Sunday 24 January 2016

Happy Mail and more

Hi Everybody!

The weekend is almost over as I write this, so I wish you all a good start in the new week.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have another hybrid page, combining photos and fantasy.  The quote is by Wordsworth; my Auntie used to read this poem to me when I was a child, and I found it very sad and scary that  poor Lucy Gray had to go out in bad weather, and never, ever came back! The girl here is from the Graphics Fairy.

I received some nice Happy Mail this week.

Chrissie sent this beautiful card, with a lovely, colourful cat to wish me all the best for my OP last Thursday:

And from Donna in Canada I received a parcel of goodies to keep me occupied when I go into hospital next month. This is a card made from one of her gorgeous sheep paintings:

And some occupational therapy, lots of pictures to colour when I am stuck in bed:

And Sudoku puzzles to keep my brain ticking, all packed into this fun, decorated envelope! Yes, my old knee will be going out, and a shiny, new one being put in:

And a cookery book with wonderful recipes to cook in my slow cooker when I get back home again .
Thanks so much ladies, it's good to know others are thinking of me.
Thanks too to those who mailed and sent me encouragement, which was much appreciated.

The Heron was really getting into a flap yesterday, he was busy fishing, and the gulls kept circling round him, probably trying to steal his dinner.

Here he swooped onto  a fish and swallowed it straightaway:

The gulls kept on mobbing him, and in the end he took off - followed by a cloud of gulls....

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful card Valerie. Love the striking colours too. Sorry to hear you are going into hospital, but your knee will be great once it settles in. Andrew was fine once the op was over and now there is hardly a scar. He has the other one to get done now, but it will be nearer the end of the year. Lovely gifts from your friends too and that will keep you busy. Happy to see my heron is still around as I missed him for a while. Best Wishes for the op. Hugs Rita xxxx

  2. I love your page Valerie! Great happy mail too! My op has been brought forward - just over a week to go now! Looks as though we will both be recovering for a while! Poor Mr Heron! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. I had to go read that sad poem, that's a beautiful piece Valerie. Thoughtful gifts you got from good friends. Lots of bird action today! No snow in Toronto it all went to the U.S.!

  4. Great heron photos. The one where he dives for the fish is really amazing Valerie. And I've never read that Wordsworth poem before but I must check it out. How sad she doesn't come home...but I love your page- and those snowflakes around the border are beautiful. Hope your week starts off well and how long until the surgery? Early or late in the month?

  5. Oh dear! Your knee will be much better when the OP is done and also when you are done with the PT. Such sweet friends to send you Happy Mail and know you are in their thoughts! I am definitely sending good vibes your way dearie! Your design is wonderful and that little girl is adorbs. She looks quite curious! Lovely snowflakes abound. I will have to go read the poem you speak of. Hugz and best wishes! ~Niki

  6. Beautiful card, Valerie. The deep blue background makes the little girl pop. The Heron was certainly having fun and you caught some great shots. Happy you like your little gifts. It is my great pleasure to know you, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  7. Wonderful journal page, love the quote, and the photos are fab. Try not to worry about the OP, it will be fine! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Oops, forgot something! Nice presents, too, people are so kind! Sarah

  8. OK, I must live in a dark closet, because I had NO idea you were having surgery, much less getting a new knee. Right before my friend Sally got her FIRST new knee, she could barely walk five feet without sitting. I have no idea how you walk every day. You must be in tremendous pain. Here's to having a good surgeon and a very speedy recovery. When my friend went in for her first knee surgery, she wrote in sharpie on her "good" knee: "not this knee." I think the surgeon got a kick out of it, because he said something funny to both of us when she was in recovery. I can tell you have some wonderful friends based on the wonderful gifts you have received.

    Loved the heron photos, and of course, I enjoyed the poem. That poor girl looks cold, though.

    1. It's important to keep moving, the less you use your leg before the OP, the longer it takes to rebuild the muscles etc afterwards.

    2. Forgive me from chiming in. I was caught up in the blizzard and missed alot including news of your surgery Valerie!
      I think all of your walking can only be a good thing.
      Mr M's brother had knee replacement recently and he has said more than once that he wished he'd done it sooner. Sending you all good wishes for a speedy recovery my friend oxoxo

  9. Liebe Valerie,
    so schöne Karten hast du wieder gemacht, absolut genial. Die Fotos faszinieren mich immer wieder, wie schön es bei dir ist und welche Vogelvielfalt sich dort tummelt.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  10. Adorable creation and lovely cards form everyone...good luck with your op and take care..x.xx

  11. Wonderful page today Valerie and great goodies from Donna. I just love Sudoko and always have a book nearby when the television is on.

    Amazing photographs of the beautiful heron especially the one with the wings open-amazing

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Wow, such a wonderfully composed hybrid piece, love that little girl image, perfect for the "scary" poem! Wonderful happy mail too and of course all the very best for Thursday!!

  13. Das Gedicht kenne ich nicht, werd ich nachlesen - erinnert mich ein wenig an das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzchen. Eine schöne Seite ist das und Deinen Reiher hast Du mal wieder fantastisch eingefangen- er war so beschäftigt, dass er Dich gar nicht grimmig anschauen
    So liebe Freunde hast Du Valerie! Und alle denken an Dich und genau deshalb wird bei Dir alles ganz schnell heilen...

  14. A beautiful page Valerie and photos, I hope the operation goes well and wish you a speedy recovery.
    Sending lots of hugs, xxx Hazel.

  15. Goodness me, I missed a couple days and what a lot I've missed going on Valerie.
    I sort out the poem about Lucy - and what a sad tale that was ( I wonder what happened at that bridge) - love your beautiful artwork.
    Sending love and best wishes for your forthcoming OP and a speedy recovery so you can enjoy your walks again.. Gill xx

  16. Knee stuff is never fun, but seems to be all the easier today for recovery than it ever was. Got to get back to all those steps every day right! Looks like you've got a good bit to keep you entertained while you recoup. Want to dive off into that blue sky in your collage. xox

  17. Love your snowflake piece, the dark colours are fabulous with the whites and blues. I don't do as many puzzles as I used to, but I sure love em when I do em. Wonderful pics today. hugs :)

  18. What a fabulous mail day. Your pieces are always so wonderful. Have fun with that coloring book my friend. wow! the Photos are so fabulous!

  19. Lovely page and oh so nice to be remembered with so much kindness.

  20. You have wonderful friends and now lots to keep you busy and cheerful after your surgery. My Dad had his knee replaced at 85 (he is almost 90 now) and is still going strong. With all you walk, I'm sure your tendons and muscles are in great shape-hope it is a breeze for you!

  21. Na, wenn du deinen Reiherfreund schon wieder einen Besuch abstatten kannst, dann musst du doch schon ganz gut wieder laufen können... Weiterhin beste Gesesungswünsche auch von mir. LG Ulrike

    1. Ja, die Knie OP kommt erst im nächsten Monat....

  22. A magical hybrid page Valerie, enjoy your happy post. The photos were great as well.
    Yvonne xx

  23. That poem is so sad -- now that is all I will think about. How come all of your friends knew of this surgery and I did not. That's what I get for zipping through I guess. Crock pot? You cook in a crock pot? Yum - I do like your stir fries.
    How you come up with so much inspiration I will never know. Such a sweet child to go out in the cold and snowy night.
    Sandy xx

  24. I'm working backwards today as catch up. Your Little Lucy Gray is adorable and fits perfectly in your design today. I love the blue with the snowflake border.

    Great photos of the heron today; how lucky for you to catch him in his dive for a fish. Terrific photos!

    And, terrific friends who sent you lovely gifts which are well deserved.

  25. Sweet Little Lucy Gray and poor little you going to sleep with worry.
    There is a children's prayer that says in part "if I should die before I wake"
    WHAT kind of thing is that to put in a child's head each night.
    Thunder and Lightening kind of religion LOL.
    Hope it's OK I chimed in on Elizabeth's comment above because I was so startled to read about your upcoming surgery.
    Medicine has made great advances and knee surgery is one of the areas they seem to have perfected.
    You are going to have so many people saying prayers for you all around the globe (nice healing prayers!!!)

  26. A beautiful hybrid Valerie, and so sad to hear the little one does not return, What is the name of the poem?
    Such wonderful mail to receive from such generous and thoughtful friends!! Keeping you both in thoughts and prayers for your journey to better health! xo


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