Sunday 7 February 2016

Music and love

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love, I have a hybrid page. The background is one of the wonderful sunrise photos taken from my window, overlayed with a romantic silhouette....

The fungi are growing larger day by day:

The water level is still rising thanks to the rain, and
the water fowl are making the best of it:

The gulls were enjoying the wind:

The trees are getting wet feet:

The fire place is almost in the water:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Can you believe it!!!! Looks like I might be the first person to leave a comment. Your journal page is beyond gorgeous -- Mother Nature's colors of love. Wonderful Valerie(as always)
    Sandy xx

  2. Another gorgeous page and photos, always a great experience to visit! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Fabulous, that silhouette is so romantic and beautiful, - great contrast against that colourful sky!

  4. Your sunrise photo makes the perfect background for your page today in contrast with the silhouette image over the top. The fungi are so interesting it will be fun to see how large they become. Hopefully, before you have your surgery towards the end of the moth. It is a very nice day here, heat is on and I plan to make some cards.

  5. Your AJJ page is so dramatic and the silhouettes are fantasic.
    We're getting a lot of rain too, you wouldn't think there would be any left.

  6. gosh the waters are rising..lovely Valentine piece I think. The fungi is such a beautiful colour, never thought fungi could be beautiful but it is.

  7. Pretty racy silhouettes in your sunset. Perfect hybrid. xox

  8. Brilliant work, I always love it when you add silhouettes to your pages... a lovely piece with beautiful colours! Great photos too. Hugs, Mar

  9. Great sunrise setting, and enjoyed the photos too. Greetings!

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    wie wundervoll dein Werk passend zur Valentinswoche... absolut geniale Fotos hast du eingestellt, hab lieben Dank dafür.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  11. Beautiful designed creative page , lovely colour combo as well...xx {aNNie}

  12. Holy cow. I am in LOVE with this gorgeous silhouette. So romantic, so compositional, and so well put together.

    The water scenes are great, too, but I don't think I've ever seen fungus that large before. Have a super Monday, dear, because I got home not long ago and am off to bed soon.

  13. Eine ganz tolle Idee die schöne Silhouette über den tollen Sonnenaufgang zu legen! Macht sich spitze! Ganz schön was los bei Euch am Rhein - was für ein gigantischer Baumpilz und Vögel hauen auf den Putz - vielleicht die allgemeine Karneavalsstimmung?!

    Eine gute neue Woche Liebes!

  14. Your journal page is exquisite .. the colours so rich and subject matter divine. The silhouettes are very dramatic against that beautiful background. Lovely photos -- such wonderful wildlife around the water. Hugs, Donna

  15. Looks like lots of water again Valerie-we have lots of rain forecast for today though none so far.

    Love the artwork piece with the wonderful silhouettes. Reminded me of the Papageno cartoon years and years ago

    The colour of the fungi is amazing and it is growing for sure.

    Have a great day

    Lovce Chrissie xx

  16. eine tolle seite,so schön romantisch.
    der pilz ist ja der hammer.
    einen schönen tag dir,hier stürmt und regnet es,ein sauwetter *BRRRR*

    lieben gruß jenny

  17. Quite a sexy image going on there, Valerie. x

  18. Wow love the page the colours are gorgeous. Great photos as well love the tree one.x

  19. Your AJJ piece is really gorgeous Valerie, it reminds me of the Athena posters from the 1970s ( not sure if that was a global or just UK thing).
    Fabulous fungi - I wonder how big they will grow :)
    We have 'Storm Imogen' here today (they've started naming our storms this year for some reason)so having some very strong winds.. so I'm staying out of the way and staying in today.
    Hope your weather isn't too bad, have a great day......... Gill xx

  20. Wow- your sunrise photo makes a wonderful background for your figures! Those colors are gorgeous! And wow, I am amazed how high the Rhine gets and how often it rises that much. Does it ever freeze if you get a really cold winter? Happy Monday!

  21. Beautiful romantic piece, that background is amazing!! Fireplace in the water, that's a first for me. tee hee. So in my photo of my little doggies watching me feed the squirrels, you can see that I'm standing outside on the balcony. I'm wearing green and blue Christmas tree bottoms (HAHA)!! hugs :)

  22. The bold colors in the sky make your sensuous silhouettes in the foreground standout beautifully. Stay safe in the rising waters. Blessings!

  23. Wow love the silhouettes against that amazing background, its fabulous page. The things you see in rivers do make me wonder how and why they get there, super photos today Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Wie toll sich die Silhouetten vor deinem Sonnenaufgang machen... passt total gut zusammen. Das blaue Vogelfoto wirkt auch sehr stark! lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  25. Your sunrise photo makes a splendid background for your perfect silhouettes!
    Love the colors in your photos very much too as always.
    Hope you had a restful night's sleep ♥

  26. Well you've done it again :) A stunning piece with amazing colors. Those fungi are really growing strong . We are still in winter here with cold and snow.

  27. Oh golly gosh! That sunrise is BEAUTIFUL and then to add the silhouette puts this over the edge. Gorgeous and breathtaking! That fungi looks awesome sauce! Hugz! ~Niki

  28. A gorgeous journal page and beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  29. Wow, the digi silhouette piece is stunning! xoxo

  30. Wow Valerie! Your background for that gorgeous silhouette works so well! Love the photos! Chrisx

  31. Sweet hybrid page! Love the background! And I can't believe that Fungi-gorgeous! hugs,Jackie


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