, ich habe gerade erst gelesen, dass du dich einer OP unterziehen musstest. Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung und dass du bald wieder nach Hause darfst. Liebe Grüße Silvia

  9. Sorry to hear about the torture Valerie and hope all will soon be well

    Beautiful page with wonderful use of your very own photograph. Also great photographs today with wonderful buildings

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. This is so beautiful Valerie and so are the photos. Sorry about the torture.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Torture doesn't sound good, but lets hope the pain eases, as your leg gets stronger.
    A gorgeous moody page today, love the violin image.
    Take care Yvonne xx

  12. Was für eine schöne Journalseite. Ich mag diese Farben!!
    Weiterhin alles Gute für dich und gute Besserung!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  13. Hope it's going well and you can rest in between the physio and recoup. Lovely frosty night and local views. xox

  14. Your beautiful collage conjures up a wonderful scene and feeling!!!
    Beautiful train station and the modern stained glass is such a contrast to the architecture.
    This healing business does not happen overnight does it!
    Thinking of you liebe Valerie and sending all good wishes your way ♥

  15. Nice, nice, nice! Love the deep blue/purple you chose for the violin. Your town is full of never ending inspiration for photos ... absolutely beautiful. hugs, Donna

  16. Beautiful page :) and that building is so pretty . I love old architecture so much .Hope you are feeling better ! I know those exercises hurt but they are worth the pain.

  17. Lovely photos! I hope you feel better soon. Have a lovely weekend!

  18. What rich and lovely art! I love your photos too. I hope that you are feeling better soon.

  19. So sorry to have been awol Valerie and popped by to say I hope you recover from those physio sessions soon as it sounds rather painful.
    Gorgeous artwork (love the rich blue) and beautiful pics too, such a lovely station building.
    Have a good weekend too.
    Fliss xx

  20. The physio does sound painful, I only hope this pain is worthwhile, in the long run for your recovery.
    Beautiful work perfectly capturing a frosty evening.
    Take Care
    Lynne x

  21. Liebe Valerie,
    die Magie der frostigen Nacht finde ich ganz wundervoll umgesetzt, wunderschön dein Werk. Die Fotos von diesem Bahnhof sind absolut genial, die Fenster sind toll...
    Gute Besserung und alles Liebe.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  22. Love your page a gorgeous shade of blue. I had to have x-rays last week so know how you feel hope it settles down for you soon x

  23. I love your frosty looking page! It is very cold outside at the moment - even with lovely sunshine! The station looks fabulous! The Rhine walks will soon start to become less of a dream! Hugs, Chrisx "

  24. Just when I thought things were better, my computer crashed when I tried to find the post I was telling you about on my computer. You will have to scroll down a few frames to Kansas in Miniature, but you will see how short I am by the height of the other people standing around the exhibit that fills an entire room. I hope you'll take a look at it, since it reminded me of your trains:

    Now to your post. First, I have to say OMGosh, is that a copper top on the main station? It looks like copper patina.

    And of course, I can't forget the beauty of the frosty blue you chose to show the cold night.

  25. Just read you get to go home today. I'm thrilled for you. I bet you are doing a happy dance, if only in your mind!


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