Wednesday 13 January 2016

Umbrella Man in snow

Hi Everybody!
Hope your week is going well.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I made another hybrid collage page using a photo for the background, and my fave Mr UM is walking along the path where I usually walk.

For 99 faces I have another face. I drew her onto patterned DP. It was just rather difficult to take photos, as the pearlised paper reflects the light in strange ways.

Today was grey, wet and cold - ah well, we have had lots of wonderful days!

I am trying to grow a plant from a 'bulb' in a hyacinth glass on my kitchen window-ledge. Can you guess what it is?

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Both pieces are lovely. I wonder what you are growing? Hugs, Sarah

  2. Another beautiful art page with Mr U. Love how you have the face in the design paper, good to see that quote again.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Love the Camus quote, inspiring at this time of year. Beautiful creative pieces today! Gorgeous photos too they belie the grey day especially the bright colour of the bird's beak. Is it hyacinth?

  4. I love Mr Umbrella Man looking out over the moonlit river! Your face is fabulous - as is the quote of course! Your bulb looks quite large - is an Amaryllis? Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Valerie, your famous Mr. Umbrella Man is stunning looking over your photo turned into a journal page. And, I can just imagine how beautiful your FACE page is. It is cold, damp and dreary here too. Your bulb is huge, otherwise I would say daffodil.

  6. Mr. Umbrella Man was in great form today, and I just learned about Camus on another site. Lovely entries for both challenges. I have the same trouble with anything pearl or mica based. The camera or scanner simply don't pick them up.

    Loved the boat today, and really enjoyed the river.

    I'm not good at guessing plants, but if it's anything like what grows in my yard, the leaves look like daffodils, but if that's a single bulb, I would have no idea what it is. Right now, my Amaryllis are trying to break free of the frozen ground in my front flower bed.

    Hope your day is super.

  7. Gosh, Carolyn must have been posting while I was trying to spell Amaryllis. I wish I'd seen her answer to your bulb question before I posed mine.

    1. I wouldn't have been sure how to spell it, either!

  8. I'm going to guess paper whites. How nice to see something growing on a cold winter day. I love your Umbrella Man in the field and the beautiful face. Yup, getting all the details in art photos is sometimes just not possible! or getting the right glimmer too! Is that a cactus I see in the window? It looks outside, but maybe it is just a optical illusion of the photo. Hugs to you.

    1. It is a cactus outside, and it has survived several winters of frost and snow!

  9. Beautiful pages, Valerie. Love the quote on the first one, and the face on your second piece is stunning! My favorite photo today ... let me see ... I thin "The Mira Daruda" ... looks like she's about to go under! hugs, Donna

    1. Yes, it is very low in he water, the boats here seem to be often filled to the brim!

  10. Fabulous pages and loving the images used...your photos are once again gorgeous..xx

  11. Fantastic page with the scene along the Rhine and Mr Um looking out at it. Also love the face and the blue make up. Shame about the shine making it difficult to photograph=wouldn't have known if you hadn't said though because is so beautiful.

    Love the photographs showing that winter is definitely on the way even on the Rhine.

    Not only trying to grow a bulb you have succeeded I reckon-is it a daffodil?

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Wunderbar Dein Post heute ! Zauberhaft!
    Den Spruch hab ich gestern auch verwendet für ine meiner Seiten!
    Find ich wunderschön.
    Na was das wohl wird???


  13. I love your makes today Valerie, the light around your UM is fab! I had to keep looking at your face as I just couldn't see it, then as soon as I'd focused I couldn't 'not' see it lol. It's really cold here too today, I think we are going to get snow xx

  14. Hi Valerie .... Love Mr UM in his fantastic wintery setting and the wonderful quote and your face is glorious too.

    I don't think that's really a bulb - judging by the tentacles I see, I think its some mysterious creature you have captured ( I mean rescued)from your river instead - ok if not I hope you are going to tell us tomorrow what it is :)

    have a great day......... Gill xxx

  15. Beautiful hybrid piece Valerie, those blues and blacks are so captivating! Love your photos, I really appreciate your bird shots now that I realize how difficult they can be to capture on film! Have a great day. hugs :)

  16. Ooh, both are great! I didn't catch the face right away. It's subtle. I like that.
    'You all'. Valerie, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were from the south:) Though we say and spell it: y'all:)

  17. Such beautiful art, full of poetry and grace!

  18. Hi Valerie, I always love to see where Umbrella Man is going to find himself in your art work. This is incredible for winter and I LOVE the face!! You have to look and study the details and then her lovely face suddenly shows right up. Your walking pics are always the best. Have a great weekend. xo

  19. Great art today :) Love all of the wintry photos too. The leaves look like a daffodil or paper white but the bulb looks huge like an Amaryllis .Perhaps you have a new hybrid of the three going on :)

  20. I do believe that of all the winter art journal pages you have done - this is my absolute favorite! It is so dreamy and suits the quote to a T! Or should I say your art journal page was made for this quote.
    It took me a while to see the face .. must be my old eyes.
    And of course you know I love journeying up and down the Rhine.
    I do believe that your birds love posing for you.
    Now about your flower ... a Narcissus?
    Sandy xx

  21. Both of your pages have a dreamlike quality, Valerie. I suspect you were in a peaceful place when you did them.

  22. Oh my!! I absolutely love the piece with your UM man! Everything about it is beautiful! Love the quote and snowflakes and of course- UM himself!


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