Sunday 17 January 2016

Snow and birds

Hi Everybody!
Hope you have all enjoyed the weekend.
Here it was cold and frosty, but we did have some sun today, so that was good.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have another hybrid collage. The background is a photo taken at the Rhine a few years back, when we had lots of snow and sunshine. I added a frosty frame, the face and the shadows of some people - the ones further back are real people, I like to mix!

This bird gets the prize this week for being the best and quickest eater on my balcony:

Her husband was the 2nd quickest:

The Rhine was not quite as high today, looks like the water is receding again.
The heron was scowling, as always:

The cormorant looked cold and fed up, too:

The wild geese were having a ball:

And the gulls were once again the noisiest ones:

Have a good start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another gorgeous creation. Interesting use of the real and not real people in the background and foreground. Awesome sauce design! Your birds look like they are having a good eat. Hehe! Hugz. ~Niki

  2. Wonderful piece and photos! Love the bird!

  3. Another couple of stunning collages Valerie, lovely photos too like always. We had our first snow yesterday, but today it has pretty much gone again....

  4. It looks really pretty along the Rhine when you had snow. I like how you used that photo and the black figures in your art. Have a great start to your week! :)

  5. Another wonderful collage, I remember standing there and eating pea soup from a tiny place nearby. Love the mix of real and fantasy. Lovely photos of the birds too. Hugs, Sarah

  6. Nice hybrid work, the face almost looks like a guardian to that winter scene. xox

  7. I like the mix of real and unreal people and a wonderful quote! Glad the waters are receding somewhat.

  8. What a lovely winter landscape, Valerie! I love the mix of elements you used to create this collage. Fabulous photos as always! Happy Sunday! Hugs!

  9. Another fun hybrid! I love how you add your own photos- so clever Valerie!!
    Have a beautiful week!
    Hugs my friend,Jackie

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    deine Bilder vermitteln berührend diese eisige Winterzeit, wundervoll auch deine Fotos, die einfach total schön sind.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  11. Eine prachtvoll hybride Arbeit Valerie und wunderbare Fotos!
    Hab eine gute neue Woche !

  12. Fabulous. Lovely colour combination and well presented details. The photos today are beautiful..xx


  13. I just love your wintery scene Valerie. Lovely vintage feel to your photo and such a apt quote too.
    Fabulous bird photos - Mr & Mrs Blackbird look so at home and relaxed.
    I was quite please just now as I spotted a little Wren rooting about in some pots and hadn't seen it for a while.
    Another cold but slightly sunny day here.
    Wishing you a lovely day........... Gill xxx

  14. Fantastic collage again with the combination of painting and photographs. The photos of the birds are gorgeous. Have a great day, Shirleyxx

  15. Your scene is stunning .. very beautiful, Valerie. Such a lovely blended collage. The light it gorgeous and the quote very fitting. Love the birdie photos -- great close ups. Enjoyed our walk today. The heron is so majestic. hugs, Donna

  16. Valerie, another gorgeous winter page today, proof that you do indeed get snow. Your photos are marvelous of the birds. Your friend on the patio took center stage!

  17. So you have your feeders on your balcony. I bet you get a wonderful show on a daily basis. Love your journal pieces. They look so crisp and cool.
    Have a great one. Hugs,

  18. So winterlich wie in deiner tollen Collage ist es bei dir zur Zeit ja nicht...
    Jetzt, wo es richtig kalt geworden ist, kommen auch meine Balkonbesucher wieder zahlreich. LG Ulrike

  19. I like your altered photo. Very effective. Hope you are keeping cosy. x

  20. Very interesting collage--I really like the mixture of real and fantasy figures!

  21. Is that my favourite virtual walk? not sure - you've made it very painterly.
    Marvellous photos of birds, glad the blackies are getting enough to eat.

  22. Another great page Valerie! We have a light dusting of snow here today and bitter cold temps of 14°F. Burrrr!!!! I've been watching the birds at the feeders today too.

  23. Interessante Fotocollage liebe Valerie, und die Vogelbilder sind sooo schön, klasse Schnappschüsse.
    Hab eine schöne Woche.
    Sabine xox

  24. Hi Valerie, Love your winter collage and the mix of the real with your added details. So awesome. Your pics are incredible. Stay warm and cozy. xo

  25. It really IS a winter wonderland on the Rhine - so pretty and lots of folks are enjoying it - real and imagined! What a lovely collage.

    So glad the Mr. and Mrs. found your balcony. So fun!! Loved seeing your photos! j.

  26. A wonderful winter scene beside the Rhine, love the frosty framing.
    Yvonne xx

  27. As always I amazed at your art journal pages -- I do not have a clue how you do it!!!
    I also must admit, I am so envious at all the changes you get to see along the Rhine.
    sandy xx

  28. Lovely hybrid page, Valerie, and I'm loving all of those wonderful bird photos. The black birds are very striking with their bright orange beaks.

  29. I can't possibly imagine how I missed this post, but I really enjoyed everything about it. BTW, I see you changed your icon again.

    I like the hybrid page because of the mix of real and images of people.

    The birds on the river must have had a fun day, because there were tons of them in your photos.

  30. Love your hybrid collage Valerie! The background and the silhouettes are just stunning. Hugs!

  31. Love your hybrid collage Valerie! The background and the silhouettes are just stunning. Hugs!

  32. Your collage is, once again, fabulous Valerie! I do so love your bird photos too, especially the blackbirds! Hugs, Chrisx

  33. Your porch must be very protected for your blue Lobelia to still have pretty blooms :-)
    The birds are lucky to have you making their winter cozy.
    Very nice collage and the words are just perfect too.
    I have been working around dreams recently too.
    Stay warm oxo


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