Sunday 14 February 2016

This and that for Monday

Hi Everybody!
Hope your weekend was good.

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love, and 99 faces, I made another Modigliani 'knock-off'. I painted her face with water colours and pastel chalks, and placed her onto an A3 background made with gesso and brushos.
I am having fun with Modigliani just now. This is face number 66.

Today was wet and cold, but the signs of spring cannot be ignored:

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am loving your Modigliani "knock offs"! Great signs that Spring is on its way - we noticed the Hawthorn had leaves on it while out walking today! Wishing you a good start to the week! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Just saw this before I went to bed. Love this one, such lovely colours and style, well done. We haven't got so much green here, yet! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Really fab lady Valerie and love that grungy background. Beautiful blossom pics too.
    Have a good week.
    Fliss xx

  4. You have really captured Modigliani's style, nice work. It's nice to see the planet coming back to life where you live anyway!

  5. The way the paint drips down the background is a beautiful backdrop for the face.

  6. Wow, spring is in full swing along the Rhine, isn't it? That photograph of that tree, with the sun shining on it, wow! Amazing. And I love how your face isn't sharply focused. Beautiful work Valerie! Hugs!

  7. Liebe Valerie,
    ich liebe dieses Modigliani Bild von dir so sehr... und die herrlichen Fotos sind absolut zauberhaft. Da stelle ich nun fest, dass der Frühling bei euch schon weit fortgeschrittener ist als bei uns ;-).
    Herzliche Grüsse und einen wunderschönen Start in die neue Woche, Sichtwiese

  8. Stunning, love the gorgeous design and colours are just a delight.The yellow in the photos are are lucky to have such a lovely part of the world to photograph...thanks for sharing.x..xx{aNNie}

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sie ist wunderhübsch auf ihren tollen Valerie Hintergrund! Du darfs gerne weiter machen mit Deinem Modigliane knock off -
      so schön die Frühlingsboten zu sehen....
      ich hab im Garten auch gesehen, dass jetzt auch meine Pfingstrosen anfangen Spitzen zu treiben... hoffentlich kommen sie heuer zur Blüte!
      Bring Deinen Montag gut und schnell rum ---- ♥♥♥♥♥

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Another beautiful page, she looks quite mysterious and I felt a touch of the oriental. x

  12. Ah, wie schön. Ich liebe Modigliani. Und du hast deine Interpretation vor einen fantastischen Hintergrund gesetzt. Ein richtiges Wohlfühlbild.

    Deine Frühlingsboten sind ganz hinreißend. Leider gibt es hier im Nordwesten noch viel zu wenig davon. Wenn ich Glück habe, sehe ich vereinzelt Schneeglöckchen....

  13. Another wonderful face and a fabulous background. Lovely photos, it's showing signs of spring here too but it's still very cold.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. My weekend company is finally asleep, so I thought I'd stop by while I'm still coherent. I think this really represents Modigliani's style even more than the previous two. It's that extra long neck, of course. You did a great job.

    I suspect my yard is going to look a bit like your springtime walks later this week, because it's supposed to get up to about 80 F (~25C) here this week. Then it's back to the deep freeze after that. I somehow doubt I'll see any trees budding, though. Your photos are superb and make me wishing for spring.

  15. What a fine lady to welcome Monday. Great page. I really enjoyed the walk today. Happy Monday.

  16. Das gelb-grüne Licht auf deinen letzten Fotos ist ja wohl der Oberhammer!!! LG Ulrike

  17. Fantastic face and background, beautiful ! You are lucky to see signs of Spring, it will take another month or two here. Have a great week, Shirleyxx

  18. That face is great. It looks like someone who would be fun to meet.
    And I love the signs of spring.
    Your cactus: endurance and longevity. :)

  19. The soft watercolor effect is beautiful on your painted face today. Spring has definitely arrived in your area. We are just beginning to see some buds on the trees with rain yesterday. Your photos are wonderful and encouraging for warmer days ahead.

  20. Your photos of Spring are son encouraging :) I'm looking out at snow again :( Although it is supposed to warm up this week and melt it all again. Love the art...I am so loving all of the "knock offs" you've been doing ♥♥♥

  21. ein tolles bild,modigliani wäre begeistert.
    schöne bilder wieder.
    eine schöne woche.

    hugs jenny

  22. Oh how I love it when you paint... your style just thrills me - so free and fabulous. I just love this project Valerie. Your lady's face is just great - makes me think she is sizing me up as she looks at me - ehehehhe!! I love her expression. And her hat - it's so cute with the shape of her face. And of course, love the background. This was a real treat for me. Thank you!

    And wow - what lovely blooms you have peeking through already. Love the close up of that bud - such a perfect picture - wow. And the golden trees... against that cloudy sky.... stunning. Great way to start the week!!! j.

  23. It's lovely how you are painting the Mod. faces, I like her big button blouse and jacket too.
    Signs of Spring - yes, here too, especially with the birds.

  24. Wow, die Natur ist bei dir schon sehr weit... bin uns beschränkt es sich momentan noch auf Schneeglöckchen im Garten.
    Deine Zeichnung gefällt mir sehr gut.

  25. I would never call your fantastic paintings 'knock offs', this is beautiful. Loving the drips and painted backgrounds.
    Lovely spring photos today.
    Yvonne xx

  26. It's easy to see how much you enjoying this artist''s style Valerie and Ilove your versions and the wonderful backgrounds you create for them

    Stunning a Spring plant photographs and they look so strong and healthy

    Love Chrissie xx

  27. Your painting is beautiful. I really like the clothes, as well as the face.

  28. Your page is wonderful Valerie -- Your ability to copy like that is really amazing. I do think his style of painting really fits in with your personality and your talent.
    Does spring usually come this early where you live? The first thing to bloom in our old yard was the Forsythia and then came the Daffodils.
    Back to your journal page - of course the face is sooooo good - very stylized. The background you created is perfect for the face - Bravo!!!
    Sandy xx


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