Monday 11 January 2016

Laughter is the sun....

Hi Everybody!

Today I have an A3 Mixed media page for Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland. The central part was made digitally using a photo as background and a quote from Hugo. Once again I have used the lovely photos from Erika which fits so well to this theme. I mounted it onto an A3 page painted with gesso. - I went round the edges with TH Rock-candy crackle, but it did not crackle -  it'sdisappointing when expensive brands don't
 function as they should. I added some colour with distress ink and some frosty embellishments.

Today is Tuesday, so that means its time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here's a big hello to all the T Gang.

I sometimes drink a coffee at The Burghof restaurant next to the castle ruins, a lovely place to be:

And in case you are hungry, perhaps I can tempt you with a slice of apple pie, made with lots of butter, brown sugar and cinnamon:

And perhaps a cup of cappuccino to go with it?

I always have fun playing with my shadow when the sun shines:

The blue skies look good in the shop windows:

The gulls are always out in force just now:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. lovely wintry piece and quote today Valerie, your food shots look sooo good.

  2. Am I too late for pie? It looks delicious and with a cup of your special coffee, I would be in heaven!

    Love your page today and the quote in particular. At the moment the sun is out but snow is expected mid-week. The gulls have been holding a convention for more than a week and your photos of the event are wonderful along with another "reflective" photo and you and your shadow.

  3. Oh my a yummy treat for sure. Sorry your product was a dud, that is infuriating. Nice girl though and obviously inspired your baking. xox

  4. Another lovely page with a beautiful image and I love how you use photographs in your background, so perfect for this winter theme. You've made a yummy cake, I really like the apple pie, is one of my favourites!! And the cappuccino looks quite delicious. Love the gulls photos. Hugs, Mar

  5. Wow, that is a lot of seagulls! And I'll take a piece of pie. Looks yummy. I love your winter wonderland piece too. I like how you added those berries and the leaf on the outside. It looks awful cold in the art piece so I hope you are staying warm! Hugs!

  6. What a beautiful page, Valerie. I love all the quotes you use. The 3-D ornament at the bottom just adds that final fairy-like touch. I love the way the pitcher is sitting up on the roof when your picture of the buildings outside are reflecting the items inside!

  7. What a beautiful page, Valerie. I love all the quotes you use. The 3-D ornament at the bottom just adds that final fairy-like touch. I love the way the pitcher is sitting up on the roof when your picture of the buildings outside are reflecting the items inside!

  8. I've never seen so many "winter" quotes in my life. You must have found 100 of them, because you manage something new each day and many from famous people, too. This is a fantastic entry.

    The gulls made me laugh again today. I know it doesn't take much to make me smile, but they are so fun to see. I wish I lived close to an area where there were some so I could watch their antics.

    Now THAT'S a pie! Golly it looks good. You are a fantastic baker, I bet. And of course, I will gladly join you, either at your place or the restaurant for a cup of hot and frothy cappuccino. You wouldn't have to twist my arm, that's for sure.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your lovely photos, and your cappuccino and PIE with us for T this Tuesday.

  9. wow,eine wunderschöne seite und der kuchen sieht soo leecker aus,ich möchte bitte ein stück :-)
    tolle möwenbilder hast du gemacht.
    schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  10. Herrlich Deine Seite , herrlich Deine Fotos und herrlich, dass Du mir nach der Blutabnahme so ein tolles Frühstück offerierst!
    Hab einen schönen Tag Liebes!

  11. beautifully done page and fitting quote,Valerie. Your coffee place looks like a very peaceful place to sit and watch the world go by. apple pie and coffee ... yum. Looks delicious. Your photos are always fresh and interesting. Hoping you have a good day. hugs, Donna

  12. What a great page with a quote that I have never seen before and it so apt for right now.

    Love the coffee by the water and the terrific apple pie. Yummy!

    The long legs show the sun is shining as do the wonderful colours in the photographs. Our gulls have vacated the factory roofs and now wonder as this morning we have thick frost

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Wundervolle, geniale Fotos und Bilder... Der Apfelkuchen sieht unglaublich lecker aus, da kriege ich gleich Hunger ;-)...
    Herzliche Grüsse in deinen Tag, Sichtwiese

  14. das Mädel hast du sehr schön eingerahmt. die Apfelkuchenfotos lassen mich schmelzen und die aufgereihten möven haben für gehobene laune gesorgt:)
    schöne Woche!!

  15. That's a lovely old-fashioned picture, the girl looks so cosy. Is the piece round her neck to keep her hands warm, a hand-muff, did they not have gloves in those days?
    Your coffees, both by the castle and at home look delicious, as does your home-baking.

  16. They did have gloves, but rich little girls got fur muffs and collars to keep them warm!

    1. That's interesting, I wonder if rich girls had them because they didn't have to do anything with their hands? Doesn't seem likely.
      Can't imagine it catching on today, but who knows with fashion, it would be different.

  17. A fabulous page, gorgeous photos and yummy coffee and apple pie what more could One ask for.xx

  18. sweet wintry art-love that little girl image! Those coffees look SO good as does your apple pie, especially on such cold days as we are now having. My, what long legs you have:):) Love the sights about town too-esp. seeing the gulls by the water. Happy T day!

  19. Beautiful art today Valerie...I found it hard to concentrate on anything else after seeing that delicious pie!! I can almost smell the yumminess! hugs :)

  20. Gorgeous collage and photos, the pie and coffee looks yummy. I hope you are having a great day. It's snowing heavy here, winter has arrived. Cheers, Shirleyxx

  21. Love, Love that wintry art. And your view while enjoying a cuppa is fantastic.
    Don't even get me started on the pie. Nothing better than a warm slice of apple pie.
    Happy T day!

  22. gorgeous photos and I like your art and apple pie

  23. OMG, that pie is a work of art. Put the coffee on, I'll be right over!

  24. Thought of you Valerie when Mr M and I got out for a nice walk and took some shadow pics. We were very happy to see the sun as it had been hiding!
    Love your sweet little girl and her muff in that winter wonderland.
    Yummy Yum Yum on your treats. How special it would be to join you at the Burghof Cafe along the Rhine.
    Happy T Day oxo

    1. Oh yes, that would be something - and I would bake a HUGE apple pie to celebrate the occasion!

  25. Solch einen wärmenden Muff hatte ich als kleines Mädchen auch und du bestimmt ebenso. Die sind bestimmt aus der Mode gekommen, weil man die Hände damit nicht frei hatte...
    Was du da gebacken hast sieht so was von lecker aus, da läuft mir das Wasser im Mund zusammen! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  26. I hope you saved me a slice of that delicious pie--love the crust leaf decorations! I like you wintery piece and it annoys me when products don't work as advertised. Usually, I think it is me, but I KNOW it is not you :) Happy T Day!

  27. Oh my I'd love a piece of pie please. Looks so delicious. Your art work is incredible and the quote is a nice one to go with your creations. Lovely walking pics and always enjoy seeing your shadow. Enjoy the day!! xo

  28. I hope there's a small piece of that apple pie left and I'd love a cappuccino! Your art page is beautiful and I agree with you about products that don't work. It's very frustrating to spend the money for nothing.

  29. That sentiment is so perfect for your little girls face.... what a precious creation. And silly as it seems... I totally loved the leaves on your pie Valerie. I have never seen that done before. LOVE it. I wish someone would bring me a wonderful cup of coffee like yours!!! Mine never looks and most likely tastes as wonderful as yours do. Everything you touch is artsy fartsy dear girl! j.

  30. Fabulous sentiment to go with that sweet girl! The coffee and cake look totally yummy and beautiful photos too, - you're so lucky to get some blues skies!

  31. I think I may be a little late for a piece of the delicious apple pie and coffee. Its a wonderful quote you used and it was good to see your family photo again on this fabulous page.
    Yvonne xx

  32. wow...yummy treats and marvelous art work! your winter wonderland piece is lovely, and that pie looks amazing. Happy T day!

  33. Valerie! Just love your piece. and the quote.. sometimes i swear my crackler is broken then boom out of the blue it will work... go figure. Happy Tday! Save me a piece of pie! Hugs! deb

  34. Beautiful page and what a yummy looking pie. hugs, Teresa

  35. Yes please to the frothy coffee and a large slice of that pie would be very nice indeed! LOL Love the photos, your journal page is lovely and that quote very apt.

  36. That's an amazing altered page, such beauty and depth - the look of the crackled frost reaching out at the edges gives a wonderful frame to the image. I really love this one!
    Alison xx

  37. Oooh! Was I asleep yesterday? No, but I must have been distracted by a call from the hospital with a date for my surgery! I would not like to have missed this fabulous post Valerie. I love the little cutie on your fabulous page! Your pie looks delicious and coffee by the castle looks great. I love your cappuccino cup and saucer - have a love of blue and white china! The gulls, once again have brought a smile to my face!! Hugs, Chrisx

  38. I really like this Val, she has such an ethereal look to her and the apple pie is to die for! xx

  39. ooooohhh! Valerie! This page is just gorgeous!!!! I adore it!
    So sorry to hear about the crackle, that has happened to me with the same before. Question, were you liberal with it? Also, I have found, that with ALL of the crackles, to sort of glop it and do it randomly, not in one direction, sometimes even using a second coat with a heat gun. The only one I find consistent is KromoCrackle and that is Really expensive!

    1.'re killing me with the desserts!! yummy!!


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