Monday 25 January 2016

Silhouettes and more.

Hi Everybody!

Today is half time over at TIOT for out silhouettes challenge, so hope to see lots of you joining in. I made a hybrid piece, using a painted and textured background, which I overlayed with and old document. The silhouettes are from Gecko Galz.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I made another hybrid composition, and once again Mr UM is making an appearance:

It is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big welcome to all of the T Gang, and of course to ALL of my lovely visitors. Today I found a beautiful mug at the thrift shop, new and still in its box, and going for 1€, so now it is in my kitchen.

Of course, it looks better filled with cappuccino:

And as you can see, Dalí seems to like it, too. (stencil from Stencilry)

Today the cormorant was sitting by the Rhine again, surrounded by ducks and the cheeky gulls while he was doing his morning yoga exercises.

Here you can see the gull at the right trying to drive away the duck that was swimming nearer:

And now the cormorant is looking over his shoulder to watch the cheeky gulls screeching at the ducks to make them retreat - I think they don't like competition!

We had blue skies and mild temperatures, so it was good to be out:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and I especially love that Silhouette one which is so striking.
    Love the pice too and the cormorant one made me smile.
    Have a good week.
    Fliss xx

  2. Wow, you have been busy, such a lot of beautiful pages and then the fun photos. My fave is the silhouettes one, too. Hugs, Sarah

  3. There is a gorgeous energy and sense of flow of movement to your first creation and for the second, you beautifully captured winter.
    What a great find and for so little money!

  4. Love those bright silhouettes. And the comerant spreading her wings to dry. xox

  5. Wow, all kinds of good stuff today. I love your pieces! Especially the polka dot snowflakes.
    And the bird interaction is fascinating.

  6. Lynne said it best....gorgeous energy.

  7. beautiful work for the challenges and it looks like it was a lovely day! Oh I love your mug and the price!

  8. Wonderful art today, Valerie. The hybrid entries were gorgeous. I thought the silhouette was marvelous, and of course, I loved Dali drinking from your new mug (which was a super buy, I might add).

    As always, I love seeing the boats on the river and the bend of the river always thrills me. Thanks for sharing it, your lovely art, and your brand new mug with us for T this Tuesday. May it see many more drinks (presumably coffee).

  9. bei deinem winterbild musste ich sofort an die amerikanische Ostküste denken (na ja, wir in Bayern schmunzeln ja da ein bisschen bei einem halben meter Schnee... aber ihre Oberleitungen sind offensichtlich das Problem)... sehr stimmungsvolle Collagen! happy t-day!!

  10. Fabelhafte Arbeiten Valerie und Dein neue Tasse ist ein Hit- jawohl!
    Was für ein imposanter Kormoran! Wow!
    Happy T-Day!

  11. Fabulous pages today, so love those those photos too and the coffee, oh how I want one of those. Now yu never seen a rocker card? Will post it to you... xx


  12. Liebe Valerie,
    winterwunderlandig - oder wie bei uns Vorfühlingsgefühle, die sich in Fotos ausdrücken...
    Absolut genial deine Arbeiten... sie faszinieren und begeistern.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  13. Two totally different and gorgeous pieces today Valerie :) What Happy cheerful colours number one has - love those silhouette's. Your wintery scene is so delightful and would be a lovely place to walk - love them both.
    Cool cup too!
    Gill xx

  14. Your posts is so full of nice things today Valerie. Gorgeous background on those silhouettes. Mr. Umbrella Man looks wonderful in that piece for AJJ. I LOVE the new mug-what a find, and those bird shots are fantastic again. You've been having some great birding lately. Hope its a great day so far-hugs!

  15. You gave us so much to look at in this post. I like all the artwork but the Umbrella Man speaks loudest to me this morning. I sure wish my very plain cup of coffee looked like yours this morning.

  16. Maybe Mr. Um can come visit me later today when we are supposed to get lots of rain--at least it may wash away some of the snow. I think the cormorant looking over his shoulder must be saying....Quiet, please! Fun photos!

  17. Love the movement and action on the silhouette page and of course Mr U looks fantastic on the hybrid AJJ page.
    Yvonne xx

  18. I loved seeing your silhouette pages. And the man in the umbrella is always my favorite. Birds do entertain us don't they? I love watching the ones out my window at the feeder... cardinals, bluejays, crows... just lovely. So glad to see you this T Tuesday! Hugs! deb

  19. Truly wonderful artwork Valerie. The winter page must have taken forever but it was well worth the time for sure.

    The photographs had Vic, Linda and me wowing. Thank you for sharing them.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  20. both your hybrid pieces are absolutely delightful! Such magical scenes! What a great buy for that mug. And I always enjoy the scenery by the Rhine too. Happy T day!

  21. Beautiful pieces today Valerie. That first one with the dancing fairy/ladies on that gorgeous rainbow background is a real stunner!! LOVE IT!! Great photos today. hugs :)

  22. Deine beiden Werke sind total klasse. Besonders gut gefallen mir die Silhouetten auf der ersten Seite, und dann die Farben... genau mein Ding.
    Den blauen Himmel hätte ich jetzt auch gerne, bei uns ist seit ein paar Tagen eher alles grau in grau.

  23. That cup IS wonderful and just perfect for you and your sunny outlook liebe Valerie!
    Lovely silhouette work and collage work too always!
    I have been so excited with our storm I have not been on the computer lots to catch up on.
    Happy T Day to you.

  24. OH WOW Valerie - you outdid yourself on the first creation - it's FABULOUS. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Wow - those colors are STUNNING. It just give me JOY to look at it. It's just so carefree and fun. j.

  25. love the photos especially the Dali one

  26. WOW! Valerie! Super great art this week.......I fell in love with the singing in the rain and walking in the snow piece.

    I would have snatched up that cup too!

    Your description of the birds had me chuckling....they can be so entertaining.

    Thanks for the earlier visit and the comment......Happy T-day

  27. WOW love love love your silhuoette pieces. so totally striking. Also your winter pieces are lovely too. Thanks as always for sharing such beautiful photo's.
    June x

  28. Your silhouette art is beautiful! I love the bright colors in the background and the sharp, black images against it.
    What a great find at the thrift store...I like the quote on the mug, too.

  29. Lovely photos of the birds and your weather looks very nice at the moment! Got to love that mug, what a wonderful bargain of a find that was! Happy T Tuesday to you! Annette

  30. Ohhhh good weather is fun! Your bird looks happy about it as well. Love your first design with the striking color contrast against the silouettes. Gorgeous! That cup sure looks amazing with the cappuccino in it! Yummy! Hugz. ~Niki

  31. Looked like a great day to be out. There is always something to see on or by your river, boats and birds.
    Your first piece here is just tremendous, that great background and the joyous dancers.
    I'm not sure that the second is not even more tremendous with the snow and the view and the whole magical composition, I love it - the pink paths, the white trees, the hand-writing - yes I think this is definitely one of your very best.

  32. I love your hybrid pages, especially the one with Mr Umbrella Man! What a great find your mug is! I love your photos and I really love seeing the cormorant! Hugs, Chrisx

  33. Both are lovely pieces!!
    There must be competition for the best spots on the shoreline to soak up some sun--LOL!
    I LOVE that cup!! Totally agree!!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  34. Hi Valerie, so nice to catch up with you after my time away. Missed your wonderful art work but just looks at your new designs. LOVE them and the quotes are perfect.
    Love the cup too. Always great walking pics. Have a great week. xo

  35. Gorgeous silhouette piece Valerie and I love how you've used Mr Umbrella Man. Love your mug and it's fab quote - and it does look better filled with coffee.
    Great pictures from you walk, looks such a lovely day.
    Avril xx

  36. I love those silhouettes. I like the little quote too.
    The mug is a great find. It looks yummy with a cappuccino in it.
    Your riverside photos are stunning as always.
    Thanks for visiting earlier,
    Have a good week,

  37. Very colorful and textured background for your silhouettes, Valerie, creating a striking composition. I also like your winter scene and it appears Mr. Umbrella man has some company. The border is exceptional. The birds seem very active enjoying a sunny day. Interesting photos of them today. A new coffee cup; how great is that and it seems larger which should make you happy.


  38. My favorite is the first colorful silhouette! beautiful...of course Dali is a classic, and always enjoy your scenic photos! happy T day!

  39. You have a wonderful series of shots!

  40. Oh that first piece just makes my heart soar. Thank you for sharing so much beauty with the world each and every day.

  41. I do love the art this week.Those silhouettes are fantastic! That mug is a great find and I must agree it is even better withe the cappuccino in it ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Great photos too!

  42. What a gorgeous page with those stunning silhouettes and love the colours you've chosen. The winter scene is really fabulous. Great works!
    Mar xx

  43. Wonderful hybrid entries, Valerie! Rhine is a magical place. Great photos again!Happy belated T Day, dear!

  44. I absolutely love the first silhouette piece Valerie! How delightful and carefree it is! hugs xo


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