Wednesday 10 February 2016

Beethoven,Bettyhoven and Big Birds

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love,
I made a hybrid page with Beethoven:

This inspired me to try painting him, which I did, but somehow he looks like a cross between Beethoven and my Auntie Betty with a fresh perm, so I think I will call this one 'Bettyhoven'. I am also linking to 99 faces.

And I received a beautiful Valentine's card from my dear friend Carolyn:

 Thanks so much, that made my day!

Today it rained nearly all day, the Rhine is very full, but at least the water birds are happy!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ohhh I love hybrid and then the painting. Just beautiful.

  2. Ha ha, love the Idea of Bettyhoven! Both pieces are great, and I always love your humour. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Beethoven looks brilliant, fantastic print of him and as to Bettyhoven, well she/he certainly looks fantastic too!!!

  4. Nice work on Bettyhoven, lol. Such a pretty card from your friend. I hope the Rhine doesn't flood.

  5. Your Beethoven face is superb! How many faces are you at now? And what a pretty card! Lucky you to get that! Hope its a great day! :)

  6. Your hybrid piece is wonderful. I often think how fortunate we are to have a record of these people who have left such beauty in their wake. Love "Bettyhoven" .. rather well done I thought, still the name makes me smile. Carolyn always makes the most exquisite cards. Beautiful. And your walk, as always, entertains me no end. Still in love with the Blue Heron. hugs, Donna

  7. An absolutely gorgeous Beethoven hybrid page. Such depth. But I LOVED Bettyhoven. That was a great entry for your 99 faces, and I love the perm!

    Love the Valentine inspired card, too. It was lovely. Hope your Thursday goes well.

  8. beethoven hast du super gemalt und die hybrid seite gefällt mir auch sehr.
    einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  9. Be(e)t(ty)hoven schaut doch ganz super aus und auch die hybride Seite ist einmalig - ganz zu schweigen von den schönen Aufnahmen und der entzückenden Karte, die Du bekommen hast!
    Happy Thursday!

  10. Fabulous photos and a creative page the gorgeous colours too.xx

  11. Fabulous pages Valerie and I think it was very brave to paint Beethoven and give him so much character. Nice to get a Valentine card I haven't had one for many a year.

    Great photographs with the happy water birds.

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Liebe Valerie,
    toll sieht er aus auf deinem Bild... die Fotos vom Rhein sind total schön, ich freue mich daran, wie die Tierchen, die im Nass leben. Die Karte, die du bekommen hast zu Valentin ist ganz zauberhaft, viel Freude damit.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  13. Love your Beethoven/Bettyhoven, what a clever idea!! Wonderful bird images, they just don't seem to mind any weather at all do they. hugs :)

  14. Mir gefällt dein gemalter Beethoven ausgesprochen gut! Ulrike

  15. Bettyhoven made me smile! I'll bet the real Beethoven would be jealous of both of these looks!

  16. beautiful beautiful art work and photos, I really like this, that Heron is such a handsome fella,

  17. Love the art... Bettyhoven is a hoot :) The water birds do look happy so glad to see Mr. Heron again :)

  18. Hi Valerie, Love this. It is outstanding in detail and so creative. Beautiful card you received too and your walking pics are always amazing. Have a wonderful day! xo

  19. LOL. Bettyhoven.
    Your VDay card is beautiful. How nice of your friend.
    Look at those birds!

  20. Great page and I love your Bettyhoven. Really, he is quite a good likeness.

  21. Valerie, Beethoven looks very stern, probably he was unhappy with his latest piece of music, impossible. We love his music and I love your painted version of him too. How do you recreate a likeness so well done in color? You merely made him appear younger with all those curls. The bird like the rough water. The blue heron in our area lacks the fluffy feathers hanging down from the wings and neck area. Yours has more character and the ones that visit the pond behind our yard steal fish for good eating. It will soon be Friday for you; enjoy the weekend.

    1. We have the smooth herons here too, they are also smaller and the colour is a bit different.

  22. Beautiful art work,awesome pictures!!!You have a good weekend!!!

  23. You did very well with this, the expression is the same and very well done, a great piece!

  24. I will never listen to Beethoven's music again without thinking of your Auntie Betty version. Fabulous art pages Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Haha Bettyhoven, you are too funny. I think you did an admirable job on him. Such nice bird photos today, I could feel the swell of the river in them. xoxo

  26. Hmm! Bettyhoven! Still having to be careful when I laugh but just couldn't hold out! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Super painting and what a lovely card! x

  28. your BettyHoven had me giggling out loud!

  29. Your Bettyhoven made me smile. I love her - I mean his eyes especially.. but can only see Aunt Betty and her perm ha ha.
    Lovely card and photos :)
    Gill xx

    1. Same here - she slept with a hairnet to keep it fresh!

  30. Bettyhoven is brilliant, a great painting.
    xxx Hazel.

  31. I run out of things to say Valerie -- I don't comment on every painting I see in museum. Just the pure enjoyment of seeing the work.
    Sandy xx


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