Monday 4 January 2016

Tuesday this, that and the other

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I went for a walk today,
and it was great to get out again, although the weather was
cold, wet and soggy.

Today we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT - numbers. Projects
of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to link up to us.
Hope to see you on our blog! I made a mixed media/hybrid piece using one of my heads - yes, I have several - and combining it with lots of numbers and a quote from Einstein. The background is a collaged piece, which I over-painted with gesso to lighten it a bit.

Today is T stands for Tuesday, hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard.
I altered one of the photos I showed yesterday, and placed my ubiquitous cup of cappuccino into it. Here's wishing a happy T Day to all the T-Gang.

For art journal journey I made another hybrid piece using a photo taken  in the fields at the back of the house here. I added some digital elements from Serif.

There was not much to take pictures of today, but here and there the sun did try to stick its nose out:

There was a huge swarm of tits feeding here this afternoon, and they drove away all other birds who came near:

Original and copy:


  1. you have so much fun with your art,, its a joy to see,

    I always enjoy taking a walk with you,,

  2. Lovely post again, I've said it before - you always give us very good value here! Hugs, Sarah

  3. What a brilliant post Valerie! This is a great take on the TIOT theme! It's great to see the hawk and the crow again! Your Winter Wonderland scene is full of fun - and all in a field close to you!So pleased to see that you got out for a walk, your photos are great, especially the tree full of tits and the promise of some sun! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. busy girl!enjoyed walking with you!

  5. It's good that you are up and walking outside again. That's very promising. I loved the photo of the tits, since we don't get those here. In fact, I'd never heard of them until I visited your blog months ago when I first learned about them.

    You have some AWESOME art today. Your AJJ piece is lovely, and the TioT piece really made me smile. I'm a numbers person, so I'm sure I'll be joining you there soon.

    But the hybrid photo I enjoyed the most was the one with your cappuccino. Looks like the hawk isn't paying much attention, though!

    Thanks for sharing all this inspirational art with us for T this Tuesday. I always enjoy your sense of humor.

  6. A broad range of styles, all amazing. The bird with the coffee has to be my favourite!

  7. wonderful, wonderful art expression Valerie! Love all your birdie photos too, esp. the digital coffee one:):)

  8. What a chock full post. I love the Einstein piece, and your winter scene is very clever. I love all those cute kids in the piece. And your Tea piece is an absolute riot. Very very funny! Hugs!

  9. That Einstein quote is funny! I don't blame the birds fighting over your cappucino!

  10. Hi Valerie, Happy New Year my friend. Trying to do a major catch up and what fun to visit you and see all you have created and been up too. Your Einstein work is perfection as always. Hope the new year brings you continued creative inspiration.

  11. You've been busy Miss Valerie. All excellent pieces. Especially like the numbers piece because of the quote. Excellent and so true. Beautiful photos from your walk. Glad you got to go out. hugs, Donna

  12. Fabulous post Valerie with lots of awesome interesting things to see and observe.xx

  13. Happy for you to get outside again.
    Fresh air does a body good.
    Your Einstein collage made me giggle because it certainly is true!
    So much creativity and eye candy to enjoy
    Happy T Day too (cheeky birds LOL) oxo

  14. Love the photographs with the great birds close ups. Magic.

    The artwork projects for today are terrific. The quote by Einstein is so clever and the other pages are a lot of fun.

    Hope you fit in another walk today--wall to wall rain here so far.

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. Wahnsinn heute viele tolle Teile auf einmal zu sehen und herrliche Aufnahmen!Die tolle Winterschneeballschlacht-Seite gefällt mir besonders gut !
    Einen schönen Tag liebe Valerie!

  16. Love your collage with the snowman and the kids skating, reminds me so much of my own Christmas holidays as a child. Beautiful photos, the birds are amazing! I hope you had a wonderful New Year! Here's to another year full of love, laughter and crafting! hugs :)

  17. dieser einsteinsatz ist einer meiner lieblingssprüche von ihm - er ist einfach so wahr! dein reiher steht wie gemeißelt in den fluten, dass ich mich frage, ob der echt ist *g*... Valerie, viel spaß mit "deinen" vögeln auch im neuen jahr, alles liebe!

  18. If I'm quiet, maybe I can slip in and steal that cup of cappuccino--brrrr it's cold here at 5 degrees this morning!I'm glad you are feeling well enough again to walk outside. Sun or not, your photos are always beautiful.

  19. Wonderful post Valerie, love your take on TioT's - and those birds drinking coffee is fab. Great digital piece and quote.
    Glad your weather was dry enough for your walk, we just seem to have constant rain.
    Avril xx

  20. Fabulous pages Valerie, it would be hard to pick a favourite, but I have to say I loved the bird guarding its coffee.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Thanks for making me smile this morning :) Fantastic artwork and photos. It was very dark here between Christmas and NY but with some cold tempatures, the sun is shining. Cheers, Shirleyxx

  22. Love the Einstein page!!!! The others are great too. THe photos do show a cold , wintry looking day.Mr. Heron looks almost frozen on his rock :(
    Hope you are recovered now :)

  23. Wow ... so viel gibt es heute bei dir zusehen! Alle Arbeiten und Fotos sind wunderschön. Besonders mag ich deine Journalseite mit Einstein ... einfach klasse!
    Ein frohes neues Jahr für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  24. Valerie so happy to read you felt well enough to go for a walk. Love the Einstein page and quote today. Your hybrid page of the children and couple enjoying a day in the snow was so fun to view. Your great sense of humor surfaced with the photo of the birds and your cup of coffee. Stay well and don't do too much today.

  25. Your TIOT page had me in giggles......I know someone that totally fits the stupidity part...LOL
    As always....loved all the photos and the hybrid work....just amazes me how you do it.
    Thanks for the visit and the comment.

  26. brrrrrrr! It looks cold where you are! I love the birds. The tits remind me of our little chickadees. I like seeing them. Happy T Tuesday :)

  27. OMG your first journal piece is hilarious and so true. That would be so perfect for Wacky Wednesday.
    And, as always, I love your photos. The cloud looks like an owl riding on a me:)
    Another as always, I appreciate your interest in my books. FYI: Queen of Diamonds is part of the A Matter of Taste Anthology so if you've already got that, don't waste your dime.

    1. Thanks for the info - feel free to use Einstein for WW.

  28. oh, love your art pieces...they make me smile! fun quotes! wonderful photos of the birds...gorgeous one of the heron (?) on the rock...looks like the water is fast and high! Happy New Year!

  29. I'm glad to hear that you're up and about Valerie. Very fun projects and lovely photos, enjoy the rest of the week.

    Love and hugs

  30. Glad you are feeling better. Love the art and the wonderful photos. You are so talented.

  31. What a super numbers page, it's a great take on the TIOT challenge, Valerie! Your cappuccino page is fantastic. And love love your adorable AJJ collage, the images are so cute. A great job today! Hugs, Mar

  32. You are so prolific, Valerie, in the best possible way. Love everything you have done here and it's always great to see your photographs of the birds. We watched a heron for ages by the river and it stayed still for so long I was almost convinced that, this time, it must be a statue. It's good that so many birds are about, and a flock of tits is always exciting to see.

  33. Oh, you are cracking me up today! A coffee fight - you BET I'd be in the mix - I love my coffee :) AND I LOVE that quote too - so true and so funny. Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR! xoxo

  34. Your Einstein piece is wonderful, love the qoute !!
    And the two other are so fun and sweet.
    Beautiful nature photoes, too.
    Greetings, Dorthe

  35. I absolutely love the Einstein quote!! All the art pieces are a delight. Sorry I didn't make it around last week. Happy T-Day! :)

  36. We are just cold, brrrr, cold here. Fun take on the numbers of course with Einstein. Bickering birds and coffee, chuckle. Nice bird photos, that heron stands pretty majestic in the cold water. xox

  37. I love seeing your hybrd creations. Great! Love the Einstein page with the quote. And of course the birds fighting over the coffee. So funny.
    The photos of the birds are beautiful. Some tits, a heron and a ?sparrow.
    Thank you for visiting earlier,
    Happy T-day,

  38. What wonderful, playful art pages. I laughed out loud (literally) at that funny Einstein quote. I love the children having a snowball fight - delightful.

  39. Fabulous and fun artwork today, the quotes made me smile :) especially the Einstein one.
    Great birds photos as always, can I spot some Goldfinches in the trees too or are they something else?
    Gill xx

  40. I love all of your pages! I wrote myself a note...I may give TIOT a whirl as well. Glad you lighted it in your post.
    Happy T day...way late!

  41. absolutely LOVE that first quote! hahaa
    Almost spit my coffee on the screen! and then I saw the coffee scrounge! hahaa
    Great post to read today to brighten up our rainy dark day!
    hugs Valerie!

  42. Love Einstein's quote.What a great man he was!The letters between Freud and him are amazing!Have you read them?Well, needless to say I love your art/ post.You never fail to surprise me.Happy T day:)!


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