Wednesday 13 January 2016

Famous People

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Moo Mania and More -
Famous people.

Can you guess who I chose?

As always, projects of all formats are accepted and you have 2 whole weeks to get your imagination going and to link up to us. I made a hybrid collage page to show my famous person, with lots of sights of London, my favourite town.

For Tag Tuesday, our theme was 'ornate' (YUCK!) so I used a lovely image from Gecko Galz, which was already shaped as an oval, pasted it onto some recycled card, and added pearls and gem-stones. Ornate but quick!

And here are the last of the blue sky photos, with more ships (especially for Elizabeth), and more gulls.

I am not the only one who likes to watch the ships!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh Valerie, I am simply THRILLED. Not only gulls and big ships, but the bend in the river, too. What glorious and beautiful photos you have given us today.

    Your Queen entry at Moo-Mania and More looks interesting. Wish I'd saved some of the images my friend Kathy gave me to make her Kings and Queens AB.

    Love these photos and I may make it to MM&M this time, too. Have a great Wednesday.

  2. Your London page is really fun! You picked a great famous person. And there sure are a lot of ships on the Rhine. How many do you think you see in a week? Hugs!

    1. I just looked up the statistics - about 600 freight ships DAILY!

  3. Lovely tribute to the Queen and a good job on the ornate piece! Blue skies, ahh!

  4. The Queen, a marvelous lady...fabulous page and awesome photos.xx{aNNie}

  5. Great choice, she is a grand old lady, and love the page you made. Hugs, Sarah

  6. Great creations and wonderful to see that blue sky, lucky you!

  7. Eine wundervolle Kreation für MMM Auch Deine Fotos sind mal wieder eine Wucht

  8. Terrific Queen page with wonderful bright colours and interesting additions

    The tag is gorgeous with the beautiful face and the colours yet again.

    The best thing of all the amazing photographs by the beautiful Rhine. I feel happier already just looking at them. We have a hint of blue sky and even a glimmer of sunshine-Yipee

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Liebe Valerie,
    wunderprächtig sind deine Bilder und Fotos wieder, hab lieben Dank fürs einstellen.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  10. Deine London Seite mit der Queen ist spitze... das ist gekonnt zusammengestellt und das Tag ist wunderschön gearbeitet !
    Ich mag dass die Fotos heute alle so sonnig sind... hier ist auch Sonne..aber es ist EISKALT!!! brrr.
    Schönen Tag Liebes!

  11. Wonderful London page Valerie, lots of interest and of course your most famous lady. Love the image you have used in the ornate frame, very regal.
    Thanks for sharing more lovely photos.
    Avril xx

  12. What a regal page celebrating our famous monarch! And though you may not have enjoyed being ornate, I love the medieval look of your oval portrait.

    The blue sky photos have made me so happy - like a breath of fresh air, thank you for sharing them.
    Alison xx

  13. Look at all those gulls! The oval is beautiful.

  14. So sorry, dass ich die letzten Monate nicht auf Blogrunde gewesen bin, bei dir habe ich mit Sicherheit vieles verpasst, du bist ja so eine fleißige Bloggerin. Die Farben deiner England Collage sind superschön, genau das richtige für den heutigen trüben Tag.
    Für 2016 wünsche ich dir noch alles Liebe und Gute. Gesundheit und jede Menge Kreativität.

  15. The collages are fun. I love your photos too, but brr! They're too cold for my blood. Now I need a mug of hot chocolate.

    1. Yes, it's cold here and hot drinks are necessary!

  16. Was für eine wunderbare Kollage! Harmonisch in Farbe und Komposition ... klasse!
    Schöne Fotos zeigt du auch wieder. Blauen Himmel ... den möchte ich hier auch mal wieder sehen!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  17. Wow, wie aufwändig deine Collage heute, aber total klasse. Es gibt richtig viel zu gucken! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  18. Always love seeing your creations about the Queen. Such a fascinating subject to me! Your "ornate" piece looks like a beautiful brooch Valerie - just LOVELY. These were both neat to see. You never fail to inspire me! j.

  19. I love your London page! I have been lucky enough to see the Queen several times - a very special person she is too! Ornate may not be a favourite of yours but I love it! Great 'blue sky' pics - the seagulls are enjoying the water too!! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. I came over from Sandra's blog since she used your mixed media piece which i thought was very original. Love this queen one and the ornate piece is beautiful! The pictures you took of the boats is wonderful with the blues of the water and sky

  21. My favorite town - London is .. Not exactly the way Frank Sanatra sang this song but you know what I mean. By the way - the queen on this looks more like Princess Margret - what do you think!
    The Rhine is so busy and I long one day to be able to sail (up?) down, lollygagging at castles and vineyards. Maybe stopping to have a sausage or two.
    Sandy xx

  22. A fabulous London Page Valerie, towns are not my favourite places, but London is an exception and special as its our Capital City. Loved your ornate piece and the photos.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Ah, The QUEEN. What a wonderful tribute to the lady Queen surrounded with your favorite spots of London. I have never been to London and can only imagine from the photos and stories I hear from others. Some of the ships that you photograph appear to sit so low in the water. It must be their heavy cargo. It is fun to view them, especially some of the names.
    Thanks for sharing, Valerie.

  24. Hi Valerie, Wow both great creations. Beautiful details with the queen and I love the London theme. The ornate yuck is gorgeous. Wonderful photos today too. Enjoy seeing the ships. Have a great day! xo

  25. Bright and fun page, Valerie, and your tag is gorgeous.

  26. Of course I am in love with your 'famous people' page .. you know how I love Britain, London, and all it has to offer. I adore ornate .. and you made a lovely piece. I would wear sparklies all the time if I could. Great photos ... I often think how lovely it is to live beside the water. hugs, Donna

  27. I love what you have done with your Queen piece Val, lots of happy faces at the top of the bus. I'd have said yuk too for ornate, but your lady is beautiful. I love your river pictures, but they don't half fill the boats full! xx

  28. What wonderful themes today on your art. I love the London piece and of course, any tribute to the Queen is just amazing. Great pics, I suppose the river never freezes? hugs :)

  29. How fun is the queen and her court!! I love the peoples on the bus!! And your ornate tag is quite lovely!!


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