Thursday 11 February 2016

Friday Mix

Hi Everybody!

Today it's time for Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love, 99 faces, Paint Party Friday and Moo Mania and More.

I made another mixed media journal page for PPF and 99 faces. Once again I copied a Modigliani portrait (Lunia Czechowska, 1918) as I am really fascinated by his faces just now. I placed her on a background which was gessoed, sprinkled with brushos and given added colour with pastel chalks. I have also made a hybrid version on a different background, and will show it tomorrow.

For Art Journal Journey and Moo Mania and More, hearts I made a hybrid page, using parts of older pages digitally combined with a heart mask.

This is a piece I made back in the 90s. I always loved watching the ducks etc.

And here is a de-coloured version, feel free to copy it and paint it in your own colours if you want.

This week we had a lot of rain, and the Rhine is still rising, although we did have some sunshine today. This is not the river, just the path I usually take through the fields, so I had to take a very muddy detour.

The sun showed itself this morning:

And a lot of bushes and trees are sprouting fresh green:

The Rhine is getting wider and wider:

Another of the paths I ususally take ended here:

A lot of trees have wet feet:

Here the water is almost up to the top of the bridge:

The little stream is full:

I hope the water starts to recede now!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A very thoughtful looking lady Valerie and the background is lovely. Gorgeous bird piece and colourful 90s creation too.
    Weather here has gone cold and frosty but we had sunshine today.
    Fliss xx

  2. Fantastic post, so much to see. Love the portrait and the bird page is gorgeous, too. Lovely photos but hope the river will not flood. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Another incredible tribute to a favourite artist. I also love the background, the drips are brilliant.
    Your abstract painting of ducks is stunning! You are an immense talent.

  4. ein tolles modiigliani gemälde hast du gemalt,die frau sieht sehr nachdenkend aus und wirkt dabei so zart und zerbrechlich,das gefällt mir richtig gut,deine vögelchen seite ist auch sehr süss.
    bei uns ist auch regenwetter,aber ich musste heute ganz weit raus zum arzt fahren,da bin ich an schöne stellen gelangt,es war schön,trotz regen.
    deine bilder sind auch wieder toll.
    schönen abend dir.

    hugs jenny

  5. Scary to see the water rising gradually like this, your path is flooded. Lovely work for the challenges, the Modigliani face is very interesting.

  6. I always seem to remember Modigliani as the artist who drew the females with the long necks. I always thought many of his necks were overly long, but maybe it's because I don't have one (grin). You have certainly portrayed him well, and this is an excellent face for the challenges.

    LOVE the birds. Gorgeous art and fun abstract birds, too. You have a way with various artistic styles.

    I'm a bit worried about the Rhine. It looks near flood stage to me. I guess the houses along the other bank are high enough, but it's rather scary, especially since the small creek is nearly overflowing the bridge.

  7. Oh my, the water in the Rhine is really high. We expect a high run-off of the Boise River because the mountains have received an abundance of snow this year. Now on to your art . . . your Modigliani painting is amazing and I love the page of the bright yellow birds and the heart overlay. HOWEVER, your photos today are magnificent; with the sun shining, you captured some wonderful scenes of the high water. They are outstanding. Hope the water was recede before the trees suffer. Enjoy the weekend because the 22nd is fast approaching.

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    wundervoll deine Bilder und Fotos, es ist absolut faszinierend. Wie es nach Frühling aussieht bei dir, dieses satte Grün... zauberhaft.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  9. Ohhh this art is amazing. I love this face. The eyes, or lack there of show so much depth. The ducks are fabulous. We had had flooding here too with the rain. I would love to see the Rhine in person but enjoy the visit through your photos.

  10. Some really special pieces of art today, Valerie. I do love the first one .. very much appeals to me - my favorite Modigliani you have done so far. Your hybrid page has very beautiful birds included and indeed your duckies, the way they are intertwined are very clever. The Rhine is high alright -- hopefully it will stay below the flood lines. Enjoy your day today. Hugs, Donna

  11. Wundervolle Werke heute liebe Valerie! Das Gesicht ist zauberhaft - und Deine wunderbare Herz-Vogel Interpretation mit der Serviette! Fabelhaft. Was für ein klasse Entenentwirrgeduldsbild DU gemacht hast?!
    Bleibt echt zu wünsche dass das Wasser nun langsam wieder zurückgeht!
    Tolle Bilder!
    Happy Friday Sweetie!

  12. Beautiful photos and very interesting. Brilliantly designed works of art today and just enjoying looking and studying them.....enjoy your weekend.xx

  13. What a lot of water Valerie-hope there isn't more to come. We have had frost and bitter cold. The same again today.

    Love the face and how you can get so much expression without any eyes. The heart page is beautiful and also calming with your little birds.

    Thank you for sharing the ducks artwork. I have saved the uncoloured version and hope to have a go at colouring it-you are so generous with all of your work.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Spitzenmäßig dein Mondigliani, so toller Hintergrund und Farben! LG Ulrike

  15. Deine wunderbare, ausdrucksvolle & nachdenkliche Dame gefällt mir sehr!
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Wow- that is A LOT of water. But look at those leaves exciting is that. We are having bitterly cold arctic air right different from yours. And before I forget, gorgeous art pieces today, all of them. The Modigliani face is great. Those eyes are really interesting. Gorgeous bird piece, and those ducks are fun! Glad you shared them all! Have a great start to your weekend. Hugs!

  17. Beautiful mixed media piece - that portrait is wonderful. I love your ducks piece - so colourful and funky!!

  18. Your Modigliani inspired piece is amazing.Love your cute little birdies too.

  19. Ducks everywhere always in your photos. They must hold a special place for you. The river looks quite about to overflow even more. Hope there is room for it to expand without too much damage to be done. Happy love piece for the challenge. xox

  20. i luv the music of the heart; im editing mine to add some hearts, i forgot it was Valentine weekend

    much love...

  21. I see you've got a lot of rain also! And some sun!

    That duck painting is my favorite today, it's awesome!

  22. Your Modigliani portraits are quite magnificent with so much personality showing.
    The duck "colouring in" painting is terrific too, love the abstracted ducks.
    More rain here too, wonder if it will ever stop raining for any length of time.

  23. That's a lot of water that the Rhine has to get rid of! Loved the photos of the trees and branches. Your Modigliani impression is so beautiful. And the wonderful bird collage with the music of the heart is so neat. I always enjoy your works and your walks along the river.

  24. Thanks for sharing your great work!!!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  25. A wonderful thoughtful painting, she she to have a lot on her mind. Loved the other art pages and photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  26. I love your Modigliani style face and your ducks but the blue tits remind me of the caravan so they are my favourites! The Rhine really is high and fascinating to see! Glad to have finally caught up! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Love your version of the Modigliani and the wild expressive inky background is fantastic. Sweet little blue tits and a wonderful photo tour as always.
    Alison x

  28. Ooooh the birds! Love love. Modigliana you are! (That was a little Yoda :) ) Love any images that show high water or floods--I don't know why. Have a great week!. xo

  29. fab Modigliani Valerie! I do love the sweet birdies piece too. Great modern look on those ducks. The Rhine looks beautiful but I do hope some of that water recedes. Thanks for sharing all your talents!

  30. Marvelous pages, Valerie. Your copy is impressive. I love your little birds and thank you so much for sharing a de-colored version of your art.

  31. Wundervolle Werke und Fotos, liebe Valerie.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  32. Gorgeous and loving the backgrounds. x

  33. Fabulous colors and art! Always a treat to visit you! Have a great weekend

  34. Hi Valerie, an amazing art piece. Love the color blends. Beautiful bird designs too. Lots of water in your walking pics! Have a nice weekend. xo

  35. I love your bird pieces. And that first photo looks like artwork. It's beautiful. Happy VDay.

  36. Oh yes very wet! It has been wet and cold my way too today. Still lots to admire here, so many beautiful pieces, what a show! Your bird piece is very special, quite a favourite!

  37. Your Modigliani inspired lady is beautiful! And I always enjoy seeing your gorgeous photos.

  38. Great work as always Valerie. Love your photos. Lots of water going on. Have a great weekend. Nice to see you.

  39. Awesome work and photos as usual, Valerie. That's a lot of water. Hope it will subside soon.

  40. Love your face for the day and the bird art is fantastic too. You are definitely in the Spring flood zone there. Here we have more snow and bitter cold tonight :(

  41. Valerie these are awesome... I am so in love with your morning sun photo and the ducks from the 90s with the stain glass them.. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful talent!!

    Hugs Giggles

  42. holy moly! That water is high! Has the rain finally quit? It was like that for us last snow!
    Keep dry and safe my friend!
    And btw, I do love your Modigliani pieces! Fab!!

  43. Lovely art, love the birdies and the photos take me to a different place. We have lots of snow here.
    Happy PPF

  44. Working backwards so have seen the other version now as well - can't decide which one I love the most - the Brusho background is really lovely.
    And I adore your second piece because it is birds and beautiful.
    Great photos too - love the colours and reflections in the watery puddle.
    Gill x

  45. so beautiful :) I like the colors you used for the first woman face. And the tits are gorgeous.

    But so much water? A little too much I think.

  46. The combination of the portrait with the background works really well! That background is so beautiful ...

  47. Wonderful work, the Modigliani and ducks are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  48. What a wonderful Modigliani piece. You capture his style yet retained your own color sense. Congrats!
    xo Irene

  49. Great colors again.
    We have still winter but birds are singing like crazy....promise of soon coming spring, I hope!
    Have a good week!

  50. I adore your artwork so much! Each piece is so different from the others--you are so incredibly versatile. I also love your photography--I especially liked the one with the ripples of the Rhine River. Beautiful--so mesmerizing.

  51. Wonderful and I am intrigues by your (his) faces. As you know -- I really like your photos along the Rhine.
    Sandy xx

  52. I'm so late to the party, but it's been a busy week! Your painting is stunning! I love the style of Mondigliani and you do it so well!! And thanks as usually for the photos of good old Germany!! xoxo Silke

  53. You have really been busy with your artwork and your photography. I do not know how you do it all and do it so very well. Maybe if I did 99 faces I would learn how to draw and paint one. Mine stink :-) Yours are wonderful. I enjoyed seeing how your morphed the first one into the rest. Very creative. genie


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