Wednesday 27 January 2016

Thursday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Our challenge at Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, will be finished in a few days. Chrissie has done  wonderful job at hosting! And you still have time to join in!
I made another hybrid piece, combining the view from my window with a little fantasy, and memories of C.S Lewis' 'Narnia', one of the books that accompanied my childhood.

And I have been playing with my head and dipping it into a bath of marble colour - I am linking to 99 faces.

Some views from the Rhine:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Super pieces both of them! The first one has such a lovely mood and I adore the face one!!

    Good luck tomorrow, I will be thinking of you!

  2. Love the Narnia piece,, and the marble head is fantastic. I remember when we made marbled eggs with the kids, many moons ago! Hugs, Sarah

  3. The Narnia inspired art is magical, to say the least and then for the heat, love the way you worked with marbling inks, gorgeous result.

  4. your work just gets better and better! Nice photos of the Rhine today.

  5. Really wonderful piece and very detailed. Great photos too, enjoy the rest of the week!

  6. The marble face is lovely. She almost has an alien look.Is that a zipper around her neck? I love the colors. And your winter wonderland piece is fun. I love the whimsy of the animals. Happy Thursday! :)

  7. Great marble face -- colour is fab. The Narnia piece has magic about it == the magic of childhood. Nice photos. Love being around boats and water .. always something interesting to catch your eye. hugs, Donna

  8. Ooooh! I love the loosing my marbles piece!! SO so creative and cool - and you're Narnia piece is so sweet! I love the little red bow ;) xo

  9. What a fun AJJ entry. I can't believe it's already Thursday in your world. The scene really speaks of cold weather and snow, too.

    The face is beautiful, and I really adore the lovely marbling you achieved. That was a fun treat.

    The first boat photos look like the boats were racing against each other. That must have been fun to see.

  10. Gorgeous photos and fabulous creatin and I just love the images and papers chosen..xx {aNNie}

  11. WUnderschön ist die Narnia Seite und das marmorierte Gesicht ist einzigartig schön!
    Hab einen feinen Donnerstag Liebes!

  12. So snowy and frosty and I like the way it is dark but you have lit up the scene with the street lamp.
    The seagulls look good again, perhaps they wait until you come along to get their photo on the blog.

  13. Hi Valerie, its been an absolute age since I passed by and hope all is well with you. Two fabulous pieces, I love the snowy scene and then those fun little animals especially love the dog and his cute hat. Love the marbling I love this technique and have tons of pieces I have done I just love that every piece is so unique as is this.


  14. So I see your amazing wintery piece and I'm thinking 'ooooh, it's like Narnia'. Then I scroll down and see the sentiment. HAHA!! Great minds and all that! Love your 99 faces pieces too, great play on words. Great shots today. hugs :)

  15. Beautiful wintery scene and I love the marbling on the second piece. Take care, Shirleyxx

  16. Fab post Valerie - love your marbled head especially. Don't worry about loosing your marbles as if you ever need any I have a huge jar full of them that props open a door.
    Hope you're having a good day
    Gill xxx

  17. This one is really magical, Valerie! Nice work!

  18. Very pretty winter wonderland page, Valerie! I love the snowy goodness and that pet rat! Too funny! Hugs!

  19. Love both art projects but the marbled head is my favorite today! Great river photos and love the gulls ♥

  20. Lovely Narnia piece where you captured the magic of snow.
    Your marble head made me smile...we can all relate at one time or another I think ;-)

  21. I was just thinking about the lamp post in Narnia yesterday. Great page and I love the sentiment. You also did a beautiful depiction of losing one's marbles. :)

  22. You have taken me back to Narnia with this gorgeous page Valerie. Had to smile at the marbled head, its fantastic and fires the imagination.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Cute dog in hat and sweater image. Love the marbled head. xox

  24. Your marbled head is fantastic and very creative. It reminds me of my own rattled at times. Your winter scene is another great one, I almost hate to see this theme end. Unfortunately I am not familiar with "Narina" and probably was too busy playing to read it as a child. Thanks for sharing your photos today.

  25. Haha! I saw a Narnia clothes closet today! I even opened it and went to the back to see if there was a door. Lol! Goreous design today and such interesting details! Awesome sauce! Hugz.

  26. Love, love, love the Narnia page! The marbling on the head looks fabulous! Happy to see the seagulls! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. your Narnia page is soo much fun! I love the dog in the glasses! Made me lol! And how clever with the marble head?!! I love that! Very cool Valerie! hugs


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