Tuesday 23 February 2016

Birds, coffee and a face

Hi Everybody

"Breaking news."

The Op went well, I am still connected to various tubes,
Now I just need to heal. Thanks for all the good wishes!

Another scheduled post today, meant for Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love,  99 faces, and Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday.

I painted the bird with acrylics onto a piece of DP along with  a green face, which was ghastly. So I chopped off the green face, added another of 'my' faces digitally, and that was it. The text is from the Beatles' beautiful song.

A big hello to all the T gang!
I'm sharing my coffee once again.
Carolyn sent me this photo , so I think it's a great motto for me for this week!

And I hope to soon be up and running and to be able to visit my wild geese and ducks again!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely work Valerie! Nice cuppa and spring is well underway there!

  2. Glad to hear you are getting along. Big hugs, Sarah

  3. I added your link to the T post, and even if you are not able to visit everyone who visits you, it's OK, because at least they will know you are thinking of them, AND you came through the operation in good stead. Just remember, you must walk before you can run (grin).

    Lovely face you created on top of the blackbird. Seems we've both had one of those weeks where we both rejected everything we created. At least you were able to salvage your entry.

    Love the photo of the coffee. I think I need that, too.

    Thanks for sharing your art and joining us for T this Tuesday. Look forward to your getting back with your ducks, geese, and Rhine boats, too.

  4. Liebe Valerie,
    es freut mich riesig, dass du die OP gut überstanden hast. Ich wünsche dir von Herzen eine gute Besserung und momentan die nötige Ruhe. Wiederum total schön dein Bild, vor dem ich gerne verweile. Jööö, diese Gänselinchen sind ja so süss... wundervoll und berührend dieses Foto.
    Alles Liebe dir und herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  5. Wie schön dass Du die OP hinter Dir hast!
    Siehste! Schon mal geschafft das Schlimmste!
    Was für eine tolle Seite Valerie.. hab alles verlinkt und gepinnt..
    war brav - Lob mich!!
    Ja jetzt sei Du auch brav und vor allem "geduldig" schon bald darfst Du Deine geliebten Spaziergänge wieder genießen und das Schönste....
    dann wird es viel besser gehen und der Schrittzähler wird dann ( ja ich weiss es dauert noch) jubilieren!

    Gut gemacht!!!



  6. schöne blackbird seite! aber noch schöner, dass es bei dir gut gelaufen ist. es geht aufwärts, pass auf dich auf!

  7. Great to hear the op went well. Sending hugs! Xx

  8. Glad to read that your op went well! Hoping you have a speedy recovery now! I love the face you added to your blackbird. ..funnily enough I heard one last night so Spring must be on it's way! Hope your day goes well - the Rhine walks will soon be back to being part of your daily routine! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. Great news, that your op went well. I hope each day sees your recovery progressing.
    Loved the journal page and I'm sure it won't be long before you are on your feet again.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Terrific that all went well Valerie and I hope you that you will soon be home again and then it won't be long after that when you can go to the Rhine again.

    Love the page which has lots of different things to look at and work out what is what and where.

    Take care.

    Thinking of you

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. That's wonderful news my friend....we never like to see our buddies suffer..
    Beautiful page and love the face.xx

  12. Wie schön zu hören, dass du es hinter dir hast. Wirst sehen, bald springst du wieder munter herum, wie die Baby-Enten auf deinem Foto! Weiter schnelle Heilung! LG Ulrike

  13. WOW! I love that page!!! and a double WOW this morning (here in the U.S.) you are up on the net with us. SO glad that everything went well ! Take care my friend ♥

  14. Beautiful post Valerie. I'm glad to hear your surgery went well, sending wishes for a speedy and easy recovery! hugs :)

  15. Hi Valerie! Great to read your Op went well! I hope that you recover soon.
    Love the stunning face... a fabulous page!
    Take care!!!
    Hugs, Mar xx

  16. super page Valerie! Glad to hear you are doing well. Love seeing the duck family. Hoping Spring will arrive here very soon. Happy T day!

  17. Great art work, I am taken with the layout of things. Hope you are feeling completely well very soon.

  18. I like your blackbird/song/face art piece. I'm glad you cam through so well and trust you'll have a quick recovery. Happy T Tuesday!

  19. Wonderful news to see you're feeling well enough to stay in touch AND visit us too! May your healing be painless and quick. Nothing can keep you down ♥
    That Beatles song is one of my favorites and your blackbird collage is lovely.
    Sweet gaggle of baby ducks too.
    Happy T Day liebe Valerie.
    Still sending lots of healing get well wishes your way.

  20. Great to hear you are recovering well Valerie. It won't be long till you are back amongst us again. Rest is important too. Love and Hugs Rita xxxxx

  21. Glad to hear things went well for you, please don't rush it, take time to heal....we will all still be here!
    I really like this journal hybrid and the reference to the Beatles song fits perfectly......of course I'll be humming that tune the rest of the day!

  22. A wonderful morning to sign on and your post came up. It made me smile and cheer that your OP is complete and you are resting and ready for therapy today. I enjoyed your page and face and the pretty spring photos. I hope you have a good day with moderat pain. Yes, you will be running soon.

  23. Hi Valerie, so glad the operation went well. Your art work is stunning and I know those darling wild birds will be waiting to see you again too.
    Take care and get lots of rest!! Blessings and prayers. xo

  24. Ohh wie schön alles ist gut verlaufen,jetzt hast du das schlimmste hinter dir,nun sei auch brav und gönn dir ruhe,gute genesung weiterhin.
    toll find ich deine seite und die babyenten sind so süss.
    alles gute für dich,meine liebe und bald kannst du wider deine geliebten spaziergänge machen,aber erst mal musst du dich noch schonen.
    einen schönen abend noch.

    bussi jenny

  25. Do get well quickly, and grow stronger with each day! Lovely art and photos...I still love the Beatles after all these years...happy T day!

  26. Very cool art piece, Valerie. I'm glad you are feeling well enough to add to your scheduled post.
    PS - We are getting a puppy tomorrow. :D I am over the moon excited. I will send you a picture.

  27. So glad to hear the op went well!

  28. Glad the surgery went well!! Rest and heal up to you can be out with those lovely birds of yours. I love that Beatle song and what a pretty painting! Happy T-Day! :)

  29. Glad to hear that the op went well and that you are feeling well enough to visit my blog.
    Your art is stunning as always.
    Get well soon,
    Thanks for visiting mine,
    Happy T-day,

  30. I'm so glad that your operation went well Valerie - a lovely page and photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  31. Whew - such a relief it was when this post came - so thankful you are through with the surgery. I know there will be hard days ahead so I am praying lots. In fact, woke up and felt the need to pray for you in the night one night. Thanks so much for the update. Yes - you will be back visiting your wild geese and ducks sooner than you think! LOVE seeing those little duckies.... sooo precious.

    And loved that black bird behind your face - fun creation! XOXO j.

  32. Whew - such a relief it was when this post came - so thankful you are through with the surgery. I know there will be hard days ahead so I am praying lots. In fact, woke up and felt the need to pray for you in the night one night. Thanks so much for the update. Yes - you will be back visiting your wild geese and ducks sooner than you think! LOVE seeing those little duckies.... sooo precious.

    And loved that black bird behind your face - fun creation! XOXO j.

  33. OMgoodness those babies are just too sweet!!! I want to hold one and feel the softness of its new down!!


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