Wednesday 10 February 2016


Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at Moo Mania and More -
As always, projects of all formats are allowed, so hope that you will take heart and join us there. I made a hybrid page using 'my' head, some photos, and some digital additions. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love

Today was another rain day, the Rhine is full, but the birds are happy:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Its been windy and rainy here these past few days too. I like the idea theme for the day, love is infinite and in all things. Well done!

  2. Love your theme Valerie,great colours. Hope your well as I had no pc to keep in touch. Hugs Rita xx

  3. as long as the birds are happy! Lovely piece I am feeling Valentine's here!

  4. Beautiful piece! Love the zen heart. We had snow today - would have preferred a bit of wind or rain! lol

  5. I love those heads you do, and today's is gorgeous as usual. And wow-the Rhine is even higher in these photos than it was in yesterday's picture. Its a good thing there aren't a lot of buildings or they would be constantly flooded. Happy Wednesday!!

  6. Very creative ... the bird and heart make a good combination - and I love the pattern on the heart. Nice walk today - even if it was a little chilly. Freezing cold here! hugs, Donna

  7. Ein zauberhaft schönes Herz zieht die Aufmerksamkeit nicht nur der Amsel auf sich in Deiner tollen Arbeit!
    Das Wasser ist schon richtig hoch , was?
    Sicher gut für die Natur.. nicht nur die Vögel freuen sich - denke ich.
    Wir haben hier auch wieder genug Wasser im Brunnen, immer ein gutes Zeichen.

  8. Your collage is beautiful, and I love the warm colours. Great phoos as always. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  9. Liebe Valerie,
    wie wunderschön dein zauberhaftes Herz doch ist. Toll zu dieser Herzwoche vor Valentin. Der Rhein ist ja zum bersten voll, heftig... Unser See füllt sich auch aber nicht in dieser Dimension. Wundervolle Fotos die du uns zeigst, lieben Dank.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  10. Seems we both used birds and hearts today, although I admit that your bird is far more beautiful than mine. I also like the way you incorporated your face in the art.

    Gosh, the Rhine really IS high, isn't it? It almost didn't look like the same river. What amazing shots you got, although I was so surprised you got as close as you did. At least the snow geese looked quite happy.

    Have a super Wednesday, dear Valerie because that heart art is awesome!

    1. I think it should stop rising now, as the other rivers which flow into the Rhine are starting to go down, too.

  11. Looks like lots of water again Valerie but the birds do love it and your photographs are very beautiful.

    Love the page with the interesting colour combo and really special images. Nice new theme at Moo Mania

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. A wonderful work of art, the colours and images are beautiful.

  13. Beautiful piece, that flourish heart is gorgeous! Looks like we are having the same weather again, although they claim it will snow tomorrow. hugs :)

  14. Wunderschön, die Farbkombi mag ich total gerne.

  15. A beautiful page for both themes today - music and hearts. Your photo of the black bird is becoming famous through your art. I love it! Stay dry and warm.

  16. I love your doodled heart. Great page.

  17. Deine Seite ist großartig! Tolle Komposition und das gedoodelte Herz gefällt mir natürlich sehr!!
    Schöne Fotos ... bei dir ist ja mal blauer Himmel zu sehen. Bei uns ist es seit Tagen nur grau!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  18. Well - go ahead and laugh.... confession... I didn't even see your head - just the lovely heart and bird!!! Then I was scrolling down to leave my comment and my eyes scanned - head and I thought... HEAD?? What HEAD??? Heheheheheheh - so back up I scroll and there - low and behold - I see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm slippin' again!!! Love this one Valerie - especially the colors and that creative heart. j.

  19. What ein starker "herzlicher" Auftakt bei Moo Mania! Toll und immer schön, Dich auf Deinen Spaziergängen zu begleiten! ♥ Conny

  20. Beautiful heart and bird design Valerie.
    Love your pics today. They go so well with your art work. xo

  21. Those birds look like they're having a great time.
    Love the light in the background on your pieces.

  22. Great art today .. really love the heart :) It's snowing like crazy here again. The roads were very slick coming home and began to wonder if I would make it up the hill to my house or not. I just may stay in for a day or two :)

  23. Those birds seem to be enjoying the water levels in the Rhine, super photos.
    Love the fantastic colour on todays page, bright and warm promises of sunshine.
    Yvonne xx

  24. You are so creative! At first I could not see the forest for the trees. That's right -- it took me a while to see your head. I was very caught up in the background!

  25. Oh my this is beautiful! I love the Rhine photos - I am looking forward to a walk by the Mersey, maybe next week! One of our neighbours told us the island had disappeared again the other day! Chrisx


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