Tuesday 2 February 2016

Life, love, hope

Hi Everybody!

It's the middle of the week already, where does the time go?

For Art Journal Journey I have an A3 mixed media page. The central part is a photo from the early 1940's, which I enlarged and digitally altered. I love the way they are both looking hopeful, but somehow serious, perhaps wondering what their future would be. They were Jewish, and lived in Hungary, and from there they fled through various countries, trying to find a safe haven from the Nazis. I asked Leah what happened to her husband, she just said, 'They took him'. And he never came back. Lea survived, married again after the war and lived here. I looked after her for her last couple of years in the old people's home. She never wanted to speak of her terrible experiences, but always smuggled food into her room and hid it in a suitcase in her wardrobe, together with a few essentials, so she would have something if she ever needed to flee again. 

For Wen's neutrals I altered a photo:

This is the tag made for Tag Tuesday, where our theme  was shadows/reflections:

I think the blackbird was trying to pretend that he wasn't interested in the food:

But then he thought better of it:

And the pigeons were sitting on their branch this morning waiting for me to put out their food:

We've had a lot of rain, so the Rhine is full:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful project s all of them. I was very moved by the story behind the first project, being half Jewish I only know of too many people with a similar story, and I once had a Jewish land lady who never was able to sleep during the night, only when it was day time. So many people were affected by what happened for the rest of their lives..... The quote you added is an amazing addition to this powerful piece!

  2. Well done on a beautiful and meaningful journal page, a very moving story, and an awful fate which swallowed up so many people and traumatised the victims for life. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Such a sad and enlightening story of Leah and her husband. Her behavior is like that of an orphan hiding bits of food for both security and nourishment, which I'm sure is also the same behavior as survivors of the holocaust. and to think there are still people in this world who do NOT believe this incredible injustice occurred.

    Love all your art this week, and I wonder whose shadow that is in the digital collage (just joking).

    the blackbird is lovely, but I can't believe you feed the pidgins. Most people don't want to be anywhere near them, although I have always been impressed by their tenacity.

    Have a super Wednesday.

    1. The pigeons here are wood pigeons, not the usual town ones, they are larger, and have different colouring. But they are still very greedy! And they need food like all other creatures, so my bird food is for them, too.

  4. Oh such a sad story and what a beautiful couple they were.. So nice that you honored their love in your page. xox

  5. A very sad page today, and history repeats itself. I hope the Rhine doesn't get too full.

  6. Your first collage is so beautiful with such a special couple.
    We just never know the full extent of what people have endured in this life. You really touched my heart liebe Valerie ♥ thank you for sharing Leah's story.

  7. eine tolle seite und ein wenig traurig.
    schöne sachen hast du wider gemacht,dein schatten und licht tag gefällt mir sehr.
    dein schatten und licht bild find ich auch klasse.
    schönen tag dir heute.

    hugs jenny

  8. Lovely story Valerie, reminded me of mum and dad's journey after the war...FABulous creation, lovely colours, image and papers...xx

  9. Die beiden waren so ein wunderschönes Paar! So unendlich traurig waren diese Schicksale alle.... macht mich immer sehr nachdenklich und mitfühlend, wenn ich solche Lebensgeschichten höre...
    wie lächerlich sind unsere Probleme heute dagegen?
    Du hast ihnen einen tolle Seite gewidmet .. vielleicht sind sie ja inzwischen zusammen in einem anderen Leben oder ? Wer weiss?
    Das Tag passt perfekt für Euer Thema und Dein Schattenphoto zu verändern find ich eine tolle Idee! Gut gemacht!
    Ich mag es wie Du die Vögelchen bebachtest und sie interpretierst! Super!

    Einen wunderschönen Mittwoch!

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    sehr berührend hast du die Themen wieder gegeben, wunderschön. Absolut genial deine Fotos der Vögel, diese orangen Schnäbel faszinieren mich ;-). Tja, unser See füllt sich gerade auch... es regnet in Strömen... gestern warm und sonnig heute regnerisch passt zu Licht und Schatten ganz ausgezeichnet.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  11. Beautiful bird photographs Valerie he eye is so bright and happy looking.

    A wonderful post about your page and one I think would have related to many at that time--thank you for sharing the story.

    Wonderful tag as well. I hope to get back to tagging for next week.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Eine ganz wunderbare Journalseite mit einer so bewegenden Geschichte!
    ...und klasse das Licht-Schatten-Bild! LG Ulrike

  13. A very beautiful page and such a sad story, thank you for sharing it.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. I can image how there must have been some inner fear permanently embedded in those poor people who lived through the Holocaust. One of my childhood friend's mom had been in a camp in Poland as she was part of the Polish resistance, and I remember the numbers tattooed on her wrist. You made a lovely tribute to your friend that you cared for. And lots of lovely other pieces today too. You're getting some fantastic birds photos lately! Hugs!

  15. So sad to hear the stories of what the people went through back then and being ripped from their loved ones, you did a lovely job on the page. I love your reflection tag, just gorgeous!

  16. Wow, beautiful photos today Valerie. Love your art, especially the one with the photo of your shadow, very cool! hugs :)

  17. Oh Valerie, What a beautiful piece and I actually cried when I read it. What heartbreak Leah had endured! thank you so much for creating this and sharing it. xoxo

  18. A most touching project, Valerie! It is beautiful and so sad what so many had to endure! Love your photos! Oh and I have no idea where the time goes!

  19. A beautiful photo but such a sad story and lovely that they are still in your thoughts. Your reflections tag is lovely too. Enjoy your evening. Xx

  20. A beautiful photo and is it cliche for me to say what a sad story, but it is regardless. I could feel my eyes start to water. Lovely collage and photos.

  21. A beautiful and very sad story. You made a wonderful tibute page for them. Love everything else as well.

  22. A beautiful story on your page today. We will never forget! My Jewish neighbor taught me to use my pretty things and not save them for special days. "Every day is special." Your long shadow page is remarkable as is your tag. I liked the photos of the crow today.

  23. Well I'm back, twice in one day. This post just popped up in my inbox. Lovely art page and your story so heart touching and sad for this sweet couple. I can see you would think of them often. How could one forget? and should not forget!!
    Lovely shadow photo. xo

  24. I agree that is a beautiful story and a little sad. Your pages and tag are all very beautiful as well. I hope you are having a great day, hugs, Shirleyxx

  25. Oh, Val, that first piece, and the story with it, is so poignant. Humans can be so inhumane. Kudos to you for being such a good friend. You're the best.
    Enjoyed the rest of the pieces and photos as well. Hugs,

  26. Beautiful pieces touching my heart. So very horrific, however we must be reminded so these things are never forgotten. Love your crow shots -- so full of himself! hugs, Donna

  27. Such a sad story Valerie - your artwork is very moving and a beautifully created tribute.

    Loved looking at all your other artwork and photos.
    One of our Wood pigeons has no tail - its been like that since last summer so looks like its not growing back. He has a bit of trouble launching himself in the air but he often visits as he knows we will feed him.

    Broadband has been down - lost without it :( but working again now :)
    Hope all OK with you.......... Gill xx

  28. A very moving story Valerie, so sad for those who lived and survived through those times. We will never forget them.
    Loved your fantastic journal page and the photos.
    Yvonne xx

  29. What a sad story, Valerie, and how touching that she kept a suitcase ready packed. It's good that we are reminded how lucky some of us are. The photo you show has beauty.

  30. Leah's face is SO sweet! We can't imagine the atrocities they had to go through. I'm very interested in stories about the Holocaust - TRUE stories. Thank you for sharing the story behind your altered picture.
    Grandma Nancy in central IL, U.S.A.

  31. Ein schönes Werk und tolle Fotos. Ganz besonders gut gefällt mir dein "Langbeinfoto" :)

  32. lovely glimpses and tribute to love

  33. Love the art and story of the young couple . So sad ♥ Great photos of course :)

  34. My heart is pitter pattering Valerie. Thank you for sharing such a heart rendering love story. And what a beautiful tribute you created to their honor. I just loved this creation and getting to now them. So special.

    Always love seeing your shadows too - any way you portray them they are always intriguing.

    And... You are so right... the sounds of silence is the perfect sentiment for such a lovely creation. The photo is lovely and your embellishments are just perfect - so peaceful... safe. I like this one alot too. XXj

  35. Your beautiful page and the story behind it, broke my heart. Poor, dear Leah. How wonderful to have a sweet angel like you to care for her in her remaining years.

  36. Oh my ... such an incredible piece to go with an incredible story -- Mary Elizabeth

  37. Oh Valerie - what a sad story! I am glad the birds were at the end of your post to make me smile again! Chrisx

  38. Gorgeous post Valerie! Love each topic you've shared with us! and your wonderful camera skills. Great shadow tag too! I do love the birds so much: ) Thanks~ Karen O

  39. What lovely art and what a touching story of remembrance, Valerie. God bless them both. xoxo

  40. Fabulous page Valerie and such a touching story.
    Avril xx

  41. Thank you for your wonderful stories and artworks, Valerie. Poor Lea, so beautiful, so sad. Hugs,


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