Monday 1 February 2016

music, romance and more

Hi Everybody!

Today is multiple challenge day - Art Journal Journey, TIOT, Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd and Elizabeth's Tea Stands for Tuesday. It's Tag Tuesday, too, but I will show my tag another time.

At TIOT our new challenge is 'a fine romance' - Hmm, Valentine's Day seems to be coming nearer.....Projects of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to start thinking of romance and to join in our theme. You can find more inspiration on our blog. I have made a hybrid piece using a photo of the Rhine at sunset, with an added frame and some digital images from Freubel's Freebies. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey - if music be the food of love.

For Elizabeth's TSFT and 2nd on the 2nd I am re-showing a journal page made last year, all about chocolate, as that fits the TSFT theme. Here a big hello to all the T Gang. The page was made with a magazine cut out - Milka is a famous brand of choccie over here - a stenciled clock and quote, and some fine colour spray.

And to keep in theme, here is my drink today - cappuccino, served this time in one of my Mum's precious bone-china cups. As kids we were never allowed to use them, perhaps that's why they survived, and I very rarely use them either.

And here is my fave chocolate biscuit, with lots of delicious, creamy chocolate:

Here it is undressed - go on, take a bite, you know you want to!

The photos show the Rhine at sundown:

This cutie visited me again:

And I love this winter-flowering tree:

And I always have fun playing with my long legged shadow, who likes to stick with me when the weather is fine, but always stays home when it rains.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I tried to leave a comment earlier, but my computer crashed and I had to reboot. You certainly packed a LOT in this post, dear. I really adore the new TioT entry and it goes nicely with the AJJ theme, too.

    What an adorable Second look with the adorable cow and chocolate. Loved the way you positioned her over the clock mask. And of course, chocolate is probably what I need because it understands me better than my computer does.

    That cup and saucer are gorgeous. Reminds me of some I inherited from my grandparents. The gold rims are so fragile on mine, I have to wash them separate from everything else. That may be why I don't use mine, either.

    I'm truly confused as to the type of bird you shared today. I have never seen one like it before.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your cappuccino, and your bird for T this Tuesday and thanks for bringing back the beautiful Milka for your Second on the 2nd entry.

  2. Lovely work for the challenges and your cappucino looks yummy in that precious china cup! Nice to see the sunset for a change.

  3. That's really an interesting piece of work, liking the subtleness. Fantastic photos as always!

  4. Wow- what a full post. Love your cupids on that beautiful photo, and oh yes, chocolate! You've got me craving hot chocolate. And I've said it before, but you can tell its been warm because your grass is soooo green. I can't get over it or the blossoms either. This is one strange winter. :)

  5. What a fun selection of photos! Thanks for visiting!

  6. yum yum yum
    and sweet too
    lovely photos, so different than the winter we are in

  7. Love the hybrid piece with the view of the Rhine, and the lovely photos. Your chocolate page and the coffee and choccie really speak to my heart! Hugs, Sarah

  8. mein Liebling ist ganz klar das milka bild *G*... happy t-day!!

  9. Liebe Valerie,
    die Milkakuh, die finde ich absolut genial... nun hab ich auch noch Lust auf Schoggi bekommen... wunderschöne, berührende Fotos die mich hier auch anlächeln, hab lieben Dank dafür.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  10. All divine pieces today, Valerie. Beautiful music piece and the chocolate piece is so humorous .. love the quote. Such a lovely tree which blooms in winter. Gives you hope for spring. Enjoyed your post today, as always. Hugs, Donna

  11. Ich mag Deine schöne Hybrid-Musik-Liebe-Seite und klar mag ich die Milka Kuh gerne nochmal sehen...tolle Arbeit- und sei froh, dass ich nicht zulange bei der Schocki, mit einem Stück hab ich da nieeee genug.
    Diese filigranen Tassen hätten bei mir nie und nimmer jahrelang überlebt! Ich mache permanent Sachen kaputt beim Spülen..hab extra dicke Tassen immer und dickes Glas bei den Gebrauchsgläsern.
    Wunderbare Aufnahmen sind das auch wieder heute und das Herz im Kaffeeschaum ist ein Hit!
    Happy T-Day - AJJ- TIOT !

    1. Die Tassen haben nur so lange bei mir überlebt weil ich sie selten benutze!

  12. A great read today Valerie. love how you used the Rhine photo on your fantastic journal page. Of course the chocolate looks delicious , bet you enjoyed your frothy drink as well.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Haha! Naughty shadow not coming out just because it is raining.
    Your golden artwork is fabulous, great to see your own photograph being used in this wonderful piece with the cherubs.
    You are so right about chocolate understanding, it does, and I need that cup of coffee right now. it looks delicious. I don't think we have those biscuits here, so could I just try one?
    The starling looks very fine, all ready for a Spring Fling, it's a very good photo.
    Have a super day, Valerie, and thanks for yet another lovely blogpost.

  14. So many things to love in this post Valerie. The page is very beautiful and very romantic as well. Great photographs as always

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. A beautiful romantic page, I love how the scene was framed, your chocolate page is scrummy and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Wow! i cannot believe things are in bloom!! Is it too early where you live? Or are you ahead of us by a month or two?
    You are such a tease...your chocolate looked so deliciously tempting, but I found it tasted a bit like laptop! teehee
    And yes, I am having fun over at GG- thank you sooo very much for all of your support always ,my friend! xoxo

  17. Beautifully made creation and just adore the colours you used. The coffee and chockies were yummie, thanks.xxxx

  18. Gorgeous music piece Valerie-it is just enchanting! Love that chocolate cow, and yes, your chocolate does look tempting for sure. The scenery along the Rhine never fails to delight. Happy T day!

  19. What a romantic page, the design is totally gorgeous! Love the angels and the musical notes is a great touch.
    Your Milka page is so fun and I love the words you've added.
    Have a lovely day Valerie!
    Mar xx

  20. Die Milka-Kuh ist mein Favorit heute!
    ...und natürlich das fantastische Foto vom Staren! LG Ulrike

  21. A lovely project with one of my favourite quotes hugs Bee.

  22. Five challenges in one post Wowee Valerie :-)
    Your first collage is precious with the cherubs playing their Rhine river Musik at the end of another beautiful day ♥
    Yum Schokolade one of my favorite things...thanks for the bite!
    Happy T Day
    and Happy February oxo

  23. What a lovely cup and such a precious remembrance. Happy T Tuesday!

  24. Love how you added the digi images, something I find difficulty to Very pretty.
    Hugz, Z

  25. What a beautiful and romantic page Valerie! Love both! Hugs!

  26. What a beautiful and romantic page Valerie! Love both! Hugs!

  27. Ah, I love the photos. I always feel like I'm right there.
    And the chocolate journal piece: Heh heh. Cute, and so true.
    Sounds like that beautiful, fragile cup holds many wondrous memories.

  28. Fabulous hybrid work, as always....
    Do you print them out or just store them on your PC?
    Of course I'm always enchanted with the photos of the Rhine, any time of day.
    Your long shadow made me think of Peter Pan......LOL
    Happy T-day and thanks for the visit and the comment.

  29. Music, love, coffee, and chocolate! The best recipe ever. Happy T-Day!

  30. Yes give me chocolate and coffee. I love your photos today.

  31. Valerie, your sunset musical piece is wonderful along with the photos. I am a chocolate nut so my mouth watered when I viewed your photos and piece on chocolate. I wouldn't be happy with just a bite; I'd want the whole bar. I like the cow MIlKA along with your photos of a spring-like day, including your shadow.

  32. A charming romantic digi page, Valerie - and your photos are great as always... those sunsets have a touch of romance too! The cappuccino looks very delicious, and so elegant in your "best" cup.
    Alison xx

  33. ok, now I am craving chocolate!! love that..."chocolate understands..." ! beautiful photos, as always. happy T day!♥

  34. What a lovely post (as always). I love the photos of the Rhine and the bird (I think it's a starling).
    Your hybrid art is stunning. I had to smile at the Milka cow. I used to love that chocolate in the purple wrapper. Now I'm more into dark bitter chocolate. Yumm... you have made my mouth water...(I am unwrapping a piece as I write).
    Thanks for commenting earlier and
    Have a good week,

  35. What a lot of eye candy today :) The art is fantastic and those sunset photos on the river are beautiful. Your mother china cup looks so delicate and pretty ....almost as pretty as the cappuccino that is in it. :)

  36. Beautiful page, so filled with light. Cute cow too. hugs, Teresa

  37. Beautiful page Valerie, love these little cherubs with that gorgeous photograph background. I totally agree with the chocolate page!
    Coffee always tastes nicer when served in a china cup and I'm sure you enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing your biscuit.
    Great photos as always.
    avril xx

  38. Great themes today...romance, music and chocolate. Who could want anything else? And thanks for the little bite of chocolate. It was just what I needed this afternoon. LOVE your delicate tea cup. I would feel so elegant drinking from that.

  39. What a great post! I couldn't resist the chocolate--mmmmm!
    Glad you are using the bone china sometimes. It needs to be appreciated and loved, too.
    Happy T-Day! :)

  40. Hi Valerie, Always something wonderful here and today no different. Love your designer art work piece. Your drink today looks so delicious and so glad you can enjoy it in your mother's beautiful china cup. The chocolate is an added treat for sure. Love your shadow photo and all your walking pics. Have a great day! xo

  41. Lovely golden glow on your musical artwork.
    Your drink and biscuit look very yummy - and I spy a heart on the froth!
    Lovely sunset - we had a clear sky this morning but I still couldn't those 5 planets.
    Fabulous photo of the Starling - love the markings on their feathers.
    Gill xx

    1. No Gill, no luck here, I just caught a glimpse of the crescent moon his morning, but the clouds swallowed it up really quickly. That's life!

  42. How beautiful is this. Yum, I love chocolate :)
    Hugs Marjut

  43. What a fabulous post! I am feeling the need for chocolate - b....r the diabetes! Hugs Chrisx

  44. Your music pieces with and without the cherubs - but of course a violin - and beautiful. They are so sweet. The cappuccino looked yummy, and the milk chocolate cow crashed me up. I have a huge grin on my face. Your other pictures were lovely.


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